Iran News in Brief – August 10, 2022

August 7, 2022: Iranians, supporters of the MEK in Canada—Vancouver, staged a rally against the Iranian regime and called an end to appeasement policy toward this regime.



Feudal Fight over A Big Lie Called Khayyam Rocket Launch

Although the Russian embassy in Tehran announced last night that this country has built the recently launched satellite on behalf of the Iranian regime, the regime’s President Ebrahim Raisi claimed today at a cabinet meeting that “the Khayyam satellite” was national pride and thanked Iranian experts for placing it into the orbit.

Meanwhile, contradicting statements of other officials are speaking volumes of Tehran’s desperate need for any kind of achievement.

The head of the regime’s Space Organization admitted the Khayyam satellite was built by a Russian company. At a press conference, Hassan Salarieh said: “The Khayyam satellite was built by a Russian company and it was ordered by Iran. This satellite reached the stage of construction based on the parameters determined by Iran and under Iran’s supervision. This project is estimated at 40 million dollars.”

The state-run Eslahatnews wrote: “The Khayyam satellite was launched yesterday by a Russian rocket from the Baikonur space base in Kazakhstan. Immediately after the launch, the government began to claim the achievement of this project.”

The official IRNA news agency called the Khayyam satellite “an Iranian satellite”, which has been achieved as a result of the efforts of the Raisi government.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahormi, the regime’s former Minister of Communications claimed it was merely an accomplishment of the Rouhani administration and considered this a national achievement.


Iran Conference, The Natanz Revelation: 20 Years Later

Lasting reverberations of Iranian resistance’s August 14, 2002, landmark nuclear revelation
Distinguished National Security and non-proliferation experts will discuss Tehran’s nuclear agenda on Natanz’s 20th anniversary and offer policy options.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022- Washington, DC
National Council of Resistance of Iran
U.S. Representative office (NCRI-US)

EU Presents ‘Final’ Text Aiming To Revive Iran Nuclear Deal

Four days of talks in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear program came to an end on Monday. The focus was on a European Union plan with the goal of returning all parties to a nuclear deal containing Iran’s nuclear program. With negotiations over the text of this plan now finalized, the officials involved have returned to their respective capitals with senior EU officials insisting there will be no more changes in this text. This is a message to Tehran to take it or leave it.

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In a Letter to Mousavi Tabrizi, Maryam Akbari Monfared Slams His Claims on the 1988 Massacre

Political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared in a letter to Mousavi Tabrizi, wrote: “The answer to my complaint against the perpetrators of the 1988 executions was threats, banishment, and imprisonment.”

Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, the regime’s prosecutor general in the 1980s, recently said, “The families of those executed (in the 1988 massacre) could have complained, but they did not do so!”

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Higher Education Less Accessible for Ordinary Iranians

The discussion regarding changes to the annual university entrance exam in Iran (konkour) has been going on for a few years among politicians and analysts in Iran.

It has been two months since Iran’s Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution ratified changes to the annual university entrance exams. According to this decree, starting from 2023, the annual entrance exam will be held twice a year and only for the specialized courses in each field. Based on this, the entrance exam’s share of measuring students’ academic ability decreased from 100% to 40%, and the remaining 60% of the share of entering the university is determined based on the academic records of the last three years of high school. Also, students are allowed to re-do their 10th, 11th, and 12th-year exams to improve their GPA up to 10 times.

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Mullahs Issue Savage Punishments To Remain in Power

In recent days, Iranians have been left to deal with devastating floods and natural disasters as restrictive measures have yet to ease. Over the past week, hundreds of people have lost their lives due to floods and landslides, with many more trapped under the rubble or remaining missing. 

Rather than help those in need, the mullahs of the Iranian regime have significantly intensified exercising inhumane punishments to show their mercilessness. Such brutality is not new to most of the society, who witnessed the extrajudicial executions during the eight-year war in the 1980s. 

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Canada, Vancouver: Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rally Against Iran’s Regime—August 7, 2022

Sunday, August 7, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) in Canada—Vancouver, staged a rally against the mullahs and called an end to appeasement policy toward this regime.

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Negotiators return to capitals as latest Iran nuclear talks end in Vienna

Iran Protests:

August 9 – Near Dorud, western Iran

Locals took to the streets to protest environmental issues and the stench in their town that is being caused by industrial factories near their town.

Mashhad, northeast Iran

Piping workers of the Ferdowsi power plant held a gathering demanding their overdue pensions.

August 9 – Asaluyeh, southern Iran

Aram Pars Co. workers in the Hengam petrochemical site went on strike demanding their overdue paychecks

August 9 – Tehran – Isfahan

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions.

August 9 – Saravan, southeast

Long line of vehicles waiting to purchase diesel fuel.
Despite having the world’s 4th largest crude oil reserves, the regime’s destructive policies have left people suffering from severe fuel shortages.

August 9 – Dezful, southwest

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions, accusing regime officials of betraying their trust.

August 9 – Shushtar, southwest 

Pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting poor economic conditions. “Raisi, you liar! What happened to your promises?” they’re chanting & calling out the regime president.

August 9 – Ahvaz, southwest

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions.

“Death to Raisi!” they’re chanting against the regime president.

August 9 – Ahvaz, southwest

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions.

August 9 – Arak, central

Retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization protesting low pensions and poor economic conditions.

Retirees launch new round of protests in several cities

Also, read Iran News in Brief – August 9, 2022

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