Iran News in Brief – December 30, 2020

Iranian nurses protest. Despite nurses being on the frontline of the combat against the coronavirus, they are one of the biggest victims of Khamenei’s refusal to part with even the smallest amount of his ill-gotten wealth



Amnesty International

Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee is hours away from execution


U.S. Department of State: Iran: A Dangerous Regime

Workers of the Rural Water & Sewer Organization gathered today


Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 475 Cities Exceeds 193,900

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 475 cities had exceeded 193,900. The number of victims in Tehran is 47,641, Khorasan Razavi 13,230, Isfahan 11,795, Khuzestan 9,855, Lorestan 7,838, East Azerbaijan 7,472, Mazandaran 7,342, Gilan 6,881, Kerman 4,209, Kermanshah 4,069, Central Province 4,028, Yazd 3,427, North Khorasan 2,988, Ardabil 2,377, and South Khorasan 1,811.

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Continued detention of civil activists in Ward 209 of Evin Prison

Continued detention of civil activists in Ward 209 of Evin Prison

Civil activists Nazanin Mohammad Nejad, Bahareh Soleimani, and Somayyeh Kargar continue to be detained in Ward 209 of Evin Prison. They have been arbitrarily arrested and are presently detained in limbo.

Nazanin Mohammad Nejad is a student of the Russian language in Tehran’s Allameh Tabatabaii University and one of the former student activists of Tehran University. 21 days after her arrest, she is still being detained in limbo. Forces of the IRGC Intelligence raided her home on December 8 and arrested this student activist. Her family has no information about her health condition.

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Update on the conditions of Mehran Qarebaqi and Majid Khademi

Mehran Qarebaqi and Majid Khademi

Political prisoners Mehran Qarebaqi and Majid Khademi have been incarcerated in the Prison of Behbahan since a year ago. Agents of the IRGC Intelligence arrested them on January 18, 2020. They were under interrogation for one month, and subsequently transferred to the Prison of Behbahan.

The public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Behbahan arraigned them with charges of “propaganda against the state,” “complicity in destruction and setting fire to public property,” “participation in disturbing public order,” “participation in making civilian incendiary material” and “membership in an opposition group (The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – PMOI/MEK) and corruption on Earth.”

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A death-row prisoner in Iran, has been taken to solitary confinement

Terrorist groups praise Soleimani’s extravagance in dishing out dollars

Qassem Soleimani with Hezbollah’s Nasrollah

January 3 marks the first-year anniversary of the death of the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corp’s (IRGC) Quds Force. To praise Qasem Soleimani and underline his image as a “hero” to Iran’s proxy groups, terrorist organizations in Lebanon and Palestine are letting their followers know just how much he will be missed.

On December 27, a senior member of Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group told the Iranian regime’s Arab TV that Soleimani had given him and his companions $22 million in cash.

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Iranians Continue Protests; Five Rallies on December 29

In the lead-up to 2021, the Iranian people continued their struggle for their inherent rights. In this context, they held at least five rallies and strikes in different cities in the span of 24 hours.

In their protests, Iranians from different walks of life expressed their complaints against the regime’s irresponsible policies in diverting rivers’ paths, causing sabotage in the literacy movement, expanding unemployment, and failing to pay people’s salaries.

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Khamenei Sheds Crocodile Tears for Nurses without Taking Action

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei controls one of the biggest financial empires in the world – an estimated $200 billion – but refuses to use any of that to help the people. This has been true for decades but rang especially cruel during the coronavirus crisis.

One of the biggest victims of Khamenei’s refusal to part with even the smallest amount of his ill-gotten gains is Iranian nurses, who he cried crocodile tears for in an impromptu television interview on Sunday, calling them “angels above patients.”

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Iran news in brief, December 30, 2020


Read moreIran News in Brief – December 29, 2020

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