Iran News in Brief – April 24, 2024



Statement from President Joe Biden on Iran Sanctions

Less than a week ago, Iran launched one of the largest missile and drone attacks the world has ever seen against Israel. Together with our allies and partners, the United States defended Israel. We helped defeat this attack. And today, we are holding Iran accountable—imposing new sanctions and export controls on Iran.

The sanctions target leaders and entities connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iran’s Defense Ministry, and the Iranian government’s missile and drone program that enabled this brazen assault. As I discussed with my fellow G7 leaders the morning after the attack, we are committed to acting collectively to increase economic pressure on Iran. And our allies and partners have or will issue additional sanctions and measures to restrict Iran’s destabilizing military programs.

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Rewards Up To $10 Million For Information On Iranian Hackers

The United States Justice Department has announced big rewards for information leading to the capture of four Iranian nationals.

These individuals are accused of conducting a sophisticated multi-year cyber campaign against American companies. The announcement underscores the gravity of cyber threats and the U.S. government’s commitment to countering such illegal activities.

The indictment, unsealed in a Manhattan federal court, names Hossein Harooni, Reza Kazemifar, Komeil Baradaran Salmani, and Alireza Shafie Nasab as the perpetrators behind a concerted effort to compromise the U.S. government and business networks.

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Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Rally in Luxembourg, Calling for Blacklist IRGC

The freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated in Luxembourg on April 22, 2024, concurrent with the European Union Foreign Ministers’ meeting to discuss the grave situation in the Middle East and the warmongering of the mullahs’ regime.

The demonstrators condemned the warmongering and terrorism of the mullahs’ regime and called for the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

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Iran’s Broken Economy, A Symbol of The Regime’s Warmongering

Iran’s regime uses warmongering and the export of terrorism as one of the main pillars to maintain its hold on power. However, the byproduct of this expensive adventurism is the destruction of the country’s economy, which is backfiring against the regime as the lives of millions of Iranians plunge into poverty and misery. On April 14, the state-run Ham-Mihan newspaper reported, “In the coming year, the Iranian society will not experience better conditions economically and socially, and dissatisfaction will continue under the shadow of ongoing problems.”

Ham-Mihan quoted the Vice President of the Union of Veteran Workers’ Society as saying, “Workers have become poorer in the past two years, and the real purchasing power of workers has decreased by about 34 percent.

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Iran’s Shadow: Growing Influence Sparks Concerns in the UK

British security services are facing a complex challenge as Iran’s influence in the UK appears to be on the rise. This influence manifests in two key ways: through the activities of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the powerful military wing of the Iranian regime, and through a network of seemingly benign organizations with close ties to Tehran.

The IRGC has become a focal point of concern. Accused of plotting assassinations and kidnappings on British soil, the organization is seen as a direct threat to national security. Ken McCallum, the Director-General of MI5, has placed Iran alongside Russia and China as a top security threat. Proponents of proscribing the IRGC as a terrorist organization argue it would disrupt their operations and deter potential collaborators. However, the UK government hesitates due to the need to maintain diplomatic channels with Iran.

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Iran’s ‘Noor Project’: Can Coercive Measures Stifle Freedom’s Flame?

The Iranian regime’s morality patrol has once again expanded under the title of the ‘Noor (Light) Project’. With its warmongering in the region on the one hand and the hijab issue on the other, Khamenei’s rule intends to restore the previous balance—a balance that was disrupted by the 2022 uprising and the heinous murder of Mahsa Amini. The regime’s Minister of Interior has praised the actions of the regime’s corrupt leaders.

During this period, numerous videos have emerged depicting the inhumane and cruel treatment of women and girls in the country, all in the name of enforcing mandatory hijab. Despite their presence in public spaces, these enforcers have failed to impose the mandatory hijab on women and girls.

In a conversation with a sociologist, the state-run newspaper Setareh-e Sobh has discussed the consequences of implementing the Noor Project. He says, “Social studies indicate that since the bitter events of 2022, society has entered a new phase. This new situation has deep roots; it’s impossible to revert society to its previous state through physical, judicial, police, or security means. Society is evolving in a direction that will ultimately shape our thoughts, ideas, and desires.”

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Iran’s Human Rights Record: A Cause for Concern

The 2023 US State Department report on human rights paints a grim picture of the situation in Iran. The report details widespread violations across seven key areas: human dignity, civil liberties, political participation, corruption, lack of cooperation with international investigations, discrimination, and mistreatment of workers.

The report highlights a significant deterioration in human rights conditions compared to the previous year. Women face a multitude of discriminatory practices, including the mandatory hijab law. Executions surged by 37%, with 798 Iranian citizens put to death in 2023. Religious minorities, particularly Baha’is, are routinely targeted.

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In The Past Two Years, 8 Million People Added to Iran’s Poor Population

According to information analyzed by the state-run Etemad newspaper regarding poverty rate data, a 10% increase in the poverty rate over two years translates to approximately 8 million more people falling into poverty in the country.

Etemad notes the likelihood of middle-class families falling below the poverty line has increased, and the capacity to finance budget resources has decreased among the middle-class population.

In its Tuesday edition, Etemad, in an article titled “Budget 2024: Incapable of Obliterating Poverty,” citing analysis from the regime’s Majlis (Parliament) Research Center on the budget’s capabilities to combat poverty, states that approximately 50% more people have been added to the poverty population since 2017.

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Vancouver, Canada—April 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Vancouver, Canada—April 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They called for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

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Toronto, Canada—April 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Toronto, Canada—April 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized a rally to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. They called for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

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Copenhagen, Denmark—April 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Copenhagen, Denmark—April 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and rally to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

The purpose of this exhibition was to voice opposition against the increasing number of executions in Iran, shedding light on the oppressive governance of the mullahs’ regime.

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Cologne, Germany—April 20, 2024: MEK Supporters Rally in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Cologne, Germany—April 20, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

MEK supporters in Cologne demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, especially Ali Khamenei (Supreme leader of the mullahs’ regime) and the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 23, 2024

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