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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – August 11, 2023

Iran News in Brief – August 11, 2023

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Iran Is the Biggest Perpetrator of Internet Shutdowns in 2023

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Over 4 billion people suffered from some form of digital oppression in 2023 alone, with Iran being the biggest perpetrator of internet shutdowns so far. That’s the grim scenario depicted by VPN service provider, Surfshark, in its latest report. Experts counted a total of 82 incidents affecting 29 countries in the first half of the year, with 42 of those being recorded as new restrictions. Iran, India, and Pakistan ranked as the top three countries that disrupted the internet most this year, counting 14, 9, and 3 new recorded cases respectively. Surfshark’s report cites Asia as the epicenter of this worrying trend, which disproportionately affects citizens’ well-being, human rights, and the affected countries’ economies.

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Statement by the High Representative on Behalf of the EU on the Alignment of Certain Countries With Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/1532 Concerning Restrictive Measures in View of Iran’s Military Support to Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine


This Decision established a new sanctions framework in view of Iran’s military support to Russia, which prohibits the export from the EU to Iran of components used in the development and production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). It also provides for a travel ban and asset freeze measures that could be imposed against persons responsible for, supporting or involved in Iran’s UAV programme.

The candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the EFTA countries Iceland and Liechtenstein, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this Council Decision. They will ensure that their national policies conform to this Council Decision. The European Union takes note of this commitment and welcomes it.

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Fuel Shortages Cause Lengthy Queues at Gas Stations Across Iran

During the last night, extended queues emerged in front of fuel stations in various cities throughout Iran due to fuel scarcity. Javan, a newspaper associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, acknowledged on Friday, August 11, that the extensive line at a gas station providing diesel fuel along the Minab to Jask route has posed considerable challenges for truck drivers. This situation has compelled them to endure prolonged waiting times to access fuel.

کمبود سوخت در پمپ‌بنزینها و صفهای طولانی مقابل جایگاههای سوخت


Residents Gather in Protest Over Ongoing Water Shortages in Southern Tehran

Following a four-day water cutoff in the Alard neighborhood of Robat Karim, in the southern part of Tehran Province, a group of residents gathered on Thursday evening, August 10, in protest against the ongoing water shortages. They assembled on one of the streets in this neighborhood to voice their concerns over the continuous water disruptions.

تجمع اعتراضی برای آب در رباط کریم و شهرستان شوط

Ukrainian Air Force Downs Seven Iranian-Made Drones in Attack by Russian Forces


The Ukrainian Air Force reported on Thursday, August 10, the downing of seven “Shahed” drones manufactured by the Iranian regime. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, during the night-time drone attack launched by Russia from 20:00 Greenwich Mean Time until 04:00 this morning, a total of seven “Shahed” drones made by the regime were shot down. These drones were used in the attack on the city of Zaporizhia and the western regions of Ukraine.

Vitaliy Kuval, the Governor of the Rivne region in western Ukraine, also stated in this regard, “Russian drones targeted a fuel depot in the attack last night and during the early hours of Friday morning, leading to a widespread fire.”

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: Warning against Iranian Hackers

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BERLIN taz | The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) warns of activities by Iranian hackers in Germany. The cyber attacks were directed “against dissident organizations and individuals” – such as lawyers, journalists or human rights activists. Specifically, the BfV calls an attacker group called “Charming Kitten”. Since the end of 2022, the domestic secret service has been assuming that there have been “concrete spying attempts against Iranian people and organizations in Germany”, according to a current “cyber letter” published on Thursday. According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, “Charming Kitten” has specialized in the method of social engineering and the targeted spying out of individual opponents of the regime and organizations.

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NZSIS’s First Unclassified Threat Assessment Targets Competition, Public Trust, Technology


New Zealand’s spy agency has for the first time published an unclassified threat assessment, highlighting rising global competition, falling public trust, technological innovation and global economic instability. They say these are the main factors driving the threats New Zealand collectively faces: violent extremism, foreign interference and espionage. The report also names China, Russia and Iran as three states responsible for foreign interference in Aotearoa, saying their actions have the potential to cause significant harm.

Iran was singled out for “societal” interference, with the report saying activities included monitoring and reporting on Iranian communities and dissident groups. “Globally, Iran has sought to silence dissenting Iranian voices in response to perceived threats to the Islamic Republic. Such activity has historically been unlikely in New Zealand, although the NZSIS continues to assess the threat in light of Iran’s increasingly aggressive behaviour internationally.”

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The Failure of Iran’s Regime in Implementing the Mandatory Hijab Bill


On August 9, after pointing to the complains of Basij forces who were disappoint from regime incapability imposing the compulsory hijab, Raisi attacked Iranian women and said that the matter “will be dealt with surely.”

Raisi is issuing these threats while the Majlis (parliament) is stuck in implementing a bill to impose the mandatory hijab. On Sunday, August 6, during an informal vote, in a closed session of the Majlis, it was decided that the so-called “Chastity and Hijab” bill be reviewed based on Article 85 of the regime’s constitution. If this bill is to be approved based on article 85 of the constitution, in terms of time, its implementation will be limited and experimental.

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The Outcome of Raisi’s Promise To Build 1 Million Homes per Year

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Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei handpicked Ebrahim Raisi, known for his pivotal role in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, with the promise of building one million housing units per year. But the situation has reached to a point that on July 29, the state-run Faraz website wrote, “Thousands of families have stored away their household furniture and have become homeless. The population living in outskirts of cities has reached 20 million people. Two years ago, the average price per square meter of housing was 330 million rials, and now it has reached 780 million rials. This means a 250 percent increase in just two years.”

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Power Shifts, Protests, and Human Rights Dilemmas in Iran in 2023

iran power struggle

As Iran inches closer to the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s tragic demise at the hands of the notorious Morality Police, a moment that sparked nationwide protests, the Iranian authorities and security officials are grappling with a sense of growing apprehension. This fear stems from the ever-expanding wave of protests and anti-government activities that have swept across the country, despite harsh attempts at repressing the protesters. The regime, while enforcing a myriad of restrictive measures on Iranian women, appears to be losing its grip on the mandatory hijab enforcement. Despite new plans, bills, and an assortment of fines and punishments, the women of Iran have demonstrated resilience and creativity. They have found innovative ways to lead anti-government movements and challenge the regime’s suppressive machinery and the police forces.

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Azam Gholami Languishes in Jail Without Trial after Ten Months

Azam Gholami min

Political prisoner Azam Gholami, 35, has languished in confinement for over 10 months, held in an uncertain state. Despite the passage of ten months behind bars, the situation of Azam Gholami remains unresolved, as she is held within the confines of Mashhad Central Prison without trial or access to legal representation. Azam Gholami’s ordeal began when security forces apprehended her in front of her Qasem Abad residence in Mashhad during the height of the nationwide uprising and protests in October 2022. Her home was subjected to a search, and several personal possessions were confiscated. She was subsequently taken to the detention center of the Intelligence Department of Mashhad. Following a period of relentless interrogation that spanned more than two months, she was transferred to the Ministry of Intelligence Ward within the Central Prison of Mashhad, also known as Vakil Abad Prison.

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Gold Mining and Environmental Struggles in Iran’s Takab

Gold Mining and Environmental Struggles in Irans Takab

Situated in the picturesque pastures near the villages of Agh-Darreh Alia, Agh-Darreh Sefeli, and Agh-Darreh Vasati, the Agh-Darreh Takab gold mine stands as Iran’s first active gold mining company, managed by the Puyazarkan Agh-Darreh Mining Company (Private Share). Since its commencement in 2003, the mine has annually extracted over 2 million tons of gold ore from a site located 25 km away from Takab city, while its headquarters remain in Tehran. Originally explored during the Pahlavi regime by the German Minperk company, the mine’s ownership transfer to the Puyazarkan Agh-Darreh company remains unclear. Unfortunately, initial exploration efforts were abandoned due to the discovery of a significant amount of mercury. Moreover, a legal case related to a 44 billion toman violation concerning the destruction of the mine’s natural resources has been examined in provincial courts since 2014, but a final verdict is still pending.

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Baseless Accusation of “Moharebeh” Against Four Protesters in Sanandaj

Moharebeh sanandaj protesters

The Iranian judiciary has falsely accused four Kurdish citizens from Sanandaj named Keyvan Zandi, Aram Azad, Sardar Shahmoradi, and Houshang Chahar Gorgeh of “moharebeh” (enmity against God). These individuals were arrested by security forces during the nationwide protests in Sanandaj last autumn. Currently, they are held in temporary detention at Sanandaj Central Prison, facing the imminent risk of being sentenced to death. These four individuals were arrested by security forces in December 2022 and were held for months in one of the security detention centers in the city of Sanandaj, where they were subjected to severe physical and psychological torture to extract forced confessions.

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Stockholm, Sweden—August 10, 2023: MEK Supporters Rallied in Support of the MEK Leadership and Against the Mullahs’ Regime Ruling Iran

Stockholm - August 10, 2023: MEK Supporters Held a Rally in Support of the MEK Leadership

Stockholm, Sweden—August 10, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and photo exhibition in front of the Swedish Parliamnet and demanded the trial of Ali Khamenei (Supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime) for crimes against humanity, in an international court. They expressed strong support for the MEK leadership.

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MEK Supporters Rallied in Vienna, Austria, Supporting the MEK Leadership and Against the Mullahs’ Regime Ruling Iran

Vienna, Austria—August 8, 2023: MEK Supporters, Expressed Strong Support for the MEK Leadership

Vienna, Austria—August 8, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and demanded the trial of Ali Khamenei (Supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime) for crimes against humanity, in an international court. They expressed strong support for the MEK leadership.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 10, 2023