Iran News in Brief – January 18, 2024

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Colombian Authorities Apprehend Suspect in Shooting of Vox Party Co-Founder


The Colombian police have announced the apprehension of a Venezuelan individual suspected of playing a role in the reported attempted assassination in Madrid last year targeting a co-founder of Spain’s Vox party.

The person in custody, Greg Oliver Higuera Marcano, had been sought in connection with the shooting incident involving Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a former leader of Catalonia’s primary rightwing political party, who later co-founded Vox and served as a former vice-president of the European Parliament. Vidal-Quadras, aged 78, miraculously survived a gunshot to the head in November of the previous year.

As per statements from Colombian law enforcement, the Venezuelan suspect is alleged to have been involved in the logistics of the attack on Vidal-Quadras, according to findings from Spanish investigations.

Iraqi Foreign Minister: Iran Is Exporting Domestic Crises Abroad

In a statement made on Thursday, January 18, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein acknowledged engaging in discussions with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, regarding the Iranian regime’s attacks on Iraq and Pakistan.

In an interview with Al-Arabiya, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hussein stated that the regime is grappling with internal problems and is attempting to export its crises beyond its borders through such attacks. Hussein emphasized that Tehran has not provided a list of individuals under security pursuit to Iraq or requested assistance in this regard.

Earlier, in an interview with the regional newspaper “Al-Sharq Al-Awsat,” the Iraqi Foreign Minister had condemned Iran’s attack on the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. He characterized these heightened tensions as part of “Iran’s efforts to export its internal problems.”

“Iran Cannot Strike Israel,” Iraqi FM Says at Davos

Hours before Iraq filed a complaint against Iran to the Security Council, the Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein condemned, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Iran’s attack on Irbil, considering the escalation “an attempt by Iran to export its internal problems.”

Hussein, who was speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, said that “his country has taken political and diplomatic measures to respond to the Iranian bombardment that killed 4 civilians in Irbil on Monday evening,” denying Tehran’s claims about the presence of the Israeli Mossad in Iraq.

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Suspected Jordan Strikes on Southern Syria Kill 10 – Monitors, Local Media

BEIRUT, Jan 18 (Reuters) – Suspected Jordanian air strikes on southern Syria killed 10 people including children early on Thursday, according to local Syrian media and monitors tracking the conflict.

There was no immediate comment from Jordanian authorities.

Jordan’s army has stepped up a campaign against drug dealers in recent weeks after clashes last month with dozens of people suspected of links to pro-Iranian militias carrying large hauls of narcotics over its border with Syria, along with weapons and explosives.

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Arab League Condemns Iran’s Missile Strikes on Iraq

CAIRO: The Arab League and Arab Parliament have condemned Iran’s missile strikes on the city of Irbil in northern Iraq, which led to the deaths of several civilians. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, head of the Arab League, said the attacks were a flagrant violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. He offered his condolences to the families of the victims and wished for a speedy recovery for the injured.

His spokesman, Jamal Rushdi, described the attack by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as reprehensible and a “condemnable violation of the principles of sovereignty and good neighborliness.”

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Alarming Uptick in Executions, Violent Punishments, and Suppression in Iran

Parallel to its warmongering in the region, Iran’s regime continues to ratchet up human rights abuses in its prisons, especially against political prisoners.

The regime finished 2023 with at least 864 executions, up 34% in comparison to the previous year. The victims included 26 women and eight juvenile offenders who were under 18 at the time of committing the crime. Seven executions were carried out in a shocking public manner. The brutal killing spree reached a climax with 30 executions carried out in the final five days of the year. Executions have seen an alarming uptick since the outbreak of war in Gaza, which the regime has used as a smoke screen for its human rights abuses.

And the beginning of the new year has shown no respite in this trend of barbaric behavior. In the first week of 2024, Iranian authorities executed at least 16 prisoners, and they carried out six executions on January 14 alone.

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Iran’s Regime Faces A Crisis of Legitimacy Amid Economic, Social, and Environmental Challenges

Iran’s regime grapples with an insurmountable crisis, spanning economic, social, environmental, and foreign relations domains. Economically, corruption and the regime’s expenses on malign activities have stunted growth, exacerbating unemployment and inflation.

Socially, discontent simmers among a youthful population yearning for regime change. Environmental challenges, including water scarcity and pollution, compound the nation’s woes, impacting public health and exacerbating social unrest.

The regime’s foreign relations are strained, marked by regional conflicts and international isolation, with nuclear tensions adding a layer of complexity. The regime’s response to internal dissent has been met with criticism, further alienating it from the international community. As Iran faces multifaceted challenges, the path to recovery requires a holistic approach that addresses economic instability, social grievances, environmental concerns, and diplomatic estrangement.

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Pakistan to Bar Entry to Iran’s Ambassador Following Missile Attack

The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday, January 17, that it has summoned Iran’s representative in Islamabad following a missile attack by Iran on Pakistani territory, which resulted in the death of two children. The ministry stated that the Iranian ambassador has been summoned for the “unjustified violation” of Pakistan’s airspace. The ministry stated that the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty is completely unacceptable and may have serious consequences.

According to the latest reports, the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its first statement, announced on the same day that Pakistan has summoned its ambassador from Iran and is preventing the return of the Tehran ambassador to Islamabad.

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Iran’s Pharmacies Nearing Bankruptcy Due to New Government Regulation

Kalantari emphasized that the uncontrolled increase in the number of pharmacies by 30% in one year has put pressure on the economy of older pharmacies. This has led to some older pharmacies reaching the verge of bankruptcy, while others have attracted investors or changed their profession.

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Iran: Spike in Death Caused by Suicide with “Rice Pills”

Salim Khani, the director general of forensic medicine in Kermanshah province, announced an increase in the number of deaths caused by the consumption of “rice pills” based on statistics from the past nine months.

According to Salim Khani, at least 49 individuals lost their lives by using these pills in the past nine months, indicating an increasing trend compared to the same period last year when the number was 46. He told the regime’s Mehr news agency that this year, 14 women and 35 men have lost their lives “so far” due to the consumption of these pills.

According to the director general of forensic medicine in Kermanshah province, “aluminum phosphide” is a group of pest control agents used to eliminate pests in warehouses and homes due to its high effectiveness and low cost. However, an increase in its usage has led to an increase in incidents resulting in long, painful, and avoidable poisoning and death.

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A Prisoner Sentenced to Amputation of His Fingers Took His Own Life in Urmia Prison

In the early morning of Wednesday, January 17, 2024, Amir Shahbazi, 37 years old, committed suicide in a solitary cell in Urmia Central Prison by consuming pills. Unfortunately, due to delays in taking him to hospital, he lost his life.

Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) was told by a knowledgeable source that Amir Shahbazi had been transferred to solitary confinement in Urmia Central Prison on the orders of prison officials after discovering that he had a mobile phone. The prisoner had warned yesterday that he would commit suicide if transferred to solitary confinement.

At 2 a.m. on Wednesday, January 17, the guards became aware of his suicide attempt, but they failed to immediately transfer him to the hospital. Unfortunately, he lost his life shortly afterward.

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Zurich—January 15, 2024: MEK Supporters Organized an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Zurich, Switzerland — January 15, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a photo exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. This exhibition served as a tribute to the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian uprising. They also condemned the wave of brutal executions in Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 17, 2023

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