Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran News in Brief – April 9, 2024



Dislodging a Dictatorship


Perhaps the most malevolent tyranny in the world today is the theocratic dictatorship created by the mullahs in Iran. Seventy-five million Iranians are oppressed by the ageing and increasingly psychotic Supreme Leader – Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who wields ultimate power together with his puppet president Ebrahim Raisi- dubbed ‘The Butcher of Tehran’ due to his blood-soaked background as an executioner.

Only a derisory 8.2% of the population participated in a recent sham poll for members of the Majilis (parliament), indicating forcefully the people’s rejection of the mullahs’ regime. Repeated nationwide uprisings, like the one that took place in 2022 following the death in custody of the young Kurdish girl Mahsa Amini, have been brutally crushed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – the regime’s Gestapo, and their thuggish militia colleagues the Basij. The UN is now investigating reports that 750 people were killed in the 2022 uprising, while a further 30,000 were imprisoned. Many have been raped and tortured and a number have been executed in what the UN fact-finding mission describes as a crime against humanity. But as Iranians enter a New Year or Nowruz, they should not despair. History is full of examples where dictatorships have been overthrown.

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Iran’s Economy in Freefall as The Value of The Rial Continues to Plummet

Iran's economic collapse, NCRI, MEK, Coronavirus, covid-19, rial, toman

From the beginning of the Persian year 1403 (starting in March 2024), it was evident that great calamities were about to befall the oppressed people of Iran. The emptiness of Ebrahim Raisi’s slogan of controlling inflation was evident on the empty tables of millions of deprived individuals who lacked even the most basic necessities. In the past two years, the prices of essential food items consumed by the lower classes of people have skyrocketed.

On April 1, 2024, The state-run Khabar Online news website wrote, “The price of meat has increased from 1.4 million rials to 5.52 million rials, a 290% increase! Chicken has gone from 290,000 rials to 870,000 rials, a 200% increase! Oil is now at 630,000 rials, a 270% increase! Rice has reached 1.06 million rials, a 113% increase! Onions are priced at 200,000 rials, an 185% increase! Tomatoes are at 620,000 rials, a 158% increase.”

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Political Prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh Transferred to Tehran’s Notorious Evin Prison


Political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh was transferred from Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad, northeastern Iran, to Tehran’s Evin prison on the anniversary of her arrest for unknown reasons.

The Kurdish political prisoner had previously gone on hunger strike for 3 days on January 30 to protest the execution of political prisoners. She was arrested on April 4, 2023, after being summoned by the IRGC’s Intelligence Department in Mashhad and was then transferred to Section 5 of Mashhad Prison on the same day.

Before this, political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh was sentenced to 7.5 years of prison in the 5th Branch of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court by Judge Mansouri on charges of “insulting Khamenei”, “spreading propaganda against the state,” and “communication and cooperation with foreign media.” This trial was held without the lawyer of her choice.

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Iran’s Crumbling Economy: Lies, Statistics, and Bleak Reality


The value of the Iranian dollar has skyrocketed to over 64,000 tomans, and gold coins now cost more than 46 million tomans. These record highs are becoming commonplace, yet the regime not only refuses to abandon its warmongering but also resorts to blatant lies about the country’s economic health to quell public outrage.

In a recent meeting, President Raisi presented ludicrous statistics, claiming a six percent economic growth and a balanced budget, signifying an end to the budget deficit and a significant reduction in inflation. However, he conveniently skipped over the crippling crisis in worker income, a major challenge facing the nation. He merely offered empty promises of supporting low-income groups.

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Protesters Take to the Iranian Streets Despite Efforts to Quell the Uprisings in 2024

Protesters Rock Iran, While Khamenei and Raisi are making every effort to prevent another uprising, Iranian streets are being overtaken by protesting people. During the past few months, despite government efforts to suppress dissent, protests erupted across Iran, underscoring deep-seated grievances among various groups, including nurses and retired telecommunications employees, highlighting widespread dissatisfaction with labor conditions and governmental policies.

As the holy month of Ramadan has not yet ended, street protests in Iran have intensified. On Tuesday, April 8, 2024, various groups of protesters took to the streets in Iran.

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Internet Disruptions Confirmed by NetBlocks and State Media


Following reports from users across Iran regarding widespread disruptions and a significant decrease in internet speed, NetBlocks has confirmed the occurrence of these disruptions. A digital rights observer suggested that “it appears the network was under a DDoS attack,” indicating that efforts by Iran Access to restore access have been made.

NetBlocks, a non-governmental organization monitoring the global internet, confirmed on Monday, April 8, an internet disruption in Iran, stating that “since early Monday morning, there has been a moderate disruption in internet connectivity in Iran affecting several networks.”

The non-governmental organization responsible for monitoring the internet worldwide announced that investigations into this incident are ongoing.

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Resistance Supporters Rally Across Europe in Solidarity with Iran Revolution

Supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) organization have held rallies in several European cities to express their solidarity with the ongoing revolution in Iran. These demonstrations took place on April 6, 04, in Heidelberg, Germany; Stockholm, Sweden; and Oslo, Norway.

In Heidelberg, MEK supporters organized an exhibition to highlight the plight of the Iranian people and their struggle for freedom. Participants carried banners and chanted slogans in support of the Iranian revolution, calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic regime.

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State Officials and Experts Blame Government Mismanagement for Currency Crisis


Iran’s currency market has been in turmoil, with the US dollar exchange rate surging past 65,000 tomans, sparking renewed concerns among the public and economic actors. While elements affiliated with the government of Ebrahim Raisi claim the rate will drop again, critics have attributed the crisis to the |government’s vacuity.”

Mehrad Ebad, a member of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, stated that the currency crisis and market volatility are not the result of media reporting, but rather “vacuity” rooted in the “nature of Iran’s economy.”

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Iran Regime Drives Revenue Surge Through Skyrocketing Traffic Fines

In a startling revelation, the state-run media outlet disclosed, a concerning trend: the Raisi government’s aggressive new tactic of squeezing the public through exorbitant traffic fines.

The Roozegar Khodro wrote on Sunday, April 7, “According to the head of traffic police, traffic fines will increase by 4 to 5 times, with the fine for speeding reaching approximately 600,000 to 700,000 tomans. Moreover, recent statistics indicate that there are over 15 million vehicles in Iran.”

“It’s worth crunching the numbers on one of the most common traffic offenses,” the source added. “If each vehicle is fined for speeding just once a year, we reach a staggering figure. The total sum of these fines and the revenue generated in a year amounts to 9 to 10.5 trillion tomans. Now, factor in the remaining fines. Although raising fine amounts can potentially deter violations and reduce accidents and fatalities, it’s noteworthy that not all vehicles are fined for speeding. However, some vehicles will receive more than one fine throughout the year.”

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Yemeni Leader Blames Tehran-backed Militants for Escalating Tensions in His Country

Amid escalating tensions in Yemen, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, head of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council, held the regime in Iran “responsible for the region’s crises,” noting that militias affiliated with Tehran in Yemen, Syria, and other countries were seeking to fulfill Iranian interests.

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Al-Alimi called upon the Houthi rebels to lift the siege on the city of Taiz as a critical step towards achieving peace in the region. He emphasized the importance of Saudi Arabia’s mediation efforts and highlighted the detrimental impact of Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, attributing them to benefiting Iran rather than Gaza.

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Iran Regime’s Parliament Grapples with Soaring Currency Crisis


The Iranian regime’s parliament, known as the Majlis, is witnessing tumultuous debates and rising concerns over the ongoing economic crisis as the value of the Iranian rial continues to plummet against major currencies.

Following a significant drop in the value of the rial on Sunday, April 7, the US dollar surged to a staggering 65,850 tomans (with one toman equivalent to 10 rials), prompting heightened anxiety among both lawmakers and the public. State-run newspaper “Setareh Sobh” published an article titled “Release the Dollar Brake” on Saturday, highlighting the persistent upward trend in the dollar’s value since the Nowruz holidays.

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European Union Extends Sanctions Against Iranian Regime and Updates Sanctions List


The European Union Council has extended sanctions against the Iranian regime and updated the list of sanctioned individuals. According to a statement issued, the EU Council has extended restrictive measures against the Iranian regime until April 13, 2025. This decision, announced on April 4, aims to address human rights concerns in Iran, resulting in the addition of 17 individuals, including senior officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the State Security Forces (SSF), accused of participating in the suppression of protests and human rights violations.

The sanctions include asset freezes and travel bans for the listed individuals.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 7, 2024