Iran News in Brief – January 3, 2023

Mahabad, northwest Iran Locals gathered to mark the 40th day of Shomal Khadiripour’s murder by the regime’s security forces – Iran’s Rebellious Youths Torched Qasem Soleimani’s Placards



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 110

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Tuesday, January 3, 2022 – 8 PM GMT+1

January 3, the 110th day of the nationwide uprising, marks the third anniversary of the elimination of Qassem Soleimani, the notorious head of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force. Yesterday, it was reported that Britain will officially declare the IRGC, as a terrorist group following several alleged plots to kidnap or murder UK citizens.

Today, Tuesday, protesters and courageous locals across Iran expressed their hatred of Soleimani, and the regime in its entirety, by using Molotov cocktails and homemade explosives, and set to fire Soleimani’s posters, banners, placards, and billboards. The regime’s sites, along with statues and billboards symbolizing the mullahs’ dictatorship, are among other frequent targets. And people are specifically focusing on images and anything symbolizing regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his entire apparatus of suppressive forces.

Some of the cities and locations were: Navvab Expressway in the capital Tehran,  Isfahan, central Iran Maragheh university northwest Iran, Mashhad, northeast Iran, Komleh in Bushehr province, southern Iran, and Sistan and Baluchistan province, southwest Iran.

In Gilan Province, northern Iran, contract workers of the state communications company were on strike today demanding answers to their long-raised dilemmas.

 In Javanrud, western Iran, regime security forces raided people’s homes in the middle of the night and arrested many people. Locals say several dozen vehicles and hundreds of heavily armed units have been patrolling their streets.

Reacting to the latest suppressive measure, the NCRI President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, said: Khamenei’s Intelligence Ministry and IRGC attacked people’s homes in Javanrud, arresting the city’s youths to prevent the continuation & spread of Iran protests. Such cruelties only add to the Iranian people’s fury and motivation to topple the regime.


Iran Sees Continued Protests, People Voicing Hatred of Qassem Soleimani

Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 109th day on Monday with protests continuing in different cities across the country. These protest measures include holding gatherings, rallies, strikes, and establishing roadblocks on roads to take control of their streets and prevent regime authorities from dispatching their security forces to quell their movement. Protesters and courageous locals have also been using Molotov cocktails and homemade explosives to target the regime’s sites, along with statues and billboards symbolizing the mullahs’ authoritarian dictatorship.  They’re specifically targeting regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his entire apparatus of oppressive forces.

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A Young Kurdish Woman, Sepideh Qalandari, Dies Under Torture

According to social media reports, Sepideh Qalandari, a young Kurdish woman from Mahabad, died under torture. Sepideh Qalandari was arrested in Tehran in November and finally died under torture. Her body was handed to her family on January 1, 2023, provided that her family keeps silent about this atrocity. Sepideh Qalandari was buried in Mahabad on Monday, January 2, 2023, and her funeral services will be held on Tuesday in Mowlavi Mosque in Mahabad.

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Iran’s Rebellious Youths Torched Qasem Soleimani’s Placards and Statues – Day 109 of Revolution

What today is going on in Iran is the result of the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian girl, who died after being arrested by the morality police in mid-September. Her death ignited the fury and frustration that accumulated for months and even years as the result of the regime’s inhuman behavior, human rights violations, and corruption.

Farmers, steelworkers, and students specifically people from all walks of life and strata have paved this way. Lack of freedom, water, healthy air, payment, etc. is some of the reasons people are taking to the street.

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Toronto: On the Eve of New Year 2023, Iranian Resistance Supporters Expressed Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Toronto, Canada—December 30, 2022: on the eve of New Year 2023, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally to commemorate the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution.

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Heidelberg: On the Eve of New Year 2023, Iranian Resistance Supporters Expressed Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Heidelberg, Germany—December 30, 2022: on the eve of New Year 2023, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally to commemorate the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution.

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