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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – August 27, 2023

Iran News in Brief – August 27, 2023

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Marginalization in Iran: Expert Confirms More Than 30% Living on the Fringes

iran suburban habitants marginalized citizens

According to a state-affiliated expert, more than 30% of Iran’s population is forced to live on the outskirts of metropolises in a mostly dire situation.

On August 26, Sohrab Mashhoudi, Head of the Urban Development Group of the Society of Engineers told a conference, “One pivotal factor affecting the population is the group that does not reside within city limits; these individuals are often referred to as suburban or informal settlers. Back in the 1970s, the count of suburbanites in Iran was approximately 280,000.”

“Currently, estimates suggest that the number of suburbanites ranges from 13 to 19 million, indicating an increase in informal settlements from 4-5% to 25-30%,” he added. “These people are not granted the status of citizens. Intriguingly, despite the 19 million suburbanites, there are also 2.5 million vacant housing units, rendering this perspective somewhat ironic. It’s noteworthy that the government owns the largest portion of land in Iran, about 75-80% of the nation’s land. Interestingly, 50-60% of these lands remain uncultivated. Even more interesting is the fact that the management of these lands falls under the Ministry of Agriculture! Due to factors like hunger, drought, and overpopulation in rural areas, people are compelled to migrate from villages to the outskirts of cities. Since government-owned lands are not allocated to them, they resort to purchasing private agricultural lands. This scenario directly contradicts the government’s intended objectives, turning land preservation into a counterproductive endeavor.”


Sunday Protests in Iran

Today, August 27, retirees from different parts of the country including Shush, Karaj, Kermanshah, Dezful, Shushtar, Isfahan, and Ahvaz rallied in protest against inadequate living conditions and the lack of attention to their demands, such as equalizing rights and reinstating free healthcare.

Furthermore, on this same day, nurses and doctors at Tehran’s Milad Hospital halted their regular duties and initiated a protest strike and gathering, expressing their discontent over unpaid arrears.

Scammed customers who fell victim to a car dealership in Qazvin held a protest gathering in front of the governorate to express their outrage against the regime’s judiciary turning a blind eye to such a significant fraud.

Gathering on August 27, lawyers and certain directors of the Khorasan Razavi Bar Association protested in front of the institution’s building. They held banners that expressed concerns about the threat to people’s right to defense and demanded the rejection of a parliamentary motion by the Guardian Council.

US Should Snap Back UN Sanctions to Counter Iran’s Drone and Missile Exports

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The ransom-for-hostages deal between Washington and Tehran will not change a grim fact: Russia is pummeling Ukraine with kamikaze drones made and supplied by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The U.S. has condemned these actions as a “direct violation” of a United Nations embargo. Yet this critical restriction ends in less than two months, and Washington still has no plan to extend it. The Biden administration must not idly stand by as Tehran and Russia strengthen their dangerous alliance. It must work with its European partners to maintain the drone embargo and a related missile embargo. Moreover, the UN Security Council must snap back previous international sanctions on Iran before the clock runs out.

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New Sugar Crisis Hits Iran’s Market, Website Reports

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The upward trajectory of price increases for essential goods in Iran has now extended to the sugar market.

The state-run website Bahar News wrote on August 26, “Once again, high prices and a shortage of sugar have gripped the market. While a kilogram of sugar is supposed to be sold in the market at a rate of 4,250 tomans, each kilogram of this product is being offered in bulk markets at a rate of 7,000 tomans, and packaged sugar is being sold at a price of 12,000 tomans per kilogram. The scarcity and high cost of this essential commodity in the country have not only led to people’s grievances but have also brought sweet shops and bakeries to the brink of closure.”

“While the approved price for sugar is announced to be 28,000 Tomans, it’s currently scarce in many chain stores, and even small retailers selling it consider a price lower than 45,000 Tomans,” the source added. “Additionally, some media outlets have reported that there’s a sugar rationing of four kilograms per person starting this week. Is this news accurate? However, some households still face supply shortages and empty shelves of sugar, leaving them no choice but to buy at prices higher than the free market. Due to price instability, some sellers are refraining from selling sugar altogether. Confectionery shops are also suffering from the sugar shortage, and in some cases, they see closing their businesses as a way to escape the current situation.”

IRGC Brings in Iranian-made Missiles from Iraq to Deir Ezzor

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Deir Ezzor province: SOHR sources have reported that trucks of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps arrived in Deir Ezzor from Iraq, via an unofficial crossing dominated by Iranian-backed militias on the Syria-Iraq border. The convoy, which comprised three trucks, headed to the area of the archaeological fortress of Al-Rahbah where they unloaded their cargo in basements used by Iranian-backed militias for storing weapons. These basements had been used by ISIS for the same reason during its control of the region. According to SOHR sources, those trucks carried short and medium-range Iranian-made missiles, rocket launchpads, ammunition and logistical supplies. This comes as a part of ongoing preparations by Iranian-backed militias for coping with any expected military confrontation with Coalition Forces in the region.

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35 Years Later, the 1988 Massacre Has Important Lessons for Iran and the World

paris conference maryam rajavi 1988 massacre aug 21, 2023

Iran marks the 35th year of the 1988 massacre, in which the mullahs’ regime executed more than 30,000 political prisoners in the span of a few months. Most of the victims were members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Many have finished their sentences and were kept in prison because they had not abandoned their support for the PMOI. Others had been arrested for simple activities such as distributing the Mojahed newspaper. In many ways, the 1988 massacre has become a defining moment in the history of Iran. On the one hand, it shows the viciousness of the mullahs’ regime. In one fell swoop, under a fatwa by mullahs’ regime founder and supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini ordered the killing of tens of thousands of prisoners for their ideals.

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Kyiv Post’s Coverage Used by Iranian Opposition


A Kyiv Post article has been circulating amongst the pro-Iranian opposition. The article is about Ukrainian Nobel Laureate Oleksandra Matviichuk’s support for the rights of Iranians facing persecution and an investigation into Iran’s 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Matviichuk likened Iranians’ struggle against the authoritarian government of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to Ukrainians’ struggle against the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been waging a full-scale war on Ukraine for over a year and a half. This Post article was picked up by pro-Iranian opposition news sources and was summarized and translated before being distributed across social media.

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Iran: The Balance Is Shifting Away From The Regime Toward The People

iran revolution

The ongoing conflict between the discontent Iranian society and the ruling regime persists, with the scales of political power gradually tilting in favor of the former. The regime’s authority is steadily diminishing as it grapples with a society that grows increasingly restive. The religious establishment’s stringent response has left no room for compromise, leading to oppression, pillaging, and desolation. Consequently, time seems to be working against the regime, and its grip on power is weakening with each passing day. The systematic depletion of the regime’s strategic reserves is most evident in its response to current challenges. Faced with the momentum of the Iranian resistance, the regime appears cornered, resorting to disseminating news and engaging in rhetoric devoid of substance. In this context, high-ranking officials are dispatched on a daily basis to implore Western nations to adhere to international norms and agreements by extraditing certain elements of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) back to Iran.

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Iranian Lawyers Rally to Preserve Independence, Object to the Parliamentary Bill

Lawyers league protest

Simultaneous with the press conference of the Spokesman for the Guardian Council, the executive board of SKODA and the presidents and members of the executive board of Iranian bar associations, as well as a group of Iranian lawyers from all over the country, held a peaceful rally outside the Guardian Council in Tehran, on Saturday morning, August 26, 2023. The protestors believe that the bill adopted by the parliament will lead to the dependence of the Bar Association on the government and undermine the independence of the Bar Association. The demonstrators demanded that the Guardian Council reject the ratified bill. The National Union of Bar Associations of Iran (SKODA) is a non-governmental organization that was formed to select and accept legal trainees and coordinate among bar associations.

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Ameneh Aali and Hamideh Khademi, Two Professors, Are Dismissed

Two professors dismissed

On the morning of Saturday, August 26, 2023, two professors of Allameh Tabatabai University in Tehran were fired. Dr. Ameneh Aali and Hamideh Khademi, two members of Allameh Tabatabai University’s Faculty of Psychology, were expelled from this university after a phone call and without an official decree. It is said that their dismissal was due to their support for student protests during the nationwide 2022-2023 uprising. Dr. Ameneh Aali said in an interview with DidebanIran.ir: “Yes, we had signed the statements, accompanied the student sit-ins, and protested the suspension of the students… They suddenly called me over the phone and told me I was fired… We asked them to give us a written letter, but they said that they would not write an official letter.”

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Behind the Shadows of Corruption and Money Laundering in Iran’s Regime

Iran's economic collapse, NCRI, MEK, Coronavirus, covid-19, rial, toman

In recent times, the Iranian regime has found itself in the global spotlight for reasons that extend beyond its geopolitical engagements. Amidst the political landscape, a darker undercurrent has been steadily gaining attention—the pervasive issue of corruption and its intimate tie to money laundering. This complex web of illicit financial activities has been alleged to fuel not just personal enrichment but also serve as a means to support terrorism on an international scale. The Iranian regime’s apparent involvement in money laundering schemes has cast a shadow over its financial integrity. Despite international efforts to combat money laundering and curb the funding of terrorism, Iran’s alleged association with these practices raises critical questions about its commitment to global stability. From the manipulation of financial systems to evade sanctions to allegations of illicitly funding extremist groups, the regime’s actions have prompted concerns on a global scale.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—August 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally and Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Copenhagen—Aug 24, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally & Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark—August 24, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition of the Iranian uprising martyrs in solidarity with the Iran Revolution. They also expressed strong support for the MEK leadership.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 26, 2023