Iran News in Brief – August 16, 2022




MP Protested Parliament’s Futile Role While Warning of Public’s Discontent

During the public parliamentary session today, one of the regime’s representatives protested that Ebrahim Raisi’s administration is keeping the parliament in the dark on the nuclear talks while warning of public discontent.

Mohammadreza Sabbaghian Bafghi said: “I wanted to warn the board, but I think it is useless. At least, let the representatives be warned. The JCPOA negotiations have been going on for months but unfortunately, the parliament is not being kept in the loop, not even in the slightest hints. People are asking questions but we have no answers. Most of the representatives today do not have more information than a citizen! It is the right of the representatives to know where the negotiations are heading and where they will end. Why do you leave the parliament in the dark?”

He added: “Gentlemen of the board! How is this parliament functioning? We are not aware of the Chinese contract. Who in the parliament has any clue about what the Chinese contract is all about? What ingredients does it have? What do they want to do? Today, which of you know about the JCPOA negotiations and what they are doing? What compromises do they want to make and what concessions do they want to get? This is not a parliament! We are not MPs! But the people do hold us to account. People ask questions. We are the ones who have to cope with their bad and misguided behavior.”


Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Drive Continues 20 Years After NCRI’s Historic Revelations

Twenty years ago, the Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) unveiled the Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons program through revelations of two secret nuclear sites at Natanz and Arak in central Iran. Only afterward did the world begin to realize the depth of Tehran’s lies about its claimed peaceful nuclear program, and to this day the debate continues. Unfortunately, despite the NCRI’s decades-long revelations about the mullahs’ pursuit of nuclear weapons, the West’s appeasement policy has allowed Tehran to advance its nuclear weapons program without accountability.

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Deplorable Conditions in the Women’s Ward of Evin Prison

An informed source released a new report on the deplorable conditions of female prisoners in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Prisoners face numerous problems due to the overcrowding in the women’s ward.

“Incarcerated women face many problems such as limited phone time and denial of phone calls on weekends, as well as lack of enough space to rest and study, lack of hygiene and detergents, problems with food, etc.”

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Executions and Suppression of Women Mark Raisi’s One Year in Office

Executions and suppression of women mark Raisi’s one year in office. August 3 marked the first anniversary of Ebrahim Raisi taking office in Iran after a rigged election engineered by the mullahs’ supreme leader.

The past year in Iran saw a staggering rise in executions and the clampdown on Iranian women. That’s in addition to a bankrupt economy with people becoming poorer every day, and a growing army of the unemployed and hungry.

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Retirees’ Protests Target Iran Regime’s Leader

In their latest protest, Iranian pensioners chanted a slogan reflecting the regime’s real situation, stating, “All three branches are maquettes – and the leader is silent.”

This slogan shows the uselessness of the regime’s branches, which are following the orders of the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei. The importance of this slogan has been brought to light after the poverty-stricken pensioners of six cities decided to start a new round of protests as they fight for the wages that they owed. At the same time, the regime’s media fraudulently reported that the parliament has decided and approved to increase their wages up to 38 percent.

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Ailing Iranian Political Prisoner Denied Much-needed Medical Treatment

Political prisoner Kasra Bani Amerian detained in section 8 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, suffered irreparable mental tension following harassment by prison agents.

The political prisoner who suffers from polyneuropathy,  a progressive nerve disease, has been detained in section 8 since November 2020 despite the fact that the prison clinic lacks treatment facilities and even qualified doctors.

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Iranian Resistance Supporters Rallied in European Countries in Memory of Iran’s 1988 Massacre Martyrs, Calling for Prosecution of the Criminal Mullahs

August 13, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)rallied in Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Cologne, and Rome in memory of the martyrs of Iran’s 1988 massacre.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 15, 2022

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