Iran News in Brief – December 31, 2022

Funerals that are held for the martyrs who gave their lives for the freedom of Iran have turned into a location for people to congregate and cry out slogans against the regime



Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 107

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, December 31, 2022 – 8 PM GMT+1

Day 107 of the nationwide uprising in Iran is coinciding with New Year’s Eve. We wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year.

In continuation of the rallies on Saturday, protesters took to the streets in support of merchants and storeowners who have been on strike in different periods of the ongoing Iran revolution campaign against the mullahs’ regime.

In Tehran, locals who are on strike protested against the regime in the city’s famous Bazaar area and chanted: “Death to the dictator! “and “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown! “Security forces dispatched a large number of heavily armed personnel and anti-riot units and started shooting at everyone to quell the protests.

Also in Tehran, A large poster of the eliminated IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani was torched by locals.

In Semirom, central Iran, people rallied outside the local governor’s office and anti-riot units attacked their gathering.

In Arak, central Iran, Employees of the local refinery are on strike and continuing the nationwide protests against the regime.

In Mashhad, northeast Iran, Amir Mosaddegh, 20, died of severe baton blows from the regime’s security forces, according to social media reports. Reports indicate he was attacked on December 28 and died later as a result of his severe injuries.

In Mehran, western Iran, employees of the Azar oil company held a gathering and went on strike today, seeking answers to their long-raised demands.

On Saturday morning locals in the city of Javanrud in Kermanshah Province, western Iran, began gathering for a scheduled ceremony in memory of protesters killed by the mullahs’ regime 40 days ago. Many security units were dispatched to the city’s cemetery to prevent any sign of protests.

Crowds were seen chanting: “Martyrs don’t die!” and “Death to Khamenei!” in a direct reference to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The security forces began opening fire on the locals and used tear gas to disperse the crowd. At least eight individuals in Javanrud were injured. Meanwhile, locals took control of a branch of Bank Sepah (associated with the IRGC) and targeted a police trailer, tipped it over, and set it ablaze.

In Rudsar, and  Anzali northern Iran, protesters set ablaze a large poster of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and targeted a site of the regime’s IRGC paramilitary Basij units.


Protests Erupt in Major Cities of Baluchistan

On Friday, December 30, the 106th day of the uprising, widespread protests erupted in various cities of Sistan and Baluchistan province including Zahedan, Rask and Khash. People went on the streets after Friday prayers and chanted slogans against Khamenei, the IRGC and the Basij paramilitary force.

In Zahedan, Thousands of people of chanted slogans such as “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator,” “IRGC commits crimes with Khamenei’s supports,” “This year is the year of sacrifice, Seyyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” “I will kill whoever killed my brother,” “Shame on Khamenei, let go of the country.”

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Iran’s Baluch Continue the Country’s Anti-regime Protests

The Baluchis in different cities of Sistan & Baluchestan Province in southeast Iran took to the streets in a continuation of the country’s anti-regime protests against the mullahs’ rule. Friday marks the 106th day of the nationwide uprising, following a day of ceremonies held in different cities across the country for protesters killed by the mullahs’ security forces. These ceremonies have all been scenes of anti-regime rallies with slogans specifically targeting regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

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Mahsa Pairavi Condemned to Ten Years, Mina Alikhani to 74 Lashes

Iran’s ruling clerical regime continues to issue sentences of imprisonment and flogging for the detained protestors during unfair trials. Mahsa Pairavi, one of the detainees of the nationwide protests in Tehran, was sentenced to 10 years in prison on the charge of “encouraging corruption and prostitution.”

Mahsa Pairavi was arrested on October 17, 2022, in Tehran’s Mirdamad Blvd. because she had removed her headscarf and twirled it in the air. Mahsa Pairavi was released later after posting a bail of 2.5 billion Tomans.

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Iran’s Baluch Kept the Flames of the Revolution Alive – Day 106

Even while the Iranian people are facing widespread arrests, and brutal violence by the regime’s security forces, the Basij and the Revolutionary Guard, they have decided to continue the protests. These protests are continuing because the people are fed up with the regime and the living conditions in the country and their passion for living in a free country. Brewing for many years and decades, they are rooted in the corruption of a regime that has nothing left for the people. All the regime’s officials are enjoying impunity. Instead, they are imposing injustice and a kind of lifestyle on the people rooted in the regime’s medieval ideology, culture, and nature, which has been completely rejected by almost all the people.

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Milad Armoun, Victim of Injustice and Possible Execution by Iran

Milad Armoun, a 24-year-old citizen of Tehran’s Ekbatan area, has been arrested since November 3, 2022, for taking part in nationwide protests. Milad has been sentenced to death by Iran’s judiciary. One friend who knows him well said, Milad is just about the gentlest person you find in Ekbatan. He works in a garment boutique here and his father owns a bakery in Ekbatan. Milad’s father is well respected in the town. Milad loves to be with animals and adores nature. He has taken up sports rather professionally for a long time.

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Gothenburg—December 27, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Gathered in Support of the Iran Revolution and Honored the Martyrs

Gothenburg, Sweden—December 27, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) gathered in a church to commemorate the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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Vancouver—December 27, 2022: Iranian Resistance Supporters Gathered in Support of the Iran Revolution and Honored the Martyrs

Vancouver, Canada—December 27, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) gathered to commemorate the martyrs of the nationwide Iranian Revolution. They also expressed their solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising.

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