Iran News in Brief – August 3, 2022

A street in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeastern Iran



MP Brags About Tehran’s Nuclear Deterrence

At the parliamentary session today, MP Zohreh Elahian said: “Today, the international circumstances and the thirst of Europe and America for energy have forced the West to buy oil from Iran! In this situation, it seems that the continuation of the negotiations will not benefit the Iranian nation and thus reviving the dead body of the JCPOA will not create a miracle for the Iranian nation.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran today is considered a nuclear power! Of course, it will use it in a peaceful way, but this nuclear deterrence power has multiplied the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” she boasted.

Ministry of Health Official Warned of New Upsurge in Covid-19 Cases in Iran

Talking about a new surge of Covid-19 cases, Mohammad Mehdi Goya, head of the Center for Contagious Diseases at the regime’s Ministry of Health told state TV on August 2: “The number of cases of this disease has been gradually increasing in the last month or two. Previously, we had reached a point where there were less than 200 cases per day. Today, we had almost ten thousand cases in the country. The number of Covid deaths in our country had reached less than four cases per day. Now it has reached something like seventy to eighty cases. The number of admitted patients was less than forty but now it has reached about 1200-1300-1400 cases. This shows that this virus is spreading rapidly. We have not yet reached the peak and we still cannot judge.”


200 Bodies Are Buried Under the Mud in Imamzadeh Davood- Newspaper

On August 3, reporting about the unofficial death toll of the floods in Imamzadeh Davood in Tehran, the state-run daily Sharq wrote: “Local people say that at least 200 people are now under the rubble. Dead bodies were hit by water a hundred times against the buildings and other surrounding objects. After several days, the smell of unearthed corpses has filled the entire area.”

Quoting one of the flood survivors, Sharq wrote: “Mohammad is one of those who lost six loved ones in the flood. He is from Lorestan province and he and his cousins came to Imamzadeh Davood to make a better life and rented a restaurant and an inn. Of the six, only three bodies were found and the other three are still buried under the mud.”


Albanian Authorities Target Iranian Terror Network Plotting Attacks Against MEK in Ashraf 3

Albania’s Special Structure for Combatting Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK), acting on orders issued by the Special Prosecutor’s Office, detained and interrogated 20 Iranians for conducting espionage operations in Albania for the Iranian regime, according to Albanian media reports on July 16. Albanian Police raided eight apartments, four offices, and several buildings where the Iranian regime agents resided in and used to carry out their suspicious prohibited activities against the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in their Ashraf 3 complex, located near Tirana, the capital of Albania.

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Labor and Women’s Rights Activists Receive Prison Sentences

Maryam Rahmani, a women’s rights activist, was sentenced to two years in prison. Reyhaneh Ansarinejad, a labor activist, remains in solitary confinement after her detention was extended three times. Maryam Rahmani, a women’s rights activist, was sentenced to two years and additional sentences.

The women’s rights activist was previously tried on charges of propaganda against the state and spreading falsities by publishing online posts. Ms. Rahmani explained on her Instagram account that the sentence was suspended for five years.

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Another Swedish Citizen, Another Victim of Tehran’s Hostage-taking Policy

Every November 4, the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates the attack on the US Embassy when it took US Embassy personnel hostage more than four decades ago. On this day every year, the regime’s loyalists chant “Death to America,” and the spectacle is broadcasted heavily throughout Iran and the world. The hostage-taking policy of the regime and the events in Tehran more than four decades ago have not only dissipated but have become part of Iran’s foreign policy. Those in power in Iran continue to insist and advocate that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the 1979 hostage-taking was a splendid victory.

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Iran: Food Staple Prices Soar Again

According to Iranian media outlets, the purchasing power of Iranian families has significantly decreased in recent months. “High prices and inflation are killing the people,” citizens frequently chant in their socio-economic protests. At the same time, the Iranian government is planning to raise staple food prices once again, despite promises made by the Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi.

In mid-May, Raisi’s cabinet increased the cost of essential items, including bread, egg, chicken, and cooking oil, which prompted nationwide protests for a couple of weeks. The government’s supervising apparatuses are continuing to pass enactments and directives, paving the path for further hikes in people’s crucial foodstuffs.

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Monthly Report July 2022, Iran Human Rights Monitor

The Iranian regime stepped up its crackdown on civil liberties amid severe economic pressure on Iranians. Dozens of members of Iranian civil society were arrested or began prison sentences in July, including family members of slain protesters, lawyers, and acclaimed film directors. The clerical regime also continued horrendous daily executions.

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Iranian Wife Killer Free While Journalist Who Exposed Killer in Jail

Eleven months after the murder of a child bride by her cleric husband in Lorestan western Iran, Shargh state-run daily said the cleric is free while the journalist who exposed the cleric’s role in the murder has been sentenced to prison.

According to the July 31 report, Ali Mojtahedzadeh, the lawyer of the journalist who exposed the murder said that Sina Qalandari was sentenced to 13 months and 16 days of prison for “publishing private pictures of the victim” and to another 13 months and 16 days of prison for “publishing lies”. He was also sentenced to a two-year ban on journalism and the closure of his Telegram channel.

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Three Blinding Sentences Are To Be Carried Out in Iran

Three blinding sentences against two men and a woman are to be carried out, according to the state-run Hamshahri daily. According to the August 2nd Hamshahri daily, the cases of two men and a woman who were sentenced to blinding in the criminal courts of Kermanshah, Qom, and Fars were sent to Tehran to be carried out. Hamshahri said with the approval of the judges of the Supreme Court of Iran, the blinding sentence of a young woman from Kermanshah is to be carried out.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 2, 2022

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