Iran News in Brief – December 23, 2023

iran oil workers protest 22122023



Saturday Protests in Iran

Ahvaz, Southwest Iran: Workers of the Iran National Steel Industrial Group took to the streets on Saturday, December 23, in Ahvaz. The strike was prompted by the company’s decision to bar the entry of 21 workers and its failure to implement job classification rules, further aggravating the already tense labor situation. The protesting workers, dissatisfied with the lack of response to their demands, gathered in the Baghaei Square, located on the Ahvaz-Khorramshahr road, after leaving the premises of the steel company.

Tehran, Iran’s capital: Meanwhile, operators of high-voltage electrical substations staged a rally in front of the office of the Administrative and Recruitment Affairs Organization in Tehran. The protesters aimed to draw attention to what they perceived as the regime’s indifference towards their demands. The gathering was a display of frustration, as the operators sought redress for their concerns regarding working conditions and recognition of their grievances.

Kermanshah – Western Iran: In a separate development in Kermanshah, nurses congregated with banners proclaiming, “Promises and vows are enough, our table is empty.” The demonstration reflects the dissatisfaction of the nursing community, echoing concerns related to unfulfilled promises and the need for immediate attention to their grievances.


Iran’s Human Rights Tragedy and a Nation’s Struggle for Democracy

Since the massive consecutive uprisings that began in 2017, a grim reality has taken root in Iran. It is a story of widespread human rights violations that stain the conscience of the world. Yet there is a conspicuous silence in the media.

Recent UN condemnations have put a spotlight on the gruesome executions of a 17-year-old and a 22-year-old, exposing the regime’s macabre distinction as the world’s leading child executioner.

As popular dissent mounts, the regime’s brutality intensifies and the noose claims more victims: Milad Zohrevand, 21, who participated in last year’s uprising; Ali Saber Motlaq, 62, a longtime supporter of the main opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK); Kamran Rezaei, 32, who participated in the 2019 uprising.

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Iran’s Rebellious Youth Respond to the Regime’s Repressive Measures

In fear of an increasingly restive society and the growing traction of the Iranian Resistance, Iran’s regime has been resorting to an unprecedented wave of repressive measures. But the people of Iran have shown their determination to overthrow this regime through their actions against the regime’s centers of repression, and fundamentalism.

In the past week alone, rebellious youth have been targeting regime monuments, banners, and centers of repression across Iran. These activities are especially focused on IRGC and Basij bases. The Basij is the paramilitary arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) which is tasked with the repression of anti-regime protests. The regime has set up Basij bases in neighborhoods to spy on residents, identify dissidents, and crack down on demonstrations.

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Iran’s Water Reserves and the ‘Water Mafia’ Influence

Official statistics reveal a significant decline in the water reserves of Iran’s dams attributed to the imbalanced production of hydroelectric power during the summer.

On Sunday, December 17, the ISNA news agency reported that reservoir dam usage statistics until December 11 indicate that the water levels in these dams stand at a mere 40%.

Detailed statistics from the government indicate a 7% increase in water inflow into the dams compared to the same period last year until December 11. However, the water discharge from the dams has surged by 22%, resulting in a depletion of water reserves by 1 billion cubic meters.

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Human Rights Catastrophe: Death Sentences Issued for 2,000 People in the Small City of Delfan

Yahya Ebrahimi, the representative of Delfan County in the regime’s parliament, stated in a video interview released on Wednesday, December 20, 2023: “Around one to two thousand young people from this county have been sentenced to death on charges of selling drugs,” and “they are in the stage of implementation of their verdicts,” meaning that they are on the verge of execution.

The representative of Delfan in the parliament has stated: “During my field visit to Delfan this week, I also had a visit and meeting with the families of prisoners who have been sentenced to death for selling drugs. These families provided horrifying statistics regarding the number of individuals condemned to death in this county.”

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Germany Accuses Iran of Involvement in Conspiracy to Attack Synagogue

On December 19, the German Foreign Ministry summoned an official from the Iranian regime’s embassy in Berlin for the alleged involvement of “regime institutions” in a plot to set fire to a synagogue in the city of Bochum.

The High Court in Dusseldorf confirmed on Tuesday that a conspiracy to set fire to a synagogue in Bochum last year had taken place with the cooperation of Iranian regime institutions.

According to the court’s announcement, “Babak J.,” who was identified as the perpetrator of a November 2022 school fire in Bochum, and a 36-year-old German-Iranian citizen, received orders from an individual inside Iran. The primary target of the arson attack was a synagogue located next to the school, not the school itself.

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Paris—December 20, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition, in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Paris, France—December 20, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 22, 2023

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