Iran News in Brief – February 22, 2021

On Sunday morning, February 21, 2021, retirees and pensioners living on social security rallied for the third week in a row in Tehran and 19 other cities to protest their meager wages, given the hyperinflation and rising prices that have made life unbearable for them. In addition to Tehran, these protests took place in Tabriz, Arak, Isfahan, Rasht, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, Yazd, Khorramabad, Ilam, Qazvin, Karaj, Bojnurd, Neyshabur, Shushtar, Dezful, Shush, Sari, and Ardabil.
On Sunday morning, February 21, 2021, retirees and pensioners living on social security rallied for the third week in a row in Tehran and 19 other cities to protest their meager wages, given the hyperinflation and rising prices that have made life unbearable for them. In addition to Tehran, these protests took place in Tabriz, Arak, Isfahan, Rasht, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, Yazd, Khorramabad, Ilam, Qazvin, Karaj, Bojnurd, Neyshabur, Shushtar, Dezful, Shush, Sari, and Ardabil.



Comment Central

Rules of Diplomacy Don’t Allow Us to Turn a Blind Eye to State Sponsored Terrorism

Following the conviction of Iranian diplomat Assodallah Assadi on charges of terrorism, Steve McCabe MP asks whether the international community can rely on counterterrorism operations when Iran doesn’t take them seriously.

The United Kingdom restored full diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2015, less than four years after the closure of its embassy in Tehran, following an attempted occupation by supporters of the Iranian regime. It was a questionable decision but indicative of the focus on the Iran nuclear deal which was still taking shape at the time.

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UN Human Rights urges Iran to undertake a full and transparent investigation into the death in custody of Behnam Mahjoubi

Press Release: British MPs urge the UK to downgrade diplomatic relations with Iran until Tehran ends its state terrorism

The British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF) issued the following press release today, 22 February, with regards to a letter it sent to Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, raising the case of Assadolah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat sentenced to 20 years in prison in Belgium on charges of terrorism and terrorist murder and urging the UK to downgrade diplomatic relations with Iran until Tehran ends its state terrorism.

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Iranians call on EU for a firm policy towards the Iranian regime

Today, February 22, 2021, despite the Covid restrictions, a group of freedom-loving Iranians demonstrated in front of the EU headquarters in Brussels to protest the EU appeasement policy and demand the reversal of Security Council resolutions to halt the Iranian regime’s nuclear program.


MEK: IRGC units opened fire on dozens of Baluch locals

February 22 – Iran/Pakistan border – IRGC units opened fire on dozens of Baluch locals who carry fuel over the border. Eight reportedly dead and dozens wounded. A village near an IRGC base has been attacked, forcing residents to flee.

A video of Behnam Mahjoubi’s burial in the city of Kerman, Iran

Iran HRM: A political prisoner held at the Greater Tehran Penitentiary began a hunger strike

Khaled Pirzad

Khaled Pirzadeh, a political prisoner held at the Greater Tehran Penitentiary began a hunger strike today to protest lack of medical care in Iran prisons and the authorities’ refusing his request for parole.


Coronavirus Disaster in Iran: The Number of Victims in 480 Cities Surpasses 219,200

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on February 21, 2021, that the Coronavirus fatalities in 480 cities have exceeded 219,200. The number of victims in Tehran is 52,291, Khorasan Razavi 14,595, Isfahan 14,125, Khuzestan 11,140, Mazandaran 9,242, Lorestan 9,033, Qom 8,229, West Azerbaijan 8,153, Gilan 7,826, Fars 6,577, Golestan 5,700, Alborz 5,533, Hamedan 5,168, Kermanshah 4,479, Central Province 4,393,Kurdistan 3,792, Semnan 3,380, Ardabil 2,732, Qazvin 2,464, and Ilam 2,261.

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Iran: Behnam Mahjoubi, an Imprisoned Dervish, Died After Months of Torture in Evin Prison

On Sunday, February 21, relatives of Behnam Mahjoubi confirmed the death of this imprisoned dervishes.

After months of torture in Evin Prison and a lack of necessary medical care, he was transferred from prison to Tehran’s Loghman Hospital. Since last week there have been conflicting reports about his death under government censorship and judicial denials by executioners.

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Maryam Rajavi: It is it imperative to send an international fact-finding mission to Iran to visit prisons

Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI said on Behnam Mahjoubi’s death: “What happened to Behnam Mahjoubi makes it imperative to send an international fact-finding mission to Iran to visit the prisons, political prisoners, and the detained protesters.”

Iran: Pensioners hold rallies in several cities

On Sunday, pensioners and welfare recipients held protest rallies in several cities to reiterate their demands from the regime. This is the second consecutive week that pensioners hold organized rallies despite the heavy atmosphere of repression and presence of security forces. In the past years, the pensioners have been regularly protesting low wages and the government’s refusal to adjust their pensions based on the devaluation of the rial and the rising inflation rate.

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MEK Resistance units install posters of Resistance leaders in Iran’s cities

Images and posters of the Iranian Resistance leaders have covered various cities. In recent days, the internal network of the Iranian opposition, the Resistance Units, continued its activities checkered across the country.

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Three decades of Iran’s terrorism in Turkey

Zahra Rajabi (left) and Ali Akbar Ghorbani (right), two MEK members assassinated by the Iranian regime in Turkey

On Tuesday, February 20, 1996, at 9:00 pm, the Iranian regime’s terrorists assassinated Zahra Rajabi, 38, the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Turkey and a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

According to evidence released by Turkish prosecutors, Reza Barzegar Masoumi, an Iranian regime intelligence agent who had disguised himself as a MEK supporter, led the assassins to the NCRI office at Fateh district in Istanbul.

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Poverty in Tehran’s District 4 – Video

Due to 42 years of the Iranian regime’s corruption, mismanagement, and misplaced priorities, Iranians are now forced to buy bread and other basic goods in installments. Watch the heartbreaking video of interviews with bakers and store owners in Tehran’s District 4.

Two men killed by security forces in NW Iran

Two men in Sardasht northwestern Iran were shot and killed by security forces yesterday. The two men were dodging bullets, when they fell off the cliff and drowned in a river.

According to Kurdpa, a Kurdistan news website, the two men were identified as Abubakr Mohammadi, 36-years-old, and Eskandar Mohammad, 35-years-old.

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Iran news in brief, February 22, 2021

Read moreIran News in Brief – February 21, 2021

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