Iran News in Brief – August 26, 2022

In a press conference, the National Council of Resistance of Iran announced its firm resolve to hold Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian regime’s President, to account for crimes against humanity and genocide for his key role as a member of the Death Commission during the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 inside Iran.



Friday Protests in Iran

Today, August 26, during the usual Friday prayer sermon in the main mosque of Ahvaz, while the oil minister was giving a speech about solving problems like water tension, lack of drinking water, etc., people rose up and protested the systemic hypocrisy.

The workers of Abad Rahan Asalouye Company went on strike today, protesting the administrators’ refusal to pay their arrears, and closed the company’s gates. These workers have been deprived of their salaries since April and are struggling with livelihood problems.


Crowd in Tehran’s Azadi Stadium Defies State During Staged Propaganda

On August 25, before a football match between Tehran’s Esteghlal FC and Sanat Mes Kerman FC, when organizers started playing the “hello commander” song- a piece widely used to boost the morale of the regime’s followers and mercenaries in and outside Iran- the people started to protest, disturbing the staged show. They also immediately started to call Voria Ghafouri, the former captain of Esteghlal FC.

Voria Ghafouri has become a popular icon for standing up for social issues and defying the state on sensitive topics. Last month, when Voria expressed his support for the protests that erupted after the Metropol Complex collapse in Abadan, he became subject to the regime’s scrutiny, and consequently, Esteghlal FC announced that his contract with the club will not be extended.


We Are Heading Towards A Revolution, Former Official Warns

In an interview, Emad Afrough, a former member of the Iranian regime’s parliament warned that Iran’s society is heading towards a revolution.

“Society is well informed and when people see that those who claim to strive for justice and moral values are lying, give false statistics, deceive, and even consider lying permissible, they will find out that these things are not compatible with the rulers’ own words and slogans,” Afrough told the state-run Ensaf news on August 26. “I have said many times that people no longer have that trust and governments do not have that capital because they wasted their credibility by lying, seducing, and deceiving, and society knows this.”

“Ethnicities feel excluded because they are not given any opportunities like political participation. Despite the fact that structurally, there is no discrimination in our law, it does exist in practice.”

“Society is moving towards a revolution. What happens in a revolutionary situation? The elites, the people, and the civil institutions separate themselves from the echelons of power. Just as it happened in 1979.”



In a press conference, the National Council of Resistance of Iran announced its firm resolve to hold Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian regime’s President, to account for crimes against humanity and genocide for his key role as a member of the Death Commission during the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 inside Iran

Following Death Threats, Lawyer of Political Prisoner Quits

According to a local source, the first court hearing of So’ada Khadirzadeh case was held online on Wednesday, August 24, in the third branch of the Criminal Court No. 1 located in Mahabad city, West Azerbaijan Province.

So’ada Khadirzadeh has been accused of being an accomplice in the murder of a member of the Revolutionary Guards, which Ms. Khadirzadeh has denied. The regime’s Judiciary is said to have agreed on a 3 billion tomans bail for her temporary release.

According to the source, Morad Pirutinia, the son of Khezr Pirutinia, an IRGC member who was killed by unknown people on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, threatened to kill So’ada Khadirzadeh if she is eventually released by the court. Upon the threat, Ms. Khadirzadeh’s lawyer informed the defendant’s family that he has given up continuing to represent So’ada.

On the morning of Thursday, August 18, after months of the Judiciary’s refusal to finalize her case, and after giving birth to her child in harsh conditions, So’ada Khadirzadeh hanged herself using a scarf when all other prisoners were asleep. 

She was eventually rescued by her fellow inmates but local sources reported that So’ada Khadirzadeh was forced to confess and deny the news of her suicide. The Judiciary-run Mizan News Agency published the video of her forced confession.

Khamenei’s Hold on Power Weakens as Inner Conflicts Grow in Iran’s Regime

Faced with increasing global tensions and an explosive society, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader resorted to a series of political measures to consolidate power and stabilize his regime. The epitome of this campaign was the appointment of Ebrahim Raisi, a key figure in the 1988 massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners, as the regime’s president. Khamenei also purged the Majlis (parliament) of his rivals, hoping to form a united front against domestic unrest and international pressure.

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Political Prisoner in Exile Maryam Akbari-Monfared Was Attacked by an Official During Visitation Time

A political prisoner in exile, Maryam Akbari-Monfared, was beaten by a prison official in Semnan Prison on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.

An informed source said that Maryam, a political prisoner in exile, had received a visit from her family. During the visit, a man named Hosseinipour, Chief of the Prison’s Meeting Hall, attacked Ms. Akbari-Monfared. Kurdi, the Deputy Head of Semnan Prison in north Iran, disrespectfully rejected visitation for Maryam’s two daughters.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 25, 2022

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