Iran News in Brief – December 27, 2023

iran ahvaz nightly protest (1)



Alarming Increase in Suicide Rates Sparks Concerns Across Iran

Hamid Peyravi, the Vice President of the Iranian Suicide Prevention Scientific Society, revealed troubling statistics regarding suicide rates in the country. Today, in an interview with the state-run Tejarat News, Peyravi stated, “Last year, for every 100,000 individuals, 7.4 suicides resulted in death, totaling over 6,000 fatalities. Approximately 120,000 suicide attempts were officially recorded in the Ministry of Health system.”

In the past few days, various reports of suicides among students and workers have surfaced in the media and on social networks, causing distress among the public. Many attribute the rise in suicides to economic challenges, while others point to a sense of despair prevailing in Iranian society.

Peyravi emphasized that for every completed suicide, there are approximately 20 to 30 suicide attempts. Last year alone, about 120,000 suicide attempts were officially recorded by the Ministry of Health, and it’s possible that additional cases have not been registered with private institutions. The official also noted that for every individual who attempts suicide, there are 20 others with suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, each suicide has a profound impact on the survivors, including friends, family members, and those informed of the incident, with an estimated 135 to 180 individuals experiencing psychological distress as a result.


IRGC Spox Says Oct 7 Attacks Were Retaliation for Soleimani’s Killing

In a swift reaction to the assassination of Razi Mousavi, a high-ranking member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Syria, Ramezan Sharif, the spokesperson for the IRGC, declared that the “Al-Aqsa Storm” was a retaliation for the killing of the IRGC Quds Force slain Chief Qasem Soleimani by the United States and Israel.

This morning, the IRGC-affiliated Fars News Agency quoted Ramezan Sharif as saying, “Perhaps the reason for this assassination lies in the irreparable failure of the Zionists during the Al-Aqsa Storm and the public’s deviation from this heavy defeat. The Al-Aqsa Storm was one of the retaliations for the assassination of Commander Qasem Soleimani by the Americans and Zionists, carried out by Hamas and the resilient resistance of proud Palestine. The Israelis should know that the IRGC understands the reason behind this assassination very well and will show an appropriate reaction in due time. These retaliations will continue in various times and places.”

On the other hand, a news agency affiliated with the pro-Khamenei faction, Khabar Online, reported 9 hours later, “Commander Ramezan Sharif considers the Al-Aqsa Storm to be entirely Palestinian and describes its results as part of the retaliation for the martyrdom of Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani.”

The source added, “According to Sepah News, quoting the IRGC Public Relations Officer, in response to misinterpretations of certain remarks by Lieutenant General Ramezan Sharif, the spokesperson, and head of public relations of the IRGC, regarding the Al-Aqsa Storm operation during the press conference on the announcement of the funeral and burial plans for the martyr of Resistance, Seyed Reza Mousavi, he emphasized the difference between the cause and motivation of this operation with its achievements and consequences. Sharif stated, ‘As Hamas leaders have enumerated, oppression, crime, and the 70-year occupation, insult to Al-Aqsa Mosque and sacred places, the siege and massacre of the oppressed and defenseless people of Palestine, and the imprisonment of thousands of Palestinian captives in Zionist prisons are among the causes and motivations of the Al-Aqsa Storm operation, and it was entirely Palestinian.'”


Wednesday Protests in Iran

The city of Ardakan remains a focal point for protests as its residents persist in demonstrating against severe air pollution, attributing the crisis to the regime’s destructive policies and construction projects. Concerned citizens are raising their voices in solidarity, demanding urgent action to address the environmental challenges facing their community.

In the heart of the capital, Tehran, the bustling gold bazaar is witnessing a prolonged strike by merchants who are opposing new taxation laws implemented by the government. The strike reflects a united front among the gold traders, emphasizing their discontent with the recent fiscal policies.

Meanwhile, in Ahvaz, the southwest of Iran, the workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group are standing firm in their strike, protesting the authorities’ ban on the entry of 21 workers and the apparent disregard for their demands. The industrial workers are demanding not only the reinstatement of their colleagues but also a resolution to the broader issues affecting their working conditions and livelihoods.

Adding to the chorus of dissent, reserve teachers in Yazd, central Iran, gathered in front of the provincial governorate to protest against unpaid wages and the lack of job security. The rally underscores the financial struggles faced by educators who play a crucial role in shaping the future generation. The teachers are calling for immediate attention to their concerns and fair compensation for their vital contributions to the education system.

As various cities across Iran become the backdrop for these protests, the collective discontent highlights a range of issues, from environmental concerns to economic challenges and workers’ rights. The resilience of the Iranian people in expressing their grievances showcases an explosive society that has never seized to yearn for change.


Warmongering Can’t Save Iran’s Regime From the People’s Anger

The main objective of the Iranian regime’s warmongering in the Middle East has been to suppress and contain the uprising and anger of the Iranian people. To this day, the war in Gaza has resulted in over 20,000 victims. And the root cause of all the wars and crises that have engulfed the Middle East for over 40 years, drowning its people in fire and blood, has been within the ideology of the mullahs’ regime in Iran. Nearly three months after the catastrophic war, now even the voices of regime sources have emerged, acknowledging that the smoke and flames of warmongering are unable to eliminate the danger of foundational uprisings and warning the regime about the escalating explosive situation in Iran’s society. On, December 21, the state-run Ham-Mihan newspaper acknowledged the widespread anger of millions of people in Iran who have been disillusioned with the theatrical display of rigged elections for years.

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The Tragic Rise of Suicides Among Workers in Iran

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, two petrochemical workers from Chavar in Ilam province took their own lives on Thursday, December 21, in protest against their unjust dismissal. Javad Nowrouzi and Mustafa Abbasi, who were fired by the general manager and security of the petrochemical company for unknown reasons, resorted to hanging themselves at the petrochemical site due to the looming fear of unemployment and the mounting livelihood problems.

Their critical condition required immediate medical attention, and they were rushed to the hospital with the help of their fellow workers. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. In the past year alone, four workers have lost their lives due to suicide, and yet the managers of the petrochemical company and the Ministry of Labor and Welfare of the Raisi’s government have failed to take any measures to improve the working and living conditions of the workers and prevent further dismissals.

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Hijab Monitors and Plainclothes Agents Search Passengers’ Personal Belongings

Hijab monitors and plainclothes agents search passengers’ personal belongings at the City Theatre Metro Station. The eyewitness observation was reported by journalist working for the state-run on Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

The report states, plainclothes agents present in this station undertake measures, including “illegal filming of people under the pretext of Hijab warning, checking their mobile phones without written warrant and taking pictures from the telephone’s registry, searching the passengers’ backpacks and bags.”

One of the agents was cited as saying these measures “are the instructions of the Interior Ministry and Tehran’s Municipality aids in this plan.”

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Senior IRGC Commander Killed in Syria Strike

News agencies reported the killing of a senior commander of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) in Israel’s attack on the outskirts of Damascus in Syria on Monday, December 25. Tasnim News Agency, close to the Revolutionary Guards, referred to the deceased as “Seyyed Razi Mousavi, known as Seyyed Razi, one of the experienced advisors of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria.”

Al-Mayadeen News Agency, linked to Hezbollah in Lebanon, also confirmed the killing of this “high-ranking commander of the Revolutionary Guards” as a result of an Israeli attack.

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7.4 Million Absolute Illiterate People in Iran


Alireza Abbasi, the head of the Literacy Movement Organization, stated that there are 7.4 million “absolute illiterate” individuals in the age group of six years and above. This statement contradicts Alireza Abbasi’s previous statement on December 23, where he claimed that literacy development in Iran had reached 98%, which is inconsistent with the figure of 7.4 million absolute illiterates. Alireza Abbasi announced the number of absolute illiterates in the age group of 10 to 49 as 1.707 million and for the age group of 6 years and above as 7.4 million. The literacy trend in Iran, especially among children and adolescents, is facing a serious threat from “increased poverty.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 26, 2023

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