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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – February 14, 2023

Iran News in Brief – February 14, 2023

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Strikes by workers and employees in Iran on February 13, 2023



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 152

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, February 14, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

  • Days: 152
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 647 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

Iran’s nationwide uprising entered its 152nd day today, as people in different Iranian cities took to the streets and engaged in a variety of activities, making it palpably clear that despite all the repressive measures, the regime has failed to extinguish the flames of resistance.

Members of MEK Resistance Units projected a large image of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi and opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi at 9:30 pm local time on Monday night in the capital’s Tehranpars district.

Despite the extremely cold winter conditions, on Monday night locals in the capital’s Narmak district began chanting anti-regime slogans, including: “Death to the dictator!”

In Tehran, defrauded investors of the Ramak Khodro auto company held a rally and began protesting to demand their stolen investments returned.

On Monday, a group of disabled Tehran residents staged a sit-in in front of the Planning and Budget Organization to protest the terrible living conditions and the regime’s refusal to provide them with any assistance.

In the city of Qom, parents of students in at least 12 all-girls schools are protesting their children falling ill one after another. There are allegations of intended food poisoning, and the parents are demanding answers.

Retirees and pensioners in the city of Qazvin in northwest Iran were rallying today, protesting low pensions, and poor insurance plans, and seeking adjustments based on skyrocketing prices and increasing inflation.

Contract workers involved with the city municipality in Tabriz, northwest Iran, are protesting recent plans by regime officials that will make it very difficult for them to make ends meet.


MP Warns Against Social Stress

Over 60 million people across of Iran’s 85 million population are living in poverty (1)

According to the regime’s Statistics Center report, food inflation in Dey 1401 (December 2022 – January 2023) compared to the same month last year has reached nearly 70% in urban areas and passed 70% in rural areas. Based on the report, food inflation in Dey 1401 compared to Azar 1400 (November 2021 – December 2021) has increased by 4.1%.

On February 7, Ehsan Arkani, a member of the regime’s parliament, warned about the social consequences of inflation and said: “A 70% food inflation has put tremendous pressure on people.”

Acknowledging the disastrous combination of inflation and the continuous devaluation of people’s money, Arkani added: “A 70% inflation means the value of the given 250,000 Toman subsidy is not more than 150,000 Toman now. A 50% inflation means the value of a 6 million Toman monthly salary for employees and workers has now dropped to 4 million. Any minister or official who can live with a 6 million monthly salary can claim to be competent in management.”


Iranian Terror Is a Clear and Present Danger to the UK


As it clings on to power with ever greater desperation, deploying unimaginable violence against its own citizens for daring to call for greater freedoms, the brutal regime in Tehran has just marked the 44th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have been the enforcers and exporters of this revolution since 1979, and in so doing have become the world’s pre-eminent terror organisation. There is no terror group in the world which can boast such a formidable reputation for destabilisation and thirst for bloodshed.

Possessing a multi-billion dollar business empire across the Iranian state, the IRGC’s resources are plentiful and it uses them to deadly effect. It is a principal protagonist in some of the world’s most bloody conflicts. Its terror franchises Hezbollah and Hamas are the de-facto rulers of Lebanon and Gaza respectively, inflicting immeasurable suffering.

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UK Presents Evidence Linking Iran in Houthi Weapon Supply

LONDON (AP) — Britain says it has for the first time presented evidence that Iran is supplying advanced weapons to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, after finding images of tests conducted at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran on the hard drive of an unmanned aircraft seized by the Royal Navy.

Personnel from the British ship HMS Montrose seized the unmanned quadcopter along with a shipment of missiles and missile parts in February last year when they stopped and searched a number of fast-moving skiffs in the Gulf of Oman. The weapons and other evidence were presented to the United Nations as linking Iran to violations of Security Council resolutions barring weapons shipments to the Houthis, Britain’s Ministry of Defense said Monday in London.

“This is the first time we have been able to present evidence to the U.N. that indicates a direct link between the Iranian state and the supply of these weapons,” a ministry official said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with departmental policy.

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UK Presents Evidence of Iranian Violations of Un Resolutions


Weapons seized by Royal Navy ship HMS Montrose have been presented to the UN as evidence, linking an Iranian state organisation – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – to the smuggling of weapon systems in violation of a UN Security Council Resolution. On two occasions in early 2022, HMS Montrose seized Iranian weapons from speedboats operated by smugglers in international waters south of Iran. The items included surface-to-air-missiles and engines for land attack cruise missiles, in contravention of UN Security Council Resolutions 2231 and 2140 (2015).

The weapons were presented to representatives of the United Nations who provide an assessment of the conflict in Yemen and Iranian nuclear activity. The interdictions were referred to in the Secretary General’s UNSCR 2231 report published in Dec 2022 and are expected to feature in the UNSCR 2140 annual report that will shortly be released.

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Australia Security Agency Foils Iranian Operation, Minister Says


An Iranian operation to surveil an Australian citizen was disrupted by security agencies, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said, in what she warned was part of a rising tide of foreign interference efforts.

Following a crackdown on nationwide protests in Iran in recent months, authorities in Tehran had attempted to monitor the home of an Iranian-Australian, including conducting research on their friends and family, O’Neil told the Australian National University in a speech Tuesday.

“We’re not going to stand back and have Australians or indeed visitors to our country, watched and tracked by foreign governments on our soil,” she said. Australia won’t tolerate “hostile acts in the form of surveillance, harassment or intimidation” against its citizens, she said.

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Iran is the Primary Destabilising Element in the Region: US Central Command

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The US Central Command remains focused on strengthening relations and partnerships in the region as it continues to see Iran as the biggest threat to regional security and stability, said General Michael “Erik” Kurilla, US CENTCOM Commander.

In an emailed interview with The Daily Tribune, General Kurilla said: “Tehran is now shipping deadly UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and advanced weaponry to Russia, supplying and supporting Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine.”

Iran is the primary destabilising element in the region, and I have been consistent on that point”, Gen. Kurilla added. He said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the formation of CENTCOM, noting that: “Iran was the primary concern for CENTCOM at its formation in 1983, and that remains the case today.

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Iran Uprising Enters Sixth Month With Growing Momentum

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 151st day on Monday and entering its sixth month as Iranians throughout the country and the Diaspora across the globe are expanding their movement against the mullahs’ regime. Protesters in Tehran and other cities across Iran are braving all odds to continue their protests with growing momentum, using every opportunity to write anti-regime slogans and burning pro-regime propaganda billboards, posters, and banners. These are the means used by the Iranian people to voice their hatred and yearning of overthrowing the mullahs’ dictatorship, including the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Threatened With Expulsion, a High School Girl Falls into a Coma

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In the midst of the clerical regime’s show of amnesty and release of some prisoners, painful cases of human rights violations continue in Iran, including a high school girl who fell into a coma after she was threatened with expulsion from school due to an Instagram post in support of the Iran protests. Also, many innocent citizens are still in prison, some are summoned to serve their sentences, and many more are arrested or sentenced to imprisonment in unfair and summary trials.

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1979 Anti-monarchist Revolution Is Honored by the Iranian Dissidents

Anti Monarchist Revolution

The 1979 anti-monarchic Iranian Revolution is a story of unfulfilled promises, missed opportunities, inept governments, and untold stories. The expectations of the millions of Iranians, who in 1979 voted for the Islamic Republic and for prosperity and freedom, remain drastically unfulfilled. Instead of democracy, Iranians ended up with another kind of dictatorship and autocracy. Instead of an accountable government, they ended up with another system of corruption and cronyism. Human rights and women’s and minority rights were all sacrificed in the name of religion and continued to have the same destiny as in shah’s regime.

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San Francisco—February 12, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

San Francisco—Feb 12, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Held a Photo Exhibition.

San Francisco—February 12, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition on the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 anti-monarchic revolution and honor the fallen heroes of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also honored the legacy of Iran’s 1979 anti-dictatorial revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 13, 2023