Iran News in Brief – December 22, 2023

iran drug SMA protest 21122023



Tragic Incident at Chavar Petrochemical Complex: Two Workers Commit Suicide in Protest

Chavar Petrochemical Complex witnessed a distressing incident on Thursday, December 21, as two workers, Javad Norouzi and Mostafa Abbasi, took their own lives in protest against their dismissal from employment. The tragic event adds to a concerning trend, with six workers from the same company having committed suicide last year in objection to job terminations. According to local sources, Javad Norouzi and Mostafa Abbasi were transferred to the hospital after their suicide attempts, and their overall conditions are reported to be critical.

This incident sheds light on the ongoing challenges faced by workers in the petrochemical industry, where job insecurity and terminations have led to extreme measures in response.

Iranian Hackers Peach Sandstorm Are Delivering New Backdoor

Microsoft said Iranian state hackers are using a newly developed backdoor to target organizations in the American defense industrial base.

The Iranian state threat actor that Microsoft tracks as Peach Sandstorm employed a custom backdoor named FalseFont, which features several capabilities that empower backdoor operators to remotely connect to a compromised system, initiate the execution of supplementary files, and transmit data to attacker-controlled servers.

Researchers first spotted the custom backdoor in early November 2023, Microsoft said Wednesday. The defense industrial base encompasses a broad range of industries that contribute to national military capabilities, including aerospace, technology, and manufacturing.

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Sens. Cruz, Coons, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Urging Steps To Restore Deterrence Against Iran Proxies Attacking u.s. Troops

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), joined by 12 additional cosponsors, this week introduced a resolution urging the Biden administration to take all necessary steps to restore deterrence against Iran and Iranian proxies targeting Americans and American interests in the Middle East. American troops in the region have been targeted by Iran and Iranian proxies more than 115 times since mid-October. Iran provides financing, training, and other support to terrorist groups throughout the region, including the Houthis.

Sen. Cruz said, “The Iranian regime is attacking Americans, our allies, and our interests across the Middle East. They are not only launching attacks and massacres against our Israeli and Arab allies, but their Houthi proxies are now trying to shut down freedom of navigation that is vital to the American and global economies. It is clear that they are not deterred, and it is long past time for the Biden administration to take all necessary steps to deter and counter these activities. Enough is enough.”

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Youth Cause Substantial Damages to Public Transportation in Shahrekord

The state-run Fars News Agency has acknowledged a recent incident in Shahrekord where young individuals attacked 24 bus stations and shattered the windows of a bus.

The news agency, linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) described the assailants as “troublemakers and thugs.”

Fars quoted Mehrdad Mirzaian, head of the City Transportation and Freight Organization in Shahrekord as saying, “In recent days, a group of troublemakers and thugs vandalized the windows of 24 bus stations and one bus in Shahrekord, causing damages amounting to 85 million and 500 thousand Iranian rials.”

He added, “We urge citizens that in the presence of such incidents, please report them to the police or the municipal authorities. This will help prevent harm to facilities and amenities intended for the use of all citizens.”

Socio-political discontent and economic inequality have fueled a surge of outrage among Iranian youth, manifesting in protests that take the form of aggression towards symbols representing the state, reflecting a deep-seated frustration with the current regime.

Wage Disparities Drive Iranian Workers Towards Migration to Neighbor Nations

On December 21, the state-run Eqtesad 24 website compared the economic status of Iranian workers to those in neighboring countries. Despite the monthly cost of living being estimated at 30 million rials, most workers, factoring in huge benefits for their employers, receive wages below 10 million rials. Consequently, many are turning to migration, particularly given the more favorable wages in neighboring nations. The report outlined the stark wage differences for simple laborers across various countries:

A worker reaching Europe may earn up to $2,000. In contrast, an Iranian worker’s income is less than $200. This wage exploitation is only half the problem; the other half is exorbitant prices, such as chicken exceeding 100,000 rials ($2 with current market prices) per kilogram in Iran, compared to $1.3 in Germany, $1.7 in Turkey, and approximately $1.8 in the UAE.


PMOI Resistance Units: The Vanguards of Freedom in Iran

Since 2017, Iran has been rocked by a series of major protests, fueled by a deep desire for change. The people of Iran have made their voices heard, demanding regime change and rejecting any compromise with the factions within the oppressive regime.

They refuse to return to the tyrannical rule of the Shah. Instead, they seek a new dawn, one where the Iranian people can determine their own destiny in a democratic republic.

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The Unfulfilled Commitment to Rare Disease Patients in Iran

The hospitalization of Sina Alikhani, a teenager with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) in Iran, has once again brought attention to the critical issue of medicine availability and the apparent neglect by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Approximately two years ago, Sina Alikhani gained recognition as the ‘ambassador of SMA patients’ in Iran, following the release of a video where he appealed to the regime’s parliament for access to essential medication for SMA patients.

Through his Instagram page, Sina has consistently raised awareness about SMA, making desperate appeals to draw the attention of the regime’s authorities towards the urgent need for medication. Recently, he shared on Instagram that despite two years and three meetings with the regime’s President, he is still without the necessary medicine.

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“Empowering Educational Evolution in Iran 2024: Impact, Opportunities, and Ideological Shifts”

In response to the significant shortage of teachers in Iran’s educational system, the Ministry of Education implemented strategies to address the roughly 300,000 vacant teaching positions. As a temporary measure, university students were recruited to manage classrooms, taking on teaching roles in primary schools. This move was intended to ensure the continuity of education and classroom management in the face of a critical shortfall in qualified educators.

Moreover, the inclusion of clerics from seminaries into the schools was part of a broader effort to bridge the gap in staffing. Seminary students assumed multiple roles within the education system, ranging from teaching primary school subjects to providing guidance and consulting on educational matters. Their involvement aligned with the national education goals outlined in the transformation document, emphasizing a holistic approach to educational development.

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Yalda Aghafazli, a Blossom from the Unyielding Spirit of Iranian Women’s Struggle

Welcome to this last edition of the NCRI Women’s Committee podcast in 2023. December 22 marks the birthday of Yalda Aghafazli, a young resistant woman, who lost her life during the protests in 2022. She’s called by her fellow compatriots, “the convict who did not express remorse.”

She was named Yalda because she was born on the longest night of the year in 2002. In Iranian culture, the Winter Solstice is referred to as Yalda, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness and celebrated accordingly.

Yalda Aghafazli was a defiant young woman striving for freedoms withheld by the theocratic regime. She actively participated in the protests that commenced in September 2022 following the tragic murder of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the moral police.

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US-led Coalition To Secure Gulf of Aden Against Iran-Backed Houthis

Ten countries, led by the United States, have agreed to jointly patrol the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden to protect commercial ships from Houthi insurgent attacks.

Since the start of the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the Houthis, supported by the Iranian regime, have targeted Israeli ships and even those heading towards Israel under the pretext of supporting the people of Gaza against Israeli attacks.

Lloyd Austin, the United States Secretary of Defense, announced during his visit to Bahrain that several countries would participate in this initiative as part of an international force. It is unclear whether these countries will engage in the same activities as the US warships have done in recent days, which involve intercepting Houthi missiles and drones and providing assistance to attacked commercial vessels, or if their involvement will be symbolic.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – December 21, 2023

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