Iran News in Brief – August 15, 2022

Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Washington at work in setting up an exhibit to raise awareness about the Iranian regime’s crimes against humanity during the 1988 massacre



Khamenei’s Rep. Provokes Attacks on Saudi and Emirati Oil Installations

During a televised speech that was broadcasted by the local Alborz TV, Mohammad-Mehdi Hosseini Hamdani, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Karaj asked his followers to influence the new generation and expressed his support for attacking oil installations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Practically acknowledging the widespread hatred towards state officials, he said: “While you are explaining things to the youth, you should explain about of the nation’s servants as well as the traitors as much as you can. They (the enemy) are using every opportunity to destroy, stigmatize and slander well-known and effective figures in society to sideline them. Beware of the war of narratives.”

Emphasizing the terrorist nature and regional interference of the regime, he also stated: “Today, when the Houthis have control over the oil wells of Saudi Arabia, it is the best time to free themselves from the domination of the arrogate countries. They can destroy the military and the oil infrastructure of the Saudis and even the UAE with their missiles and drones.”


MP Brags About Iranian Regime’s Ability to Assassinate US Officials

Today, in an interview with the state-run news agency ILNA, Javad Karimi Qoddoussi, a member of the regime’s parliamentary Security Commission, admitted that Tehran might assassinate US officials on American soil by funding local mercenaries.

While trying to deny previous FBI allegations that the Iranian regime had recruited an IRGC Guds Force agent to kill US officials, Karimi Qoddoussi said: “We don’t need to send the Revolutionary Guards to the United States to take revenge on American officials. If we pay the people who are on the ground in Manhattan, New York, they can do this.”

Referring to the attack on British author Salman Rushdie, Karimi Qoddoussi added: “This is a good proof to denounce the White House’s claim that we sent an IRGC member from Iran to the United States to assassinate former US President Security Advisor John Bolton. Because in the same country, there are zealous people who are aware of our standings and they can act on ‘fire at will’, and wherever they get this opportunity, they will take revenge on the likes of Trump and Pompeo and so on.”


Iranians Across Europe Rally To Condemn the Mullahs’ Regime

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies condemning the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran. These rallies were held in recent days in Amsterdam of the Netherlands, Oslo of Norway, Copenhagen of Denmark, Cologne, Stuttgart of Germany, and Rome of Italy. 

In Amsterdam, the demonstrators condemned Iranian regime President Ebrahim Raisi for his direct role in the summer 1988 prison massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly PMOI/MEK members and supporters. 

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54 Bahai Students Banned From Higher Education

The number of Bahai students who passed the national entrance exam in 2022 but were denied admission to education for various reasons reached 54.

After participating in the national entrance exam, the Bahai students visited the Evaluation Organization website to find out if they had been admitted. But they saw the words “file defect” after typing their names, meaning that they were banned from continuing their education in schools of higher education and universities.

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Day 3 of Photo Exhibition in Washington D.C. with images of 2000 martyrs for democracy and freedom in Iran.

Day 2 of the Photo Exhibition on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol

Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 14, 2022

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