Iran News in Brief – December 16, 2020




House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee

urges UK to blacklist IRGC

A new House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s report on Iran urges the UK to proscribe the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group.

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The Washington Post: Iran just showed it has no intention of improving ties with the West

IRAN HAS been signalling its interest in returning to the international agreement curbing its nuclear activities once President-elect Joe Biden takes office next month. But the regime of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is also demonstrating that improving its tattered relations with the West is not a priority. That was driven home with the execution on Saturday of Ruhollah Zam, a dissident journalist who lived in France before he was abducted and returned to Tehran.

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Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 470 Cities Surpassed 185,500

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 470 cities had exceeded 185,500. The number of victims in Tehran is 45,621, Khorasan Razavi 12,805, Isfahan 10,850, Khuzestan 9,505, Lorestan 7,500, East Azerbaijan 7,262, West Azerbaijan 6,993, Gilan 6,566, Fars 5,562, Alborz 4,910, Golestan 4,607, Kerman 3,929, Kermanshah 3,926, Semnan 2,784, Ardabil 2,252, Ilam 1,920, Zanjan 1,912, and Bushehr 1,874.

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Iran: Covid-19 vaccination further exposes regime corruption

While in many countries, the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna corona vaccines have received the green light, the Iranian people are still faced with mullahs’ inhuman policies and negligence and are still among the most vulnerable Covid-19 victims in the world.

Popular demands for the vaccines have been raised and some officials and the state-run media expressed concerns.

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Three men killed by security forces, in South East of Iran

According to the Human Rights News Agency, a man identified as Saddam Souri Zehi from a small town of Tohid Abad around Khash city was killed at border of Mashkid close to city of Saravan, on Monday, December 14. Unable to find a suitable job, Souri, who had recently married was using his motorcycle to transfer fuel to Pakistan.

An informed source said, “Saddam was carrying 2 gallons of gas with his motorcycle when he was shot in the head by the forces of the Rutak Base.” Locals came to his aid and tried to transferr him to the hospital. But he could not make it and died on the way to the hospital.

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Municipal forces demolished a home in Tabriz, NW Iran


Tragic Child Suicides Continue in Iran; Five Cases in One Day

According to official statistics, in Iran, child and teen suicides account for seven percent of all the country’s suicides. Though, like many stats provided by the government and its apparatuses, this number is likely a fraction of the real number of child suicides under the ayatollahs’ rule.

Iran is ranked as one of the youngest populations across the globe. However, the country’s young generation see no inspiration and glorious future due to systematic suppression and mismanagement, which have placed the country on the brink of collapse.

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Iran news in brief, December 16, 2020



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