Iran News in Brief – December 3, 2023

iran isfahan steel workers strike 02122023



Sunday Protests in Iran

Today, retirees in Shush, southwest Iran, took to the streets, demanding higher pensions amidst a surge in living costs. Expressing discontent with the regime’s inaction, these protesters underscored the urgent need for financial relief.

Meanwhile, in Arak, central Iran, pensioners rallied against delayed adjustments to their pensions, emphasizing the pressing requirement for economic relief amid increasing living expenses.

Simultaneously, pensioners in Kermanshah, west Iran, persisted in their struggle for increased financial support, demanding pensions that align with the escalating costs of living and intensifying their resolve against government inaction.

Oil workers in Aghajari, southwest Iran, continued their rallies, pressing for higher wages, experience bonuses, and essential needs, highlighting their frustration with the authorities’ silence.

Retirees from the steel industry in Ahvaz, southwest Iran, protested pension stagnation, urgently calling for attention to their financial struggles amid rising living costs.

In Isfahan, central Iran, workers from the Isfahan Steel Company faced suppression by security forces as they protested for improved working conditions and labor rights. Also in Isfahan, thousands of Isfahan Steel Company workers entered the second day of strikes, emphasizing ongoing concerns for better working conditions and fair treatment. Steel industry retirees in Mazandaran, northern Iran, reiterated their call for improved pensions to address the escalating costs of living, reflecting widespread economic discontent across the nation.

Tehran Halts In-Person Education Amidst Air Pollution Surge

The surge in air pollution across Tehran and other major Iranian cities has prompted the government to implement the suspension of in-person education in several schools and educational institutions. Concurrently, several members of the Tehran City Council have voiced criticism against provincial and municipal authorities.

Deputy Governor Mir Mohammad Gharavi announced on Sunday, December 3, that due to heightened air pollution levels, attendance for kindergarten, primary school, and high school levels in Tehran province—excluding Firouzkuh—will be suspended on both Monday morning and afternoon.

He further stated that these measures would also be applied to all educational levels in schools for privileged citizens during both morning and afternoon sessions.

US Defense Secretary Warns Against Tehran’s Destabilizing Role in The Region

The United States Secretary of Defense called on the regime in Iran to stop its destabilizing activities in the Middle East or face consequences.

During a speech at the Reagan National Defense Forum, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin said, “As we are working to stabilize the region, Iran is raising tensions. And after attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria, our forces repeatedly struck facilities in Iraq and eastern Syria used by Iran’s IRGC and by militias affiliated with Iran. We will not tolerate attacks on American personnel. And so these attacks must stop. And until they do, we will do what we need to do to protect our troops—and to impose costs on those who attack them.”

General Austin added, “As we rally the world to defend Ukraine, Putin has been forced to scrounge for support from the likes of Iran and North Korea. You know, it was chilling to see a delegation from Hamas openly visit Moscow to meet with senior Russian officials just weeks after the October 7th massacre. And so it’s no surprise that Iran is fueling conflict in both Gaza and Ukraine by giving arms to Hamas and drones to Putin.”


Insider Warns If Regime Fails in Regional Warfare, It Will Face Armed Uprising at Home

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi, a member of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Cultural Revolution Council, acknowledged the reasons behind Tehran’s regional warmongering to prevent the uprisings.

Speaking on state TV on December 1, he stated, “If we fail to address regional issues adequately, a form of terrorism far more severe than the early days of our revolution will emerge, leading to internal militarization throughout Iran. It’s important to note that not all these forces are foreign; they take advantage of the problems in various regions as opportunities. Disputes, fueled by nationalism, religion, and socio-economic disparities, become active during such times. It’s noteworthy that weapons, once irrelevant to ordinary citizens, are now being abundantly distributed. Neither the people in Iraq nor the Yemenis were armed from the beginning. Traditionally, there was no need for people to be armed in Syria. When the conditions are set, within six months, millions of weapons will flood into the country.”


Iran’s Regime Is Ramping up Executions To Avoid Its Inevitable Downfall

Throughout its history, the mullahs’ regime has maintained its power through killings. It sees its survival in the death of people in Iran and in the Middle East region. This outdated regime has never had the will nor the intention of responding to the needs of the Iranian people. It tortures and executes to stay alive. While the regime continues to fan the flames of war in the Middle East, its main goal is to maintain its hold on power at home. This is why in tandem with its warmongering policies, it has resorted to increasing its repressive measures at home.

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Iran’s 20-Year Vision Document and Its Unfulfilled Promises

In 2003, the Supreme Leader of the Iranian regime, Ali Khamenei, conveyed the 20-year vision document to then-President Mohammad Khatami. Subsequently, Khatami passed the document to his successors, culminating in the present time.

This visionary document outlined ambitious goals for Iran, aspiring for it to emerge as the foremost economic, scientific, and technological power in the region by 2025. However, despite the regime’s assertions, Iran has found itself at the bottom of global human and social indicators, excelling only in the areas of tyranny, oppression, and incitement of conflict in Muslim-majority nations.

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Iran’s Election in 2024 a Factional Friction and Disqualifications

In the fabric of Iranian elections, a curious paradox prevails: a general public apathy juxtaposed against fierce power struggles brewing within government-affiliated fundamentalist circles. While most Iranians maintain an attitude of disinterest towards the elections of the Islamic Council, the inner sanctum of power is embroiled in a relentless struggle for dominance. These factions, armed with special provisions and deeply entrenched within the system, are steadily implementing policies of heightened stringency. Their drive for power has progressively shrunk the circle of influence around the apex of the power hierarchy. Dissent, even in the slightest form and regardless of its merit, now serves as grounds for expulsion from this elite inner circle.

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November 2023 Report: Hijab and Chastity Law

Coinciding with the 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women and girls, the November monthly report focuses on the most prevalent form of violence against women in Iran.

While other forms of violence affect specific strata of women and girls, activists and dissidents, students, etc., the violence entwined with enforcement of the compulsory veil impacts all women from all ages, all walks of life, and in every city and village across the country. Those who violate this mandatory dress code are subjected to violence by Hijab patrols.

Inflicting this form of violence against Iranian women is both sanctioned by the state and institutionalized in the law.

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Iran: 4 Mojahedin Supporters Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison

Zahra Safaei, Parastoo Moeini, Mohammad Masoud Moeini, and Kamran Rezaeifar, four political defendants, were each sentenced to five years of imprisonment by the Tehran Revolutionary Court. Another defendant in this case, Teymour Rezaian, was fined 50 million tomans (approximately $1,000). Among these individuals, Zahra, Parastoo, and Mohammad Masoud are members of the same family.

According to the verdict issued by Iman Afshari, the head of Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, which was communicated to the defendants on November 26, they have been convicted of “assembly and conspiracy to commit crimes against national security.” Their court session was held on November 18.

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Iran’s Regime Executes PMOI Supporter and Protester

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Paris, France—December 1, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Paris, France—December 1, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a photo exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and commemorated the martyrs of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 2, 2023

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