Iran News in Brief – August 6, 2023

iranian activism germany cologne 05082023 (2)
Supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in front of the Dome Church in Cologne, Germany on August 5



Major Changes in the Iranian Regime’s Judiciary

Today, August 6, at a ceremony attended by judges from the regime’s Supreme Court, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, the head of the Judiciary, made some significant changes to the judiciary personnel.

After serving the regime as the Prosecutor-General for seven years, Mohammad Jaafar Montazeri was replaced with Mohammad Movahedi Azad who had been responsible for the judges’ disciplinary court. Additionally, after more than four years, Mortazavi Moghadam was appointed as a top advisor to Mohseni Ejei, the regime’s Chief Justice. Some political observers believe that the clerical regime is making systematic preparations as the country approaches the first anniversary of the 2022 uprising.

IRGC Chief Calls on State Media to Censure News About Uprising

Hossein Salami, the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, requested state-affiliated reporters to downplay the dimensions of the people’s uprising in their news coverage.

In a televised program, Salami stated, “When a small percentage of individuals engage in turmoil in society, sometimes we say 99% of people didn’t participate, and sometimes we say only a few hundred came. These are almost equivalent, but their impact on people’s minds is not the same. It depends on how reporters arrange words, images, or a combination of both, so as not to portray an incident as a public mourning. The choice of which image to publish that does not create depression in society is up to you.”

He added, “Our enemies try to turn events into narratives. They take an incident or event at a point and turn it into a continuous line, the line into a row, and the row into an entire spectacle. They turn a small-scale event into a strategic effect.”


Sunday Protests in Iran

On Sunday, August 6, retirees of Ahvaz, Dezful, Shush, and Haft Tapeh gathered and held protest rallies to voice their grievances about the inadequate living conditions and the lack of attention to their demands.

They chanted slogans:

“Our rights are only met on the streets!”

“The poverty line is above 28 million Tomans!”

“Expenses are in dollars, but our wages are in Rials!”

Tragic Gas Leak Claims Lives of 4 Laborers in Shiraz, Iran

This morning, four hardworking laborers from a waste collection workshop in the village of Gachi, Shiraz, lost their lives due to gas poisoning. Initially, one worker entered a well containing toxic gas, and then one after another, his colleagues entered the well to save each other’s lives. Unfortunately, all four laborers suffered from gas poisoning and passed away. The deceased individuals include a 64-year-old father and his three sons aged 25, 27, and 34 years old.

This tragic incident highlights the alarming issue of poor safety measures in Iran under the rule of the clerical regime. In various industries, including the waste collection sector, workers often face hazardous conditions without adequate safety protocols in place. According to statistics from labor rights organizations, Iran has a high rate of workplace accidents and fatalities due to the lack of proper safety standards and enforcement.

Hectic Movements and Violations in the “Iranian Colony” Top the Events

Iran and its proxy militias have unprecedented influence in most areas under the “symbolic” regime control, as neither attacks by Israel and the International Coalition, nor the “cold war” with Russia could hinder the alarming entrenchment and expansion of these forces across Syria. Strengthening their presence and promoting their ideology, the Iranians are still carrying on with their systematic plan to change the demography of different areas throughout Syria’s geography. In the following report, SOHR highlights the key developments in areas dominated by the Iranians in July 2023.

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Iranian State ‘Now Biggest Threat to UK’

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the biggest threat to Britain’s national security, the home secretary believes, amid fresh evidence of its reach into this country. Suella Braverman fears that the group is stepping up its activities and is concerned by intelligence reports that Iranian spies are attempting to recruit members of organised crime gangs to target regime opponents. “The Iranian threat is the one that worries us the most,” a source close to the home secretary said. “It’s a big issue because they are getting much more aggressive and their appetite is increasing. They are very defensive to anyone challenging their regime and just want to stamp it out. They are increasing their agitation.”

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Fire Breaks Out in Evin Prison Hills, Northern Tehran

On Friday, August 4, Iranian state media reported a wildfire in the grasslands surrounding Evin Prison, which later spread to the protected area of the Evin Prison Hills. This resulted in explosions of some of the mines in the region. The Judiciary-run Mizan News Agency stated that the explosions did not cause any damage to the facilities of Evin Prison. Evin Prison is known for housing political prisoners and individuals charged with national security issues and is located in northern Tehran.

While there were earlier reports of the area being cleared of mines during the early days of the revolution, recent incidents suggest that the hills around Evin Prison have been mined again to prevent potential attacks or prisoner escapes.

This action raises concerns as it contradicts the Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines, which prohibits the development, production, storage, export, and use of such mines.

Varengold Bank AG: Bafin Prohibits Transactions Due to High Money Laundering Risks and Serious Deficits in Money Laundering Prevention

On June 27, 2023, the financial supervisory authority BaFin took action against Varengold Bank AG, prohibiting them from conducting transactions with “payment agents” and other third parties associated with Iran. This decision was made due to the high risks of money laundering and the bank’s serious shortcomings in preventing money laundering. In response to the situation, BaFin appointed a special representative.

A special audit, which is still ongoing, was initiated by BaFin and revealed significant and systematic deficiencies in Varengold Bank AG’s compliance with money laundering requirements. Specifically, the bank failed to meet the necessary enhanced due diligence obligations and neglected to establish and operate a proper monitoring system, especially concerning transactions involving Iran. The transaction ban has been implemented to prevent the bank from being exploited for money laundering purposes.

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Ukraine’s Air Defense Units Intercept 30 Enemy Cruise Missiles, 27 Shahed Drones

From the evening of August 5 to the morning of August 6, 2023, Russian troops were massively attacking Ukraine’s territory with air- and sea-launched missiles and Iranian-made Shahed-136/131 suicide drones. The relevant statement was made by the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Telegram, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. “During the first attack wave, on the evening of August 5, 2023, the enemy used 14 Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles and three Kh-47 Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missiles. The air defense units destroyed 12 out of 14 Kalibr missiles. Information about Kinzhal missiles is not to be disclosed,” the report states. On the night of August 6, 2023, Russian invaders continued attacking Ukraine’s territory with Shahed 136/131 suicide drones from the southeastern direction, Kalibr cruise missiles from the Black Sea, and Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles fired by Tu-95MS strategic bombers from the Caspian Sea.

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Recovered Debris Offers ‘Undeniable’ Proof Russia Is Using Iran-Made One-Way Drones in Ukraine, u.s. Intel Analysts Say

The Defense Intelligence Agency is inviting foreign officials to see debris recovered from drones downed in Ukraine and Iraq to show them what it says is “undeniable” evidence that Tehran is supplying Russia with a fleet of one-way armed aircraft for its war in Ukraine, according to analysts at the agency. After having collected and analyzed debris from several drones shot down in Ukraine and in Iraq, DIA analysts are now presenting their findings to foreign governments, members of Congress and reporters to refute public denials by Iran that it is supplying Russia with armed drones for its war in Ukraine. Iranian support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reflects a deepening partnership between the two countries and coincides with indications that Russian technicians are helping Iran with its space-launched vehicle program, which could aid Tehran’s goal of developing intercontinental ballistic missiles, a DIA spokesperson said.

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As the Persian Gulf heats up, top military leaders are stuck in Tuberville’s hold

U.S. forces are on high alert in the Persian Gulf. As Tehran attempts to seize merchant ships in the Strait of Hormuz, the U.S. is sending warships, fighter jets and even considering stationing armed troops aboard civilian vessels to protect mariners. Yet two of the top senior officers overseeing the escalating situation aren’t where they’re supposed to be.

“Let me be clear,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Friday, “in our dangerous world, the security of the United States demands orderly and prompt transitions of our confirmed military leaders.” He was referring to the promotions blockade put into place by Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, which has already jammed up the transfer of responsibility for two members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with more problems to come. The promotions standoff is also affecting the military command structure in the Middle East, just as tensions in that part of the world are flaring up.

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Iranian Regime Authorities Confess That the Pmoi Is Their Main Problem

On August 2, IRNA, the Iranian regime’s official news agency, organized a roundtable with five of the regime’s so-called “experts” on the occasion of releasing a new book, the latest chapter in the regime’s endless demonization campaign against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The participants confessed to important points about the PMOI. It is worth noting that these individuals are security and propaganda officials, and sometimes interrogators and torturers of the regime’s suppression apparatus. But the regime’s news agency, as usual, presented them with titles such as university professor, history researcher, and author. Mohammad Atrianfar asked the question: “Why is the PMOI so important? What kept it alive?”

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The Struggles of Iran’s Education System

Iran’s educational system, like many other institutions and government entities, is currently facing a significant crisis. The Ministry of Education, which is responsible for supporting approximately 16 million students and around one million educators and teachers, is struggling to meet its obligations. This has led to increased dropout rates among students and a surge in unemployment among teachers, further exacerbating the country’s poverty issue. In Iran, teachers are grappling with a lack of job security and wages that often fall below the poverty line. This economic hardship has led to regular protests and strikes, as regularly reported in the news. Further compounding the challenges faced by the education system is the controversy surrounding the content of textbooks. Criticisms have been raised over the perceived distortion of content by religious leaders.

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The Perils of Western Appeasement in Iran

Doctors Also Affected by Poverty Line in Iran in 2023

The head of the Association of Internal Medicine Specialists, emphasizing that around 15,000 to 25,000 physicians have not applied for licenses due to insufficient income and have turned to other jobs due to poverty, stated: Only 5% of doctors have high incomes. Although these statements by the representative of physicians are from 4 years ago, the situation has worsened now. Ali Salheshur, “Representative of the Country’s Specialist Physicians Plan in the Medical System,” in an interview with the government news agency ILNA, reveals the realities present within the rule of the Supreme Leader. He states about the condition of young doctors: “Our main issue is financial problems. To put it simply, the salary of a specialist doctor working in a government hospital does not cover their basic living needs.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 5, 2023

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