Iran News in Brief – January 28, 2023

iran uprising youth streets 1



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 135

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, January 28, 2023 – 8 PM GMT  + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 135th day today, as people in the city of Chabahar in Sistan & Baluchistan Province in southeast Iran gathered to hold a rally protesting severe gas shortages due to the regime’s corruption and incompetence.

Tens of millions of people across the country are suffering as their homes and stores lack adequate gas for heating and cooking purposes. It is worth noting that Iran has the world’s second-largest natural gas reserves.

In Jiroft, Kerman Province, in south-central Iran, a large number of people gathered in an effort to purchase cooking gas which has led to widespread anger with a regime that is increasingly unable to provide services to the general population.

In Tehran, a young protester wrote graffiti, which read, “Velayat (mullahs’ regime) in Iran will be buried.” And a young woman wrote: “There’s no turning back!

On Friday evening, locals in Tehran’s various districts, including Sadeghiyeh and Tehranpars, began chanting anti-regime slogans specifically targeting Khamenei and the mullahs’ entire apparatus. The slogans included:

Death to Khamenei!”

“Death to the dictator!”

“Death to the IRGC!”

“Death to Basiji!” and “Death to the child-killing regime.”

“We will not have a country as long as the mullahs are in power!”

Also, last night, in Tehran’s Bagheri district, locals chanted, “This is the year of blood, Seyed Ali will be overthrown.” And in Abazar district, chants of “Mullahs must get lost” echoed throughout the evening.

Speaking online with several members of the European Parliament, NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, commended them on the adoption of the European Parliament resolution that called for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization and said, “The IRGC is the principal agent of repression. Iranian protesters see its terrorist designation as a measure of standing by the people of Iran. Therefore, they strongly support the resolution adopted by the European Parliament.”


Arab-Islamic Conference in Brussels

An Arab-Islamic conference was held in Brussels on Friday, January 27, 2023, in solidarity with the Iranian people’s resistance and uprising, the democratic alternative, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan. The conference featured prominent personalities from Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, and Mauritania. Several leaders from the coalition of the Syrian opposition revolutionary forces, including Mr. Nazir Hakim, Mr. Bashar Alhakim (deputy chair of the National Coalition), Mr. Haytham Maleh, Mr. Anwar Malek, former rapporteur of the Arab League, and Mr. Ahmad Kamel attended the conference.

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Iran’s Baloch People Resume Anti-regime Protests Despite Heavy Security Measures

The Baloch people of Zahedan and other cities of Sistan & Baluchestan Province are continuing their anti-regime protests by taking to the streets yet again on Friday. Locals are chanting slogans targeting the very top echelons of the mullahs’ regime, being their Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his entire crackdown apparatus, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the paramilitary Basij.

Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to at least 282 cities. Over 750 people have been killed and more than 30,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The names of 637 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK.

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Maryam Derisi Sentenced to 22 Months in Jail and 74 Lashes

The Revision Court of Fars Province sentenced Maryam Derisi to 22 months and 17 days in jail and 74 lashes. Maryam Derisi, from Kazerun, is a master’s student of English language and literature at Saveh University. Security forces arrested Maryam Derisi on October 15, 2022, in Shiraz. She stayed eight days in solitary confinement in the detention center of the Department of Intelligence of Shiraz. She was subsequently transferred to Adelabad Prison or the Central Prison of Shiraz. She was released on bail on November 2, 2022.

On January 26, 2023, the Revision Court of Fars Province sentenced her to 15 months and one day for “insulting the leader,” and to 7 months and 16 days for “propaganda against the state,” which amounts to a total of 22 months and 17 days of imprisonment.

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Disabled People, Victims of Iran Regime’s Corrupt Economy

At present, the Iranian regime’s media outlets have been reporting that the economic and living conditions of disabled people in Iran are worsening. With no disparity between those people living in big cities and those who live in villages, all are being equally affected.

A few years ago, many families caring for disabled relatives complained about their difficulties to buy fish and were forced to remove it from their food baskets. The situation is so dire that they cannot even afford red meat, chicken, rice, or fruit. More so than healthy people, it is often vital for people with disabilities to have access to and consume suitable and nutritious food as part of their treatment for their conditions.

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Davos, Switzerland—January 26, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Davos, Switzerland—January 26, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), held a photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed solidarity with the nationwide uprising, which has entered its fifth month despite the regime’s brutal crackdown.

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Bern, Switzerland—January 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Bern, Switzerland—January 25, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), held a photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed solidarity with the nationwide uprising, which has entered its fifth month despite the regime’s brutal crackdown.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 27, 2023

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