Iran News in Brief – December 7, 2022




Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 83

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 – 9 PM GMT+1

The 83rd day of the ongoing uprising in Iran started Wednesday with a tug of war between regime loyalists trying to control the city streets and university campuses by issuing warnings and threats, and determined youth, women, and the rest of the public supporting them rising to protest and show that they are dead serious about demanding the regime’s overthrow and the birth of a free Iran.

The regime apprehensively mobilized upwards of 37,000 IRGC, Basij as well as State Security Forces in the capital of Tehran, and established over 100 security checkpoints with tens of armored cars and many security forces at each checkpoint from early in the morning in a bid to thwart any protests.

Reports indicate protesters in Karaj, Javanrud, Kermanshah, Marivan, Mahabad, and many other cities and towns are on strike and closing their shops in solidarity with the continuing revolution against the regime. Students at various universities of Tehran, Ahvaz, Rasht, and others boycotted classes in solidarity with the national uprising. Iranian regime President Ebrahim Raisi visited Tehran University where he faced protests during his remarks while it was clear only hand-picked individuals were allowed into the auditorium.

Students at Amir Kabir University in Tehran marked Student Day by launching protests and chanting anti-regime slogans, including “Death to the dictator!”, despite heavy security measures.

Authorities went the extra mile to prevent students from expanding their protests into city streets where the public can join their ranks and pose serious security threats to the regime. Similar protests were reported in different universities in the country’s capital, including Khajeh Nasir Toosi University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran University, Ferdowsi University in the city of Mashhad in northeast Iran, and others.

Reports show attacks by the regime’s Basij units and campus security in various universities against students holding anti-regime rallies marking the country’s Student Day. This includes Mashhad’s Ferdowsi University, the capital’s Tehran and Amir Kabir universities, and others.

Students across the country have been chanting a variety of anti-regime slogans, including “Death to Khamenei!” “Death to the dictator!” “Students will never live in infamy” and “Neither monarchy nor theocracy, (yes to) democracy, equality.” They have also been seen chanting “With or without the hijab, we’re headed for a revolution!” in yet another sign from the Iranian people themselves that this movement goes far beyond women’s rights and seeks the overthrow of the regime in its entirety.

Locals in the city of Eslamshahr in Tehran Province torched a large digital billboard used to broadcast regime propaganda.

On Wednesday night, people in various parts of Tehran were seen taking to the streets chanting anti-regime slogans, including “Death to Khamenei!” and “Death to the dictator!”

Crowds of people were reported heading towards the capital’s famous Azadi (Freedom) Square to continue their rallies. Authorities desperately scrambled security forces to the area to prevent any type of anti-regime protest gatherings. Similar protests are reported in Najafabad in Isfahan Province, Yazd and Ardakan in Yazd Province, Yasuj, Arak, Qazvin, Kerman.

Iran’s Press TV To Be Pulled From EU Satellite

European satellite operator Eutelsat said Wednesday that it will request broadcasters to stop showing Iran’s English-language news channel Press TV following sanctions over its broadcasting of “forced confessions”.

Press TV announced the news via its Twitter feed earlier in the day and the France-based Eutelsat confirmed the news to AFP.

It follows fresh sanctions imposed last month by the European Union against 29 Iranian officials and Press TV, which has shown people giving “confessions” of their part in anti-government protests.

“Eutelsat has assessed the consequences of the adoption by the European Union on November 14, 2022, of additional sanctions against the perpetrators of serious human rights violations in Iran,” the French company told AFP.

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Students Don’t Want to Talk to Us, State-affiliated University Activist Says

Referring to the restive state of Iran’s academia, Hossein Mousavifard, a state-affiliated henchman who was introduced as a student activist on state TV said on December 5: “When you see an elite student come to the campus, insulting the country’s leader with the worst of words… throws stones, sets fire to something in the middle of the university… this does not belong to the university. Those who do these things are blocking the path toward dialog. They are bringing the country to a dead end. They don’t want to talk to us.”


Iran Begins Nationwide Campaign With Strikes, Boycotts in at Least 80 Cities

Protests across Iran are expanding into the 82nd day of the country’s nationwide uprising following a day of extensive strikes by store owners in at least 80 cities and students at dozens of universities boycotting their classes. People throughout the country are engaged in a three-day campaign of escalating anti-regime protests and Tuesday marks the second day with merchants and store owners continuing their strike. This new initiative is commemorating the nation’s Student Day on December 7.

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Semnan Student Fatemeh Gorji Sentenced to a Year in Jail, 74 Lashes

On Day 82 of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising, it was reported that Fatemeh Gorji, a chemical engineering student at Semnan University, had been sentenced to one year in prison and 74 lashes.

Fatemeh Gorji, 23 years old, is a master’s student in chemical engineering majoring in the environment at Semnan University. On her way to the dormitory on October 14, Semnan intelligence officers arrested her and put handcuffs and blindfolds on her. She was detained in solitary confinement, blindfolded for some time.

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Nationwide Strikes and Protests in Over 100 Points – Day 82 of Revolution

On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, the nationwide strike continued across Iran for the second day. According to reports tallied by activists, strikes and boycotts resumed in nearly 100 points, including more than 20 bazaars and colleges in Tehran.

This is while the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI)—Domestic headquarters declared the regime had mobilized more than 23,000 Revolutionary Guards and Basij forces to break the strike and dismantle potential anti-regime rallies and marches.

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Oslo, Norway—December 3, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held a Rally and Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Oslo, Norway—December 3, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Rallies in Support of the Iran Revolution in Hamburg, Stockholm, and Aarhus—December 2, 2022

December 2, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies in solidarity with the nationwide Iranian Revolution in Hamburg—Germany, Stockholm—Sweden, and Aarhus—Denmark.

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San Francisco—December 3, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally and Photo Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

San Francisco—December 3, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition in memory of the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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