Iran News in Brief – August 2, 2022

The aftermath of floods in a city in Lorestan province, Southwest Iran



Eight Self-immolation Cases in 70 Days in Iran

From mid-May this year until the end of July, eight Iranian workers have set themselves on fire while protesting their livelihood problems. According to the news published about the cause of self-immolations, the reason given for the victims’ decision was dismissal, retrenchment, systemic indecision about their employment, neglected demands, and their inability to provide livelihood or feed their families.

On May 22, a seasonal worker of Golestan Tobacco Company in Gorgan city set himself on fire with gasoline in front of the company’s office building.

On May 23, a 40-years old worker of the water and sewage department of Qale Raisi set himself on fire. He was protesting the officials’ refusal to pay his salary and finalize his contract. A father of four, he died in hospital due to severe burning and infection.

On May 28, a middle-aged person who was a client of the Department of Mining Industry and Trade of Bam city committed self-immolation in the room of the head of the department.

On June 4, a worker in Yasouj set himself on fire due to his inability to pay a debt of 10 million tomans. Married and the father of three, he died due to severe burns.

Two workers at Farabi Mahshahr Petrochemical committed self-immolation on June 9 in protest against their dismissal. Despite three years of service, the workers were fired from their workplace and became unable to make a living.

On July 30, suffering livelihood problems, a 30-year-young man from Ilam set himself on fire in the Hani Van neighborhood of Ilam.

On July 31, a contract worker of the Lahijan Water and Sewerage Department set himself on fire in front of the Water and Sewerage Department of this city due to his suspension from work and his demands being unanswered by the employer.

A state-affiliated economist, Hossein Raghfar explained the topic in the newspaper Etemad. He wrote on August 2: “Self-immolation is one of the worst forms of committing suicide, but the person who commits self-immolation wants to express his protest. Suicide and especially self-immolation should be considered a kind of rebellion. When these workers come to the street and express their protest like this, even choosing this method of self-elimination, they are sending a message. These workers wanted their message to be seen and heard.”

Footage Exposed Regime’s Criminal Act of Destroying Baha’i Minority Homes

Today, August 2, the houses of six Baha’i families in Roshankuh village of Sari, were destroyed by the local authorities and the lands of a number of other citizens were also confiscated. This inhuman act has taken place without a ruling or prior warning.

A brave Iranian compatriot managed to secretly record the demolition in the Roshankuh village. According to local sources, nearly 200 security forces, law enforcement, and special guards, along with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, destroyed the houses after blocking all communication routes of the village and confiscating the mobile phones of the residents.

Baha’i citizens in Roshankuh said that at 6:00 a.m. local time, about 200 police forces, and special forces, including female officers, entered the village with several demolition vehicles and started destroying their houses. The entrance and exit to the village were closed and filming was prohibited.

Roshankuh is a village near the city of Sari in Mazandaran province, which has been under attack by intelligence forces for several years. The residents of this village are from the suppressed Baha’i community.

Iranian Regime’s Judiciary Is Pursuing Three Cases of Blinding

According to the state media, the cases of two men and one woman who were sentenced to blinding in the criminal courts of Kermanshah, Qom and Fars were sent to Tehran for final decision-making.

According to these sources, all three cases were in the execution phase, but due to the lack of “facilities and proper conditions for the execution” in the three provinces, the cases were sent to Tehran to decide on how to execute the judgment.

In a statement issued on July 29, Amnesty International wrote: “Cruel and inhuman corporal punishments constitute torture, which is prohibited in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iran is a state party. Despite this, Iran’s Islamic Penal Code provides for various corporal punishments amounting to torture, including amputation flogging, blinding, crucifixion, and stoning.”


Basij Chief Brags About 500,000-Man Strong Cyber Army

At a so-called Basij military exercise that was held at Khomeini’s shrine, the Basij Force Chief Gholamreza Soleimani stated: “We have 500,000 activists and jihadists in the virtual space who are serving the cause of the revolution and the people. This community is a model for taking the second step of the Islamic revolution and seeks to achieve the goals of the leadership with a spirit of jihad and in achieving this goal, it will not let a stone unturned.”

“The creation of the popular cyber network of the Islamic Revolution, which was ordered by the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, is being materialized and we will make a brilliant record,” Soleimani boasted.


Two Little Kids Killed in Police Shooting in Southwestern Iran

On Sunday evening, July 31, security forces’ shooting at a car on the highway led to the killing of two small children in Lorestan province, Southwestern Iran.

According to local sources, police officers shot at the vehicle of a citizen identified as Rahman Rashidimensh on the road to Khorramabad, the capital city of Lorestan province, killing his two sons, 9-year-old Matin and 12-year-old Mehdi.

This family was from the village of Qelqeleh, a district of Marivan. Rahman Rashidimanesh and his wife Homa, were also arrested by security forces and there is no information available on their whereabouts. The motive of this shooting is still unknown.

Iranian Regime’s MP Publicly Threatens with Nuclear Weapon

During the regime’s parliamentary session today, a member of the parliament Mohammadreza Sabbaghian Bafghi said: “First of all, I would like to thank and remind the country’s diplomatic team and the Atomic Energy Organization. Thanks for the principled statements and resistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Atomic Energy Organization against the demands of the West, especially the United States. But if all factions and groups planned to change global policies, they would not be able to, but one move by Russia altered the situation in favor of the oppressed countries, including Iran.”

Sabbaghian stressed: “The enemy should know that if their rudeness and threats would continue, in the field of nuclear weapons that the bullies hold, we will ask the Supreme Leader to change the strategy and the fatwa about developing nuclear weapons. This will be very easy for the Iranian youth.”


Maryam Rajavi: Iran on the Brink of Change and of the Clerical Regime’s Overthrow

The free Iran you have come to welcome is surging amid the blazing flames of uprisings, successive failures of religious fascism, and in step with the advances of the democratic alternative to the clerical regime.
In the past year, the Iranian people’s struggle has stood out because of the continued uprisings and protests nationwide, the Resistance Units’ brilliant operations and campaigns against repression, and the Iranian Resistance’s advancements on the social, political, legal, and international scenes.

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Somayyeh Hashemi Dies in Qarchak Prison Due to Drug Overdose: Who’s Responsible?

Somayyeh Hashemi, imprisoned in Ward 3 of Qarchak Prison, died from a drug overdose over the past week.

Ward 3 of the notorious Qarchak Prison is where inmates convicted of robbery or drug-related offenses are detained. Somayyeh Hashemi died of a drug overdose in the same ward.

Some prison staff and officials who are not searched on arrival bring in the narcotic drugs. They sell the drugs at high prices to the drug dealers in prison, and eventually, the drug is sold to female prisoners.

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Women in the Families of Porters – “A Bite of Bread at the Cost of Life!”

Kolbari is a dangerous job that people in the western provinces of Iran have turned to for a living due to the spread of economic poverty and lack of job opportunities. Kolbari can be summed up by this adage: “A bite of bread at the cost of living!”

As part of the job, one must carry 40 kilos on their back and travel along difficult mountain paths. If they reach their destination safely, the maximum money they will receive is only 400,000 tomans. The salary of a porter is daily. The day they work, the money is given to them on that day. And the day they do not work, there is no money.

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Geneva: Iranian Resistance Supporters Held an Exhibition on the Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre, Demanding to Trial the Mullahs’ Regime Leaders

Switzerland, Geneva, July 29, 2022: On the anniversary of the 1988 massacre, in memory of 30,000 political prisoners who were executed by the mullahs’ regime, freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), held a photo exhibition in the Square of Nations.

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Iran: Retirees Relaunch Protests in Several Cities

Sunday, July 31, 2022: Retirees and pensioners in several Iranian cities resumed their rallies to claim their violated rights by the mullahs’ regime.

Protests were reported in Tehran, Karaj, Tabriz, Isfahan, Kermanshah, and others. Protesters criticize the regime’s destructive policies and accuse officials of stealing their money.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 1, 2022

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