Iran News in Brief – April 21, 2024



Iran’s Rebellious Youth Respond To Regime’s New Repressive Measures Against Women And Girls

Iran’s regime has engaged in a series of new repressive measures against women and girls to quell protests and hide its own setbacks and failures. In recent days, there have been many reports and videos of security forces harassing women and girls who do not comply with the regime’s misogynistic hijab rules.

But in defiance of the regime’s repressive actions, Iran’s rebellious youth are targeting regime symbols and centers that are especially affiliated with the regime’s suppressive apparatus.

On April 16, rebellious youth in Tehran attacked the Quds Complex, affiliated with the regime’s apparatus for suppressing women and girls. The sounds of explosions were heard in the surrounding area as the rebellious youth made it clear that they would not allow the regime to carry out its repressive policies without consequences.

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ISJ Urges EU to Designate Iran’s IRGC as Terrorist Organization

The International Committee ‘In Search of Justice’ (ISJ) has called on the European Union to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

In a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the ISJ stated that simply listing IRGC individuals and entities under various sanctions regimes is not enough. “The failure to blacklist the IRGC allows it to continue to operate as a major threat to regional and global security,” the letter said.

The ISJ argued that the IRGC has a long history of involvement in terrorist activities, support for extremist groups, and human rights abuses inside Iran. “The IRGC has been a destabilizing force in the Middle East for decades, engaging in proxy wars, sponsoring terrorist organizations, and fueling sectarian conflicts,” the letter stated. ]

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Forbes Cover Honoring Iranian Leader Is Fake

An image circulating across platforms purports to show a Forbes cover celebrating supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as “the most powerful man” after Iran launched its first-ever direct assault against Israel. But the most recent print issue features an American investor — and a Forbes spokesperson confirmed the magazine did not publish the fake edition shared online.

“Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is featured on the cover of Forbes magazine with the caption ‘The Most Powerful Man in the World,'” said an April 17, 2024 post on X.

The post, which has since been deleted, came from an anonymous account called “S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y,” which has regularly promoted disinformation under various aliases about Iran’s attack on Israel and the wars in the Gaza Strip and Ukraine.

Similar posts shared the supposed cover — which features Khamenei’s face and is dated April 15, 2024 — across X and other platforms, including Instagram and TikTok.

Iran raised regional tensions to new heights with its April 13 attack on Israel, more than six months into a deadly conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

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Suma Pour-Mohammadi Sentenced To 11 Years In Prison

The First Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj sentenced Suma Pour-Mohammadi to 11 years in prison and banishment to Kermanshah in two separate cases. Suma Pour-Mohammadi teaches the Kurdish language. She is a member of the board of directors of a social and cultural organization in Sanandaj, called Nojin.

Sanandaj is the capital of Kurdistan Province in western Iran. She has been sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of “formation of a group to sabotage national security.” The court also banished her to the Central Prison of Kermanshah. The court hearing was held three days ago, on April 17, 2024.

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Iran’s Economic Crisis Ignites Desire for Regime Change

Ahmad Alireza Beigi, an Iranian regime MP from Tabriz, criticized President Ebrahim Raisi in a conversation with the state-run news agency Khabar Online, citing the rise in the price of dollars and coins in the early days of 2024 as evidence of the government’s economic shortcomings. The vice president for parliamentary affairs issued a statement, stating: “In the past few days, as currency fluctuations intensified due to the global increase in gold prices and military developments in the region, several members of parliament made unprofessional and hasty comments and analyses about the economic situation and exchange rates, which could exacerbate the currency market crisis.”

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Regime Authorities Prevent Students From Entering Tehran Polytechnic University

Simultaneously with the implementation of the “Noor Plan” in Iran, which started on Saturday, April 20, to deal with society’s resistance to hijab, student media reported intensified crackdowns on students under the pretext of not having “appropriate hijab.”

The Amir Kabir newsletter reported that from the early hours of Saturday, crackdowns on Amir Kabir students have reached their highest level in the past ten years.

It has been announced that only at one entrance, more than 20 students were prevented from entering due to what is considered “inappropriate clothing,” and similar situations have been reported at other entrances of the university.

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Drone Attack | US Base In “Koniko Gas Field” Shoots A Drone Of Iran-Backed Groups

The anti-aircraft weapons in the US base in “Koniko Gas Field” in Deir Ezzor countryside shot a drone that was flying near the base and was launched by Iran-backed groups. However, no casualties were reported.

Since October 19, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) documented 125 attacks carried out by Iranian-backed militias on Coalition bases in different areas across Syria.

Here is a breakdown of those attacks:

* 35 attacks on the Al-Omar oil field base.

* 16 attack on Al-Shaddadi base in Al-Hasakah countryside.

* 36 attacks on the Koniko gas field base.

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Paris—April 19, 2024: MEK Supporters Organized an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—April 19, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition and book display in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

MEK supporters in Paris called for the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, especially Ali Khamenei (the Supreme Leader) and the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi, for crimes against humanity, in an international court.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 20, 2024

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