Iran News in Brief – December 5, 2022

Since the uprising that started on September 16, every funeral and mourning ceremony has turned into a popular protest



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 81

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, December 5, 2022 – 7 PM GMT+1

Underground calls across Iran for three days of national protest targeting the regime of Ali Khamenei have developed into a massive and expansive strike that swept across scores of cities with commercial centers and bazaars in more than 40 areas of Tehran alone being affected.

Protesters have called for December 5th to be a national day of strikes, December 6th to be a national day of neighborhood protests, and December 7th, coinciding with Student’s Day, being a day of national protests converging on major streets and city centers.

Today, a number of families of those arrested during the uprising gathered in front of Evin Prison to inquire and learn about the fate of their loved ones.

The call has mobilized thousands of activists across the country through social media as underground youth associations in more than 30 cities banded together to spearhead the call to businesses to close.

The antigovernment protests are being carried out under severe repression while leaders and Resistance Units cannot be expected to openly announce their identity. All independent groups and political parties have been banned and outlawed by the illegitimate regime long ago. The grassroots Resistance Units and youth are now actively organizing and making the calls for protests to represent a popular opposition under the skin of Iran’s cities.

The mobility, dexterity, distribution, and high-tech methods of protesters in various neighborhoods to reach a wide audience, inform Iranians and the world while protesting, and evade capture by suppression forces has now turned into a huge security problem for the regime’s exasperated authorities who cannot seem to find an effective way to quell the uprising.

Today hundreds of video reports surfaced from an estimated 80 cities of massive commercial strikes, some of which have been posted on the PMOI Twitter account.

Meanwhile, nighttime protests have already begun with an energetic crowd cursing the supreme leader of the regime and calling for his downfall in many areas of Tehran, including in the Ekbatan district, Towhid Metro Station, Shariati district, Shariati Metro Station, Sadeghiyeh Metro Station, Niayesh highway, Sattarkhan district, Haft Howz district. Protests have also begun in Isfahan, Amol, Karaj, Arak, Mashhad, Hamedan, Zanjan, Shiraz, and Ilam.


NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi saluted the Bazaar merchants across Iran who went on strike and joined university students and other social strata to support the protests. The revolution in Iran will be victorious, she stressed.


American Dignitaries: The MEK Doesn’t Need U.S. Approval To Continue Its Heroic Freedom Struggle

Protests have continued across Iran for more than two months and Iranians are calling for regime change. However, instead of siding with the Iranian people, Robert Malley, the United States Special Envoy for Iran, chose to slander Iran’s principal opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). In response, 23 renowned American politicians issued a statement condemning Malley’s statement, describing it as desperate attempts to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). They also accused Malley of parroting “the same falsehoods made by the religious dictatorship that rules Iran” and rejected this action “taken while tens of thousands of Iranian women and men are fighting and dying for freedom from tyranny, is a flagrant betrayal of both the Iranian people and a foundational principle which our country has long honored.”

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Iran Protests Continue as People Prepare for Massive Three-day Campaign

The uprising across Iran is marking its 80th day and locals throughout the country are readying for a three-day campaign of intense anti-regime protests starting Monday to mark the nation’s Student Day on December 7. The increase in anti-regime protests is scheduled to begin on December 5 and aims to deliver yet another blow to the entirety of the mullahs’ regime.

Protests in Iran have to this day expanded to at least 280 cities. Over 700 people have been killed and more than 30,000 are arrested by the regime’s forces, according to sources of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The names of 565 killed protesters have been published by the PMOI/MEK.

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A Female Member of Resistance Units Tells of Her Daily Struggle for Freedom

I have worked for years as a tailor in Iran and have become quite good at using needles and sewing machines to sew, mend, and alter posh women’s clothes.

But since September 16, my life has totally changed, and I have become used to other tools and other skill sets. Nowadays backpacks are indispensable, and I mastered the use of things like tear gas neutralization devices, which I carry when I take part in protests.

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Iran Gets Ready for “Student Day” Protests – Day 80 of Revolution

On Sunday, December 4, 2022, citizens in various cities continued anti-regime protests, activities, and strikes. The revolution resumed in many cities despite the regime’s propaganda about “ending unrest.”

On the other hand, as the regime continues suppression, arbitrary arrests, and gunning down people, it meets fierce responses from protesters. In this context, two regime MPs from Gorgan Qolamreza Montazeri and Ramadan-Ali Sangdavini admitted that their offices were attacked with Molotov cocktails.

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London—December 3, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Protests

London—December 3, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) continued their rally in Trafalgar Square, in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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