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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – January 26, 2023

Iran News in Brief – January 26, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 133

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Thursday, January 26, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

  • Days: 133
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 637 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 133rd day on Thursday as people from all walks of life in cities took to the streets in various protests.

In Tehran, school employees, staff, and janitors from across the country gathered to protest their low paychecks and poor living conditions. The destructive status of Iran’s economy is making it extremely difficult for people in various parts of the society to put food on the table for their families and many are resorting to drastic measures to make ends meet.

In Karaj, west of Tehran, workers, and employees of Farmand Chocolate Company staged a strike demanding better pay in the face of their poor living conditions.

In Kashmar in Razavi Khorasan Province, northeast Iran, protesters torched a poster of former IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani.

In the city of Mahshahr in Khuzestan Province, southwest Iran, workers of the local Razi petrochemical site went on strike, protesting their poor living conditions and wages, among other issues. The protesting workers marched while chanting: “Workers would rather die than live in shame!”

In the city of Dargaz in North Khorasan Province, northeast Iran, taxi drivers went on strike, protesting the closure of local CNG stations.

In the city of Izeh, western Iran, regime authorities dispatched numerous security units to block a road leading to the site where locals planned a ceremony for Mahmoud Ahmadi, killed by the mullahs’ security forces in the recent protests. Those able to attend the ceremony, held up Ahmadi’s pictures and chanted anti-regime slogans, including: “Death to Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!”

In Zahedan, the capital of Sistan & Baluchistan Province in southeast Iran, regime authorities have been flying military helicopters over the city to instill a climate of fear among locals prior to tomorrow’s demonstrations. There have also been additional checkpoints installed in various parts of the city.

Family members of death row inmates rallied on Wednesday evening outside Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran, protesting and demanding information about their loved ones. Reports indicate three inmates have recently been transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for their executions.


UK Cyber Experts Warn of Targeted Phishing Attacks From Actors Based in Russia and Iran

uk cyber unit

The UK has today (Thursday) warned of the threat from targeted spear-phishing campaigns against organisations and individuals carried out by cyber actors based in Russia and Iran.

In an advisory published today, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a part of GCHQ – shared details about the techniques and tactics used by the attackers as well as mitigation advice to combat the continuing threat.

Spear-phishing involves an attacker sending malicious links, for example via email, to specific targets in order to try to induce them to share sensitive information.

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We Have Lost Battle on Internet, Former IRGC Chief Admits

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Speaking at a state-staged ceremony for war veterans on January 24, Yahya Rahim-Safavi, former IRGC Chief and a senior advisor to the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said: “Today, the enemy has come to our homes. Today, the enemy is fighting with the brains and hearts, and thoughts of our youth. The internet is a double-edged sword; it can either be used for a good cause or a bad one. A cognitive war means a change in our minds, in beliefs, change in values.”

“Let’s admit that we lost in the war of cyberspace. Cyberspace is in their hands, they got the upper hand, and all these devices of ours could not cope with their media,” Rahim-Safavi admitted. “This situation makes our young people who have no jobs and don’t have a wife, rather vulnerable. Well, as you all know, these young people who sometimes engaged in riots, if you gave them a job, if you gave them a wife, do you think they would come to the streets? Just do this and they’ll be settled down.”


Congresswoman Tenney’s Bipartisan Resolution Expressing Support for Iranian Protestors Passes House of Representatives

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Washington, DC – Congresswoman Claudia Tenney’s (NY-24) resolution commending the bravery, courage, and resolve of the women and men of Iran who are demonstrating in more than 133 cities against the Iranian regime’s human rights abuses today passed the House by a vote of 420-1.

On September 16, 2022, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was detained by the morality police for violating the country’s strict dress codes. She later died in custody. Her death sparked mass protests across the country, sparking a heavy-handed regime response. Hundreds of protestors have been killed by regime security forces. Thousands more have been detained on trumped-up charges, and many of those in custody, especially women, have been subjected to cruel and inhumane torture.

Tenney’s resolution, which she introduced alongside Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10), was cosponsored by more than 60 members of Congress. In addition to expressing support for the courageous Iranian protestors demonstrating for their freedoms, the resolution also condemns the brutal beating and death of Mahsa Amini as well as the violent suppression by the Iranian regime of women and men participating in the current demonstrations.

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Click here to watch the full remarks of Tenney’s floor speech.

The Inclusion of IRGC in the Backlist List Is the Urgent Demand of the Iranian People

brussels morning mohadessin interview

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Iran for some time is on the media focus connected to the protests in the country that have continued for weeks, catching the attention of the international community.

Brussels Morning talked to Mohammad Mohaddessin who is the Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran to address the many questions Iran observers may have as they try to explain the cause of the recent upheaval in Iran.

Brussels Morning (B.M)What is your sentiment on the EP’s recent resolution to backlist the IRGC?

Mohammad Mohaddessin (M.M). I appreciate the efforts of the European Parliament’s representatives to include the IRGC on the terrorists’ list. As the NCRI’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi has said, the inclusion of the IRGC in the terrorist list is the urgent demand of the Iranian people, a necessary condition for peace in the region and a must for the battle against terrorism, which should have been done years ago.

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Protests Continue in Iran as Night Rallies Regain Strength

Iran Protests January 25 2023

Different sectors of Iran’s society are continuing to take to the streets to voice their demands as the country’s economic status remains in a nosedive crisis. Many people can’t make ends meet and are voicing their dissent specifically at regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the paramilitary Basij, and plainclothes agents and their spies working among the locals of various cities and towns.

The Iranian capital Tehran is also witnessing people in different areas chanting anti-regime slogans at night a sign that popular protests remain a major concern for the ruling dictatorship.

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After 5 Months of Protests, It’s Time for EU To End Relations With Iran’s Regime

Iran protests Jan 18

In Iran, the arrests and trials of ‘dissident’ demonstrators are not decreasing. The Iranian regime’s plan to quell the unrest cannot and will not stifle the protests. Resorting to executions, which are taking place in the early hours of the morning, just after the call to morning prayers, the regime is desperate to regain control over the country. 

Four protesters have been executed since early December, with the most recent taking place last weekend – all of whom were young men who the regime had accused of injuring or killing members of the Basij forces. Human rights organizations have spoken of sham trials, far from the basic principles of the rule of law, which these men and many other protesters have been subjected to. 

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Detention of Tahereh Bejervani Extended Another Month

Tahereh Bejervani and her slain husband Ali Fotouhi22

The detention of Tahereh Bejervani has been extended for another month because she resisted interrogations and refused to make forced confessions.

Tahereh Bejervani is the widow of Ali Fotouhi, who was directly shot and killed by security forces during the November 2019 uprising.

Tahereh Bejervani was among the families of the victims killed during the November 2019 uprising who seek justice for their loved ones. She was arrested on December 21, 2022, at her workplace in Shahrak-e Qods, a suburb of Tehran.

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Zeynab Molaei Rad, the Mother of Kian Pirfalak, Suspended From Her Job

Zeynab Molaei Rad and her son Kian Pirfalak min

Zeynab Molaei Rad has been banned from teaching until further notice. Zeynab Molaei Rad is the mother of Kian Pirfalak, who died at the age of 9 after security forces opened fire on their car during the protests in Izeh.

On Saturday, January 21, 2023, Zeynab Molaei Rad was summoned to the Intelligence Police station in Izeh city and informed that she could not go to work until further notice. Zeynab Molaei Rad is an official employee of the Education Ministry and taught at Fatemieh Conservatory in Izeh.

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Shoaib Mir Baluchzehi Full of Passion for Life, Don’t Execute Him

HRM Shoaib Mir Baluchzehi min

Shoaib Mir Baluchzehi Rigi is an 18-year-old Baluch citizen from Zahedan. He was arrested during the nationwide protests, on October 5, 2022, and since the Iranian Judiciary sentenced him to Moharebeh (War on God) he is at risk of execution.

Shoaib Mir Baluchzehi Rigi, son of Sharif, was born on February 7, 2004, and is a third-year high school student. He left his home on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, to purchase medicine. He was ill and had gone to the pharmacy to have his doctor’s prescription provided. The pharmacy is located on Madani Street near the Makki Mosque of Zahedan. Intelligence forces who were situated in the area arrested him outside the pharmacy. He was taken to an undisclosed location in a private car.

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Stockholm—January 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Front of the Swedish Court, Seeking Justice for the 1988 Massacre Victims

Stockholm—January 25, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Front of the Swedish Court.

Stockholm, Sweden—January 25, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a rally on the seventh day of the appeal trial of the executioner Hamid Noury in front of the court. They are seeking justice for more than 30,000 martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

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London—January 21, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, and Commemorating the Day January 20

London—January 21, 2023: MEK Supporters Rallied in Support of the Iran Revolution.

London—January 21, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

They also commemorated January 20, 1979. On this day, the people of Iran released the last group of political prisoners from the prisons of Shah’s dictatorship. At the head of these political prisoners was the Iranian opposition leader Mr. Massoud Rajavi.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 25, 2023