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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – January 27, 2023

Iran News in Brief – January 27, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 134

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Friday, January 27, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

  • Days: 134
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 637 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 134th day today, as people in Zahedan, Rask, Khash, and Galikesh in Golestan Province in northeast Iran took to the streets in anti-regime protests.

Demonstrators in Zahedan held a large placard with a slogan rejecting any return to Shah’s dictatorship or a rule by monarchy. The demonstrators in Zahedan, at times surrounded by the regime’s security forces, chanted anti-regime slogans, including:

“Death to Khamenei!”

“So many years of crimes! Death to the mullahs’ regime!”

“Khamenei is a murderer!”

“Death to Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!”

“Death to the Basij! Death to the IRGC!”

“Khamenei, have some shame! Let go of the country!”

“Poverty-Corruption-High prices! We’re going to overthrow the regime!”

In the city of Izeh, with a major Bakhtiari population, situated in Khuzestan Province, southwest Iran, people gathered on Friday to commemorate Saeed Saeedi, a protester killed by the regime’s security forces in recent protests. Authorities deployed numerous security units to prevent any possible anti-regime rallies at the gathering, but protestors turned out in significant numbers anyway.

At least three civilians were arrested by the regime’s plainclothes agents, according to local activists.

In Bukan, northwest Iran, authorities dispatched security units to prevent locals from holding a ceremony for Mohammad Haji-Rasoupour, a protester killed under torture by the regime but again failed to prevent the protests.

On Thursday, in Qom, central Iran, an explosion targeted the residence of regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini in the city.

In Isfahan, central Iran, locals attacked a branch of Bank Sepah, associated with the IRGC.

Iranian opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi sent a message to the Arab-Islamic Conference in Brussels, “Solidarity with the Iranian people’s democratic revolution,” emphasizing that overthrowing the mullahs’ regime is a prerequisite to liberating Iran and the Middle East from the scourge of religious extremism, terrorism, and warmongering.

“The people of Iran have refuted both the past and present regimes thousands of times by their chants of ‘Down with the oppressor, be it the shah or the mullahs’ supreme leader!’ and similar slogans. As such, the Iranian people have rejected all forms of dictatorship,” she stressed.


Mahsa Amini Street? City To Consider Tribute Outside Vacant Iranian Embassy

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When Bay ward Coun. Theresa Kavanagh saw the photos and read the stories of people who had died in Iranian custody on display in an exhibit at city hall in November, she knew she had to do something.

The exhibit, hosted by the group Women, Life, Freedom Ottawa-Gatineau, was inspired by the September death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in Tehran, but told the stories of decades of death and repression by the Iranian regime.

“I was absolutely sickened, it was so difficult to look at,” Kavanagh said. “It was hard to listen to and absorb because it was just so horrifying. I just couldn’t look the other way.”

This week, Ottawa city council will vote on a motion to rename a portion of Metcalfe Street in front of the vacant Iranian Embassy in honour of Amini, the Iranian-Kurdish woman who died while in police custody on Sept. 16.

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Household Gas Prices in Iran Increased 150 Times

iran household gas price

Wary of social unrest, the regime’s members of parliament warned that the price of household gas has increased up to 150 times and will cause for more socio-economic problems.

MP Yousef Davoudi slammed the gas company and said that in western cities of the country where temperatures reach minus 30 degrees Celsius, the National Gas Company has increased the price of household gas from 41 tomans to 6 thousand tomans.

According to the semi-official ISNA news agency, Yousef Davoudi said: “Despite the severe inflation and high prices of goods and food, now that the country is facing an unprecedented cold, the National Gas Company of Iran has increased the price of gas, and now many low-income people cannot afford to pay the gas bill.”

Morteza Hosseini, another MP also said: “The bills issued to customers have suddenly increased from 200-300 thousand tomans to 2-6 million tomans.”

Although Iran is the second country with the greatest gas resources in the world, ordinary people are struggling to provide gas for cooking and heating.


Risch, Menendez, Blackburn, Coons, Lankford Lead 28 Senate Colleagues in Reintroducing Bipartisan Resolution in Support of Anti-Regime Protests in Iran


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), ranking member and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), and James Lankford (R-Okla.) today were joined by 28 Senate colleagues in reintroducing a bipartisan resolution reaffirming the United States’ support for the Iranian citizens who have taken to the streets in peaceful protest and condemning Iranian security forces for human rights abuses.

“In the wake of the death of Mahsa Amini, the Iranian people have bravely protested the regime’s brutality and demonstrated their desire for a more peaceful and free Iran,” said Ranking Member Risch. “In addition to addressing Iran’s dangerous collusions with Russia, the Biden Administration should step up efforts on helping to end the regime’s systematic persecution of women and holding human rights violators in Iran to account.”

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Senate Reintroduces Iran Resolution in Support of ‘Brave’ Protesters

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The United States Senate reintroduced a bipartisan resolution in support of anti-regime protests in Iran just a day after the House of Representatives passed a concurrent resolution.

Bob Menendez (D-NJ), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was among the group of senators reintroducing the resolution on Thursday, saying in a release that he is proud to be joined by his colleagues in “commending the bravery of these Iranian protesters who have stood their ground against the Iranian regime for more than 130 days and counting.”

The protests, which have garnered international attention and solidarity, followed the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who died in police custody in September. The Iranian government is accused of brutally beating Amini, who was arrested for allegedly violating the regime’s conservative dress code.

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France Urges Release Of 7 Nationals Imprisoned In Iran

PARIS (AP) – France on Thursday called for the “immediate release” of seven French nationals detained in Iran, denouncing an “unjustifiable and unacceptable” situation.

The French “hostages” in Iran include 35-year-old Louis Arnaud, foreign ministry spokesperson Anne-Claire Legendre said.

Arnaud was arrested on September 28 as he was traveling in Iran “for touristic reasons,” Legendre said. He is being detained in “very difficult conditions” in Tehran’s Evin prison, where France’s ambassador to Iran met with him on Dec. 11, she said.

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Iranian Protesters See Terrorist Designation of the IRGC as a Measure of Standing by the People of Iran

Mrs. rajavi and MEPs2023

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: Honorable representatives of European nations, Ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to see you and have the opportunity to talk to you. First, I sincerely appreciate your support for the Iranian people’s uprising. The uprising in Iran is a major development that has upset the stability of the mullahs’ religious tyranny. It has mobilized a vast social force in a struggle that guarantees the regime’s overthrow. This development will change the future of Iran and the Middle East.

I want to use this opportunity to talk about three issues:
First, why can’t the current EU policy be continued?
Second, what is the missing link in European politics?
And third, what is the prospect of the uprising and the regime’s efforts to defeat it?

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Live Report: Iran’s Protest Rallies Resume with Growing International Support


Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 133rd day on Thursday as people from all walks of life in cities checkered across the country are taking to the streets in various protests. They are voicing their demands as the regime continues to deprive them of their basic human rights and state corruption is nosediving Iran’s economy.

The international community is showing a growing trend of support for the Iranian people, especially in the European Parliament and the U.S. Congress. Lawmakers are passing resolutions condemning the mullahs’ human rights violations and calling for action in support of the Iranian people.

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Mansour Dahmardeh, a Protester With Disabilities Sentenced to Death

HRM Mansour Dahmardeh min

Mansour Dahmardeh, 22, a Baluch citizen with physical disabilities from Zahedan was arrested on October 3, 2022. Intelligence forces affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards-IRGC took him away at a traffic police’s checkpoint in Zahedan. He worked as a driver’s helper on the Zahedan-Bandar Abbas travel-bus line. Iran’s Judiciary sentenced him to death in a hasty process without an attorney. Mansour Dahmardeh was born in 2000 and is single. He has a disability in his right hand and right leg.

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Plano, Texas—January 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Plano, Texas—January 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution.

Plano, Texas—January 24, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution.

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Zurich, Switzerland—January 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Zurich—January 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution.

Zurich, Switzerland—January 24, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 26, 2023