Iran News in Brief – August 28, 2022




Protests on Saturday and Sunday in Iran

The unemployed youth of Omidiyeh county in Khuzestan province held a rally in front of the Omidiyeh governorate on Saturday, August 27, protesting the official’s neglect of employment in the region.

A group of residents of Kohgiluyeh county held a rally in front of the governor’s office on Saturday, August 27, to claim their right to the water resources of the Maroun River.

On Sunday, August 28, a group of East Alborz mine workers protested the prolongation of their retirement process. Despite suffering harsh working conditions for twenty-odd years and severe health conditions, they are still forced to work for very long hours in the mines.

Today, August 28, a group of students in Tehran held a rally in Al-Rahman Mosque to protest the unfair conditions of the exams and that corruption in the regime’s educational system has led to the systemic acquisition of the exam questions.


Iranians Protest Across the Atlantic on Saturday

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Sweden organized a gathering in Gothenburg to demand international awareness about the Iranian regime’s atrocities and called on officials at the United Nations as well as the United States not to grant a visa for the regime’s president.

Iranians in Romania staged a street exhibition to demonstrate the Iranian regime president’s role in the mass executions of political prisoners in the summer of 1988.

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Washington DC held a rally in front of the White House to call on the US government for a firm policy vis-à-vis the clerical regime in Iran.

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, staged a demonstration to call on Washington to refrain from issuing a visa for Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian regime’s president who is widely accused of crimes against humanity and genocide.

State-run Newspaper Trashes Raisi’s Fake Achievements

The state-run newspaper Arman Melli wrote on August 28: “It would do good to have a look at the government’s promises. They said that in one year, they will create one million jobs, build one million housing units, and the internet will be so cheap that it will be available to everyone. Now, did employment increase? The number of building permits issued by municipalities should have been 100,000 per year on average. But last year, it reached 10,000 and for the first six months of this year, it has decreased by 6.9%. Today’s internet is also in the weakest state possible.”

“They have promised to curb inflation, which is now at its peak. The average inflation in Mir-Hossein Mousavi’s government was 23%, in Hashemi Rafsanjani’s administration it was 20% and it was 49% in one year, Khatami’s government saw 15%, while inflation during Ahmadinejad’s term was 37%, and during Rouhani’s it went over 40%. But the announced inflation under Raisi has been over 50%. Therefore, it seems that nothing special has happened.”


Iran: Several Dozen Executed in One Month Alone, 28 in One Week

The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has been severely escalating the number of executions across the country as 71 were hanged through the course of one month and 28 in one week alone. The Secretariat of the Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) issued a statement on August 25 providing names, dates, and places of these recent executions throughout August. Back in March the mullahs’ regime executed 14 prisoners in several cities.

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Thirsty Women for Water and Freedom Set Street Strike for 3 Days in Hamedan

Protests in Hamedan, west Iran, on August 25, 2022, reached the third night of consecutive strikes to demand running water. The ruling mullahs in Iran have denied Iranians the right to access water and freedom.

Thirsty women in Hamadan are the first victims of the recent water crisis. But brave women, like those in Hamadan, are at the forefront of protests in Shahr-e Kord SW Iran, and Isfahan. Thirsty women in Hamedan chanted slogans blaming the clerical regime for this situation.

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Tehran Continues Suppression Against Religious Minorities

In an urgent call on August 23, Amnesty International warned about an intensifying assault on the Baha’i minority in Iran. According to the organization, prosecuted Baha’i followers are “suffering escalated attacks on their human rights.”

They reported, “Since 31 July 2022, the authorities have raided dozens of Baha’i houses, detained at least 30 people, and subjected many more to interrogations, electronic ankle bracelets, and threats of imprisonment in relation to their Baha’i faith. They have also ramped up confiscation and demolition of Baha’i properties.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 27, 2022

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