Iran News in Brief – August 12, 2022

Retirees and Pensioners in several Iranian cities resumed their rallies



August 11 – Tehran, Iran

8:40 pm local time Anti-regime slogans aired in public: “Damn Khamenei & Raisi!” “Down with the mullahs’ regime!” “Neither the Shah, nor the mullahs! Damned be both!”

Iran Protests

August 11 -Official employees of the regime’s Oil Ministry held gatherings in over 30 sites across various cities demanding their rights. Regime officials are extremely concerned of possible strikes in this vital industry in the near future.


Official employees of the regime’s Oil Ministry held gatherings in various cities demanding their rights. Regime officials are extremely concerned of possible strikes in this vital industry in the near future.


August 11 – Rome Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iran opposition PMOI/MEK protested the mullahs’ rule in Iran and called for the prosecution of regime leaders for their role in the summer 1988 Massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners.


Maryam Rajavi: The Only Right and Effective Response To Religious Fascism Is Firmness Not Caving In

I am truly delighted to see you again. Over the past two years, we were unfortunately deprived of getting together. Ashraf residents are thrilled to see you here in Ashraf-3 because they can see their friends on difficult days. Those were challenging days, but we overcame all the obstacles with your help and support.

Indeed, you have visited the Iranian Resistance’s museum, which offers only a glimpse of the Iranian people’s pain and suffering and the Mojahedin’s glorious resistance against the regime.

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A Mother and Daughter Were Tied to the Bed for 24 Hours in Vakilabad Prison

A prisoner named Sahar F. was tied to the bed in the dispensary of Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad for 24 hours, along with her 12-year-old daughter, Tina Gh. Their hands and feet were cuffed to the bed.

Human rights networks say Sahar and Tina were tied to the bed for arguing with agents of the women’s ward of Vakilabad Prison (the Central Prison of Mashhad) on Wednesday, August 3, 2022. On the order of prison authorities, they were tied to the bed for 24 hours as punishment.

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Dying Lake Urmia: One of Many Clerics Created Environmental Disaster

Lake Urmia, in the mountains of northwest Iran, began shrinking in 1995 due to a combination of prolonged drought, and the extraction of water for farming and dams, according to the UN Environment Program. Lake Urmia is an important ecosystem, a key stopping point for migratory birds, and home to an endemic shrimp as well as other underwater species.

The Urmia Lake Basin is a generally mountainous territory containing two of the famous Iranian volcanic peaks (Sahand, 3707 meters, and Sabalan, 4810 meters), and with several vast productive plains in the valleys and around the Lake.

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Security Forces Indiscriminately Shoot, Kill Children in Iran

In all the years of its rule, the Iranian regime has been violating the rights of citizens with cruel and oppressive methods. Children have always been victims of systematic violations of human rights in Iran. Under the clerical regime in Iran, children’s rights are violated through executions, child labor, deprivation of education, and child marriage.

The regime routinely reduces the budget for educational centers or support centers for children and teenagers every year and instead increases the budgets of repressive forces and state propaganda.

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Retirees in Iran Hold Ninth Day of Protest Rallies—August 10, 2022

August 10, 2022: Retirees and Pensioners in several Iranian cities resumed their rallies on Wednesday, August 10.

Protests were reported in Tehran, Ahvaz, Babol, Arak, Khorramabad, Kerman, Rasht, Kermanshah, Shush, and other cities. Protesters criticize the regime’s destructive policies and accuse officials of stealing their money. Pensioners and retirees are among the worst-hit segments as Iran’s economy continues to nosedive.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 11, 2022

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