Iran News in Brief – December 29, 2023

iran pharmaceuticals protest 28122023



Air Pollution Resurfaces in Iranian Cities

Iran’s Meteorological Organization warns of renewed air pollution in nine major cities from Saturday, including Tehran and Isfahan. Criticism over the use of Mazut fuel in power plants has escalated in recent weeks.

Tehran’s air quality deteriorated on Friday, expected to remain unhealthy until Tuesday. Citizens posted videos of a dust-laden sky. Mashhad recorded a hazardous air quality index of 324 on Friday. Similar conditions persisted over the past 24 hours, affecting sensitive groups.

Cities like Tehran, Mashhad, Ahvaz, and Isfahan continue to grapple with high pollution levels this year. In Ardakan, Yazd, residents protested against persistent air pollution. With colder weather, educational activities in major cities face repeated disruptions. Reports indicate a significant recent increase in air pollution, raising concerns over public health.

Friday Protests in Iran

Today, December 29, marks the seventh consecutive day of strikes by the workers of the National Industrial Group of Ahvaz, with ongoing measures such as the blockade and control of all entry and exit gates of the company.

Today, employees of the Bahregan Offshore Oil Company staged a protest gathering. Some of their demands include:

These demonstrations reflect the growing discontent and grievances of workers and employees, highlighting their demands for improved working conditions, fair compensation, and management changes.


Palestinian Leader Criticizes Iranian Regime for Exploiting Palestinian Blood

Mohammed al-Hourani, a member of Fatah’s High Committee linked to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), criticized the Iranian regime, stating that it exploits the blood of Palestinians as a means to showcase its regional influence.

As reported by Al-Arabiya on Wednesday, December 27, Al-Hourani remarked that some Arab youth have been deceived by the Iranian regime’s propaganda and need to recognize the potential dangers it poses.

Al-Hourani’s comments followed reports that General Ramezan Sharif, the spokesperson for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, spoke about retaliation for the killing of Brigadier General Razi Mousavi in Damascus. Sharif suggested that the Israelis should expect a response to Mousavi’s assassination. He had initially boasted that the October 7 attacks were one of the repercussions for the death of IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

Wesley Clark: Biden Policy on Iran Proxies Is ‘Inviting’ Attacks That It’s ‘Inevitable’ Will ‘Cause Real Damage’

On Wednesday’s “CNN News Central,” CNN Military Analyst and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) stated that the Biden administration’s public policy towards attacks by Iranian proxies is “inviting the enemy to attack you and dare you to escalate.” And “if we continue just to try to defend and we don’t go at the source of the attacks, either tactical or strategic, then we can expect those attacks to continue and to intensify. And eventually, they will get through the protective shield of the aircraft and the destroyers that are on the ground, they will target a ship and cause real damage. It’s inevitable.”

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Iran’s Restricted Internet Got 30% More Expensive

The state-run Fars News Agency reported a significant 34% increase in the internet packages offered by operators in Iran. Over the past weeks, conflicting reports have emerged regarding the rise in internet tariffs in the country. Internet users in Iran have restricted access to a domestic network, accompanied by a whitelist of approved foreign websites sanctioned by the government.

On Thursday, the media in Iran announced a meeting between operators and the Regulatory Authority for Radio and Communications, held at the organization’s premises. The official IRNA News Agency reported that operators, in this session, agreed to what was described as “improving network quality indices.”

A 30% increase in the average internet speed in the next six months is among the conditions accepted by the operators. Simultaneously, the Digiato website emphasized that the declared percentage for tariff increases is “not definite,” and mobile operators are advocating for further price hikes. According to this media outlet, the extent of tariff increases for fixed and mobile operators will be different.

US Shoots Down Houthi Drone, Ballistic Missile in Red Sea

A United States Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down a ballistic missile and a drone on Thursday night, officials confirmed to ABC News.

The USS Mason shot down one drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile fired by the Houthis — an armed group backed by Iran — into the Southern Red Sea, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

Eighteen ships, mostly cargo ships, were in the area at the time; however, CENTCOM said there was no damage to any of the vessels and no reported injuries.

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PMOI Resistance Units Show Support for Maryam Rajavi’s 10-Point Plan for Iran

While Iran’s regime has been on an expansive campaign to discredit and disparage the Iranian Resistance and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Resistance Units across Iran have been countering the regime’s efforts by showing their full support for the 10-point plan of Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The 10-point plan is the platform of the Iranian Resistance for the establishment of a democratic republic of Iran that rejects both the religious dictatorship of the mullahs and the tyrannical monarchy of the shah. It represents the desires of the Iranian people, who have been chanting, “Death to the oppressor, be it the shah or the mullahs!” across Iran.

Political Prisoners Challenge Judge’s Visit at Evin Prison

Political prisoners held in the women’s ward of Evin Prison expressed anger during the visit of Judge Iman Afshari on December 27, 2023. Many of these detainees had been sentenced by Judge Afshari, leading to heightened tensions during his presence.

The authorities at Evin Prison responded to the protests by punishing the demonstrators. Those who raised their voices against Judge Afshari were either restricted from making phone calls or faced threats of isolation as a repercussion for their protest.

The women who protested Afshari’s visit voiced their frustration over their indefinite imprisonment without a clear resolution to their cases. Notable among the dissenters were Forough TaghipourArghavan Fallahi, and Shiva Esmaili.

Who Was Razi Mousavi, the IRGC Commander Killed in Syria

On December 26, 2023, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of the Iranian regime announced the death of Razi Mousavi, a prominent figure known as “Seyed Razi” and recognized as the head of the so-called “Resistance Front” in Syria. The news of his demise sparked a flurry of reports, accompanied by photographs that shed light on this previously unknown commander of the IRGC. The IRGC’s announcement regarding Mousavi’s death was brief and lacking in specific details regarding the time and circumstances surrounding the demise of this senior IRGC commander. However, Hossein Akbari, the regime’s ambassador in Syria, disclosed to Iranian state TV that Mousavi had been present at the regime’s embassy in Damascus until 2:00 p.m. on Monday. After completing his duties, he departed for his residence and was struck by three Israeli rockets at 4:10 p.m. on the same day in the Zainabiya region, located in the suburbs of Damascus.

Why Is Khamenei So Keen on Increasing Iran’s Population in 2024?

The Resurgence of Pro-Forced Childbearing Discourse The recent reemergence of the promotion of forced childbearing in Iran’s media and its implications.
The discourse around forced childbearing in Iran has resurfaced, drawing attention to the persistent struggles of its citizens against government-mandated population policies. Recently, the media spotlighted this issue, highlighting concerns about declining marriages and births, attributing them not just to lifestyle changes but also to poverty and deeper economic roots.

Citizens’ Discontent and Resistance Insights into the disillusionment and discontent among Iranians regarding the government’s population policies and their resistance against them. An ordinary citizen’s perspective sheds light on the underlying issues. Disheartened by the Iranian government’s policies, he reflects on the broader disillusionment, citing concerns about the future of his child in a country marred by economic challenges, perilous conditions, and limited prospects. It’s a sentiment shared by many, indicating a profound discontent among the populace.

IRGC Commander Walks Back Comments Claiming Oct 7 Attacks Were Retaliation to Killing of Qassem Soleimani

In a statement released on its Telegram channels, Hamas denied the remarks of Ramazan Sharif, the spokesperson for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), regarding the “Al-Aqsa Storm,” the name Hamas uses to refer to the October 7 attack on southern Israel.

Ramazan Sharif, the spokesperson for the IRGC, stated in a press conference in Tehran on December 27 that the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 was “one of the retaliations of the resistance axis for the killing of Qasem Soleimani,” in which Israeli forces “lost over 200 commanders and suffered more than 1,500 casualties.” Qassem Soleiman was the notorious commander of the IRGC Quds Force, who was killed in a US drone strike near Baghdad, Iraq, in September 2020. Soleimani was killed along with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the commander of the Iran-backed Hashd al-Shabi terrorist militia group in Iraq.

Iran’s Gold Traders Continue Strike for 6th Day

Reports from various markets in different cities of Iran indicate that the gold traders’ strike continued for the sixth consecutive day on Thursday, December 28.

Gold traders in Tehran, Isfahan, Hamadan, Mashhad, Qom, Yazd, Arak, Tabriz, and several other cities went on strike on Thursday, similar to the previous days. The strike in this sector began when gold traders were required to register their information and gold inventory on the National Trade Website (NTSW). Alongside this obligation, the registration of buyers’ information in government online systems has also become mandatory. These measures collectively led to the discussion of imposing a 25% capital gains tax, eventually resulting in the strike.

MEK Supporters Organize Exhibition in Paris to Express Solidarity With the Iran Revolution, December 26-27, 2023

In Paris, France, on December 26-27, 2023, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have diligently arranged an exhibition over the course of several consecutive days. Their aim is to manifest unwavering solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 28, 2023

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