Iran News in Brief – April 3, 2023

iranian resistance protests 01042023



Iran Uprising at a Glance

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, April 3, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 200th day on Monday with a variety of protests across the country in different forms and methods. Protesters and ordinary people throughout Iran are constantly voicing their hatred of the ruling dictatorship and its apparatus of oppressive security forces, blaming them for their political, social, and economic miseries.

On Monday morning, retirees and pensioners of the regime’s Social Security Organization in Ahvaz and Shush, southwest Iran, held a gathering outside the local governor’s office and launched a march in the city streets, protesting high prices, inflation, low pensions, and other economic woes. They were chanting different slogans, including:
“High prices and inflation are killing the people!”
“Our rights will only be fulfilled if we take to the streets!”
“Incompetent Raisi, go back to the seminary!” referring to regime President Ebrahim Raisi and his destructive economic policies, or lack thereof.
“Our enemy is right here! They lie in saying it’s America!”

Teachers and educators in the city of Firouzeh in Razavi Khorasan Province, northeast Iran, held a gathering on Monday to and protesting poor economic conditions, their low and delayed paychecks, and demand the release of their unjustly jailed colleagues. Teachers of the Mahmoud Kazemi School in the 2nd District of Hamadan in western Iran were also on strike today, protesting their delayed paychecks. Similar reports of protests by teachers were received from the cities of Zarrindasht in Fars Province, Jam in Bushehr Province, and Bukan in West Azerbaijan Province.

Locals in the capital Tehran’s Shahrak-e Bagheri district were chanting anti-regime slogans last night till the early morning today, including “Down with Khamenei!”

Reports indicate an all-girls school in the city of Naqadeh in West Azerbaijan Province has been the target of a chemical gas attack on Monday and at least five students have been rushed to a hospital. The “22 Bahman Mohammadyar School” was the target of this latest attack and the students in need of urgent medical care were taken to Naqadeh’s Imam Hospital.

In Tehran, Members of MEK-affiliated Resistance Units portrayed a large image of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi and opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in the capital’s Imam Ali Expressway.

Reports from the city of Mahabad in northwest Iran indicate that defiant youth targeted the regime’s “Islamic Council” in this area on Sunday night. Further details will be provided in renewed update reports from local activists.


One Kurdish Citizen Killed, One Injured and Two Forcefully Disappeared by Security Forces in Western Iran

Security forces in Iran killed a Kurdish citizen named Aini Qadernejad from Urmia, injuring another individual and arresting two others on Sunday, April 2.

According to a local human rights organization, Aini Qadernejad was killed by direct fire from border guards at the Oshnaviyeh border while his friend, 51-year-old Mohammad Latif Khaledi was also seriously injured. The body of Aini Qadernejad has reportedly been transferred to a forensic physician in Naqadeh city, and Mohammad Latif Khalidi was also operated on both legs and one hand in one of the hospitals of this city. The two other citizens were arrested by state security forces and taken to an unknown location.


Suspects in Terrorist Attack Against Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa Identified

Detainees in connection with the attack on Azerbaijani MP Fazil Mustafa have been identified, Trend reports. According to preliminary information, the organizer of the attack is Azer Sarijanov, born in 1976 in the Salyan district. Azer Sarijanov is an adherent of radical Shia Islam. He visited Iran 11 times between 2010 and 2019. From 1993 to 2002, he lived and studied in the city of Qom; during his studies, he was involved in cooperation with the special services of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

After returning to Azerbaijan, with the financial support of the Iranian special services, he established business activities in the country under the guise of charity. Over the following time, he repeatedly visited Iran. Based on instructions received from the Iranian special services, Sarijanov provided financial and organizational support to commit this crime.

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Iran Uprising Continues as Baluchis Protest Regime Atrocities

Iran’s nationwide uprising is witnessing its 199th day as night rallies against the mullahs’ regime are spreading once again across numerous districts of Tehran and other cities with people voicing their hatred of the ruling dictatorship through anti-regime slogans. In Sistan & Baluchestan Province, in different cases people were protesting the regime’s attacks against fuel porters, leaving them dead on the road in their vehicles. People throughout the country continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Iran: Opponents of Compulsory Veiling Threatened With Harsh Punishment

The head of the mullahs’ Judiciary has announced that removing the veil is considered hostility to the regime and its values. Opponents of compulsory veiling who engage in such acts will be punished “without leniency.”

Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejeii emphasized in the first session of the Supreme Judiciary Council in the new Persian year, held on April 1st, that “officials are obliged to deal with any proven crime and any kind of deviation that is against the law and Sharia, which occurs in public…, and refer the cases to the relevant judicial authorities. Judicial authorities should also be careful in dealing with such cases.” (The state-run Fars Government News Agency – April 1, 2023)

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Khamenei’s Atrocities: Iran’s Abysmal Human Rights Record in 1401

In 2022 the Iranian regime faced a unique popular uprising, which was met with excessive force from its security forces. Hundreds of individuals, including men, women, and children, were killed by live ammunition and metal pellets, while thousands were injured or detained without cause, solely for peacefully exercising their opinions, in the hope of a free and democratic country. Women and ethnic and religious minorities were subjected to intensified discrimination and violence. Widespread and systematic human rights violations, such as enforced disappearances, torture, and denial of medical care, were prevalent.

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The Dire State of Iran’s Pharmaceutical Industry: Devastating Corruption and Mismanagement Put Lives at Risk in 2023

 The pharmaceutical industry in Iran has been plagued by corruption and incompetence, resulting in severe shortages of essential medical drugs and unaffordable prices for patients in need. The state of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry has deteriorated so much that, according to the government itself, this industry is on the brink of bankruptcy, and for some time now, the government-associated media has been issuing continuous warnings about the dire situation of the pharmaceutical industry.

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Stockholm, Sweden—April 1, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally to Support the Iran Revolution

Stockholm, Sweden—April 1, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the Swedish Parliament and expressed solidarity with the nationwide Iran protests.

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Cologne, April 1, 2023: Freedom-Loving Iranians Rally: “Towards a Democratic Republic”

On Saturday, April 1st, 2023, freedom-loving Iranians held a demonstration in the center of Cologne with the slogans, “Death to Khamenei, towards a democratic republic.”

Also, Iranians chanted other slogans, including:

“This year is the year of the overthrow of Khamenei”!

“Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or a supreme leader (Khamenei)”!

“Neither monarchy nor supreme leader (Khamenei), Democracy and equality”!

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Toronto, Canada—April 1, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Support of the Iran Revolution

Toronto, Canada—April 1, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally and expressed solidarity with the nationwide Iranian uprising against the mullahs’ regime.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 2, 2023

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