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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – February 12, 2023

Iran News in Brief – February 12, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 150

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Sunday, February 12, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

  • Days: 150
  • Protests: 282 cities
  • Fatalities: 750+ estimated deaths, 647 identified by MEK
  • Detentions: 30,000

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 150th day on Sunday as people across the country continued their anti-regime protests with different campaigns of torching propaganda billboards, posters, and banners while chanting slogans against the mullahs’ dictatorship during night rallies. demonstrators.

MEK-affiliated Resistance Units took to the streets in various of Iran on Saturday, marking Iran’s 1979 anti-monarchical revolution by marching in their city streets and chanting slogans against the mullahs’ regime.

This initiative was pursued by different MEK Resistance Units in various parts of Tehran and in the cities of Tabriz, Shahrud, Khorramshahr, Meshginshahr, and Shahriar. Their slogans included:

“Death to the oppressor! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]”
“No to a monarchy. No to [mullahs’ regime]. Democracy/equality!”
“Death to Khamenei. Hail to Rajavi.”
“This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown.”
“We are MEK members and we’re fighting against the [mullahs]!”
“No to the crown and turban. Mullahs’ time is up.”
“World must know Massoud [Rajavi] is our leader!”
“We swear on our compatriots’ blood that we’ll stand to the end.”
“Poverty-Corruption-High prices! We are going to overthrow the regime!”

In Sirjan, south-central Iran, workers of a local copper mine continued their strike, protesting paycheck delays and not being provided adequate insurance pensions.

Kerman, south-central Iran, retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization – Kerman Branch are protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions.

Last night, locals in Tehran’s different districts, including Shahran, Vahdat Street, and Tehranpars, and the city of Mashhad began chanting anti-regime slogans despite the extremely cold winter conditions. The slogans included:

“Death to the dictator!”
“Death to Khamenei, the murderer!”

“[Khamenei] is a disgrace!”


Opposition Groups Rally in France Demanding EU List Iran’s Guards as Terrorist Group

PARIS, Feb 12 (Reuters) – Thousands of opponents of Iran’s ruling authorities rallied for a second day in Paris on Sunday to pressure European Union states to list Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation in response to a crackdown in the country.

Tehran has been engaged in a violent crackdown on protesters since September, including carrying out executions, and it has also detained dozens of European nationals. The EU has become increasingly critical of its actions.

Sunday’s rally in Paris, organised by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and which followed a similar rally on Saturday by European-based Iranians, aimed to highlight the IRGC’s role in cracking down on protesters, but also its activities outside Iran.

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Conference at the Parliament of Norway, “Iran’s Democratic Revolution – An Uprising for Freedom and Democracy”

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The Friends of a Free Iran Committee (FOFI) held a conference at the Parliament of Norway, featuring the First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament and a number of MPs. Maryam Rajavi joined the conference online and addressed the audience. Mr. Geir Hilmar Haarde, former Prime Minister of Iceland, Mr. Kimmo Sasi, former Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications, and Mr. Edvard Sólnes, former Icelandic Minister of the Environment, also addressed the conference. Mr. Struan Stevenson also introduced his latest book on the Iranian people’s century-long struggle against two dictatorships.

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What Lessons the 1979 Revolution Holds for Iran’s Ongoing Protests?

iran 1979 revolution and 2023 protests

While Iran has seen an uninterrupted wave of nationwide protests in the past five months, there are many discussions about what the best path to freedom and democracy in Iran will be. And as Iran marks the 44th anniversary of the 1979 revolution, which saw the ouster of the Shah dictatorship, there are important lessons to be drawn for Iran’s upcoming revolution.

The remnants of the Shah dictatorship suggest that Iran needs to return to the pre-revolution rule of Pahlavi. To back their claims, they are making out-of-context comparisons between the Shah and Khomeini regimes. They are taking advantage of the many heinous crimes of the mullahs’ regime to paint a rosy picture of the Shah era, especially for the younger generation who have seen nothing but the religious fascism of the mullahs. They are trying to portray the 1979 revolution as a mistake, a conspiracy, and sedition.

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Iran’s Protests Gain Strength on the Eve of Sixth Month

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Iran’s nationwide uprising is marking its 149th day on Saturday as people across the country are continuing their anti-regime protests with nightly campaigns of chanting slogans against the mullahs’ dictatorship. Protesters in Tehran and different cities are shouting anti-regime slogans against the entire regime apparatus, from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), to the paramilitary Basij units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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11 Baha’I Citizens Sentenced to Over 36 Years in Prison in Iran

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11 Baha’i citizens in Alborz province, Iran, have been sentenced to 36 years in prison and various restrictions on their rights and activities by the Revolutionary Court of Karaj. The 11 Baha’i citizens include Afif Naimi, Mahsa Tirgar, Kamyar Habibi, Rameleh Tirgarnejad, Sabin Yazdani, Elham Sharqi Arani, Nakisa Sadeghi, Sadaf Sheikhzadeh, Shahrzad Mastouri, Negin Rezaeii, and Saman Ostovar, were accused of “insulting the Sharia of Islam and doing educational and propaganda activities against it, participating in the formation of groups, managing individuals to disrupt the country’s security by promoting Baha’ism among children and adolescents, educational and promotional activities contrary to the Sharia of Islam through education and promotion based on Baha’i teachings in kindergartens, propaganda against the Sharia of Islam through coaching education.”

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1979 Anti-monarchy Revolution: The Unbreakable Spirit of Iranian Women

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The 1979 Anti-Monarchy Revolution of February 11, 1979, was a defining moment in Iran’s history. It marked the end of decades of dictatorship under the Shah and the beginning of a new era of hope for freedom, democracy, and social justice. Women played a critical role in the revolution, influenced by the progressive ideals of the Mojahedin and Fedayeen movements.

Despite the brutal oppression of Shah’s secret police, SAVAK, these women fought tirelessly for a better future for themselves and their country. They endured torture, imprisonment, and even death in their pursuit of freedom. These brave women were symbols of resistance, inspiring generations to come.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 11, 2023