Iran News in Brief – April 21, 2021

Iran Coronavirus, Iran news April 21



Iranians Continue to Protest on Wednesday

While the Iranian regime is struggling to keep its head above water on various fronts, a lesser internationally reported scene is the social unrest that erupts on a daily basis. Today, the streets of Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, and Bandar Khomeini are telling a story that is slowly but surely building up into an inevitable outcome.


Watch the Leading Role of Iranian Women in Protests Across Iran

A female teacher from Hashtgerd speaks to the large gathering of teachers in Karaj

Once again, the leading role of women came to light during the protests on Monday, April 19, 2021, in various parts of Iran. Teachers, farmers, and defrauded investors held protests in Tehran, Isfahan, Karaj, Mashhad, and Ardabil, among others. Again, Iranian women played their leading role in these protests.

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Iranian Official Admits Government Manipulated Stock Market

Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi, president of the Securities and Exchange Organization, recently admitted that the regime has supplied a large part of its budget deficit from profits made through the manipulation of the stock market. On April 16, Dehnavi said on the Clubhouse social media network, “The stock market has provided 6.8 trillion rials (approx. $28 billion) for the economy; the stock market has been the government’s source of income last year.”

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Iran: The Staggering Coronavirus Fatalities in 539 Cities Exceed 258,900

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 539 cities across Iran has exceeded 258,900. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 59,201, Isfahan 16,905, Khorasan Razavi 16,490, Khuzestan 15,634, Mazandaran 10,935, Lorestan 10,908, East Azerbaijan 10,618, West Azerbaijan 9,733, Gilan 9,066, Fars 7,707, Golestan 6,615, Alborz 6,563, Sistan and Baluchestan 5,886, Kerman 5,824, Hamedan 5,813, Central Province 5,368, Kermanshah 5,189, Semnan 4,570, Kurdistan 4,517, Hormozgan 2,970, Qazvin 2,969, Zanjan 2,840, Ilam 2,671, and Bushehr 2,649.

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Mek Resistance Units: “No to the Sham Elections in Iran” “My Vote Is Regime Change”

The Iranian Opposition network inside Iran continued its vast campaign calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential elections of June 2021. In various cities, walls were marked with writings rejecting the elections. “No to the sham elections,” “My vote is for regime change,” and “Down with [regime supreme leader Ali] Khamenei,” were some of the slogans the Resistance Units graffitied on the walls.

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“My Vote Is For Regime Change In Iran”: Iranians Chant Against Regime’s Sham June 2021 Election

The Iranian opposition network inside Iran continued its vast campaign calling for a boycott of the regime’s sham elections. The Resistance Units, the network of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), organized these anti-regime activities in Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Varamin, Nishabur, Gachsaran, Kerman, Kashan, Sabzevar, and Kermanshah.

Iran’s Government Fears the ‘No’ of the People

Iran will soon hold its presidential election, and beforehand, government officials and state media are speaking about the people’s big ‘NO’ to this election and are expressing their fears. But the situation this time is even worse than in the previous elections. This time the government is forced to convince its forces to support and be present in the scene of this election.

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Iran: Farmers in Isfahan, Others Hold Protest Rallies Across the Country

Poor living conditions and skyrocketing prices are leading to more people holding protest rallies in cities and towns across Iran. Faka Agro-Livestock Company in the Baharestan region, Isfahan province, central Iran pumps the sewage water of this region to the company’s location for agricultural purposes and fertilizer production. Since the villagers themselves use the sewage water for agriculture, they protested the company’s measures by cutting the pipes on Monday, April 19, preventing the transfer of sewage water to the company.

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Iran: 14,000 Garbage Collectors in Tehran Alone

More than 4,000 garbage collecting children in Iran’s capital

Mohsen Hashemi Rafsanjani, a member of Tehran’s city council announced on Tuesday, April 13, that the “Mafia of Garbage” exploits 14,000 homeless people in Tehran, including small children.

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Iran Regime Manipulated Stock Market To Pay For Budget Deficit

The president of Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization, Mohammad Ali Dehghan Dehnavi, admitted that the regime has manipulated the stock market in order to pay for much of the 2021-22 budget deficit. Dehnavi said on April 16: “The stock market has provided 6.8 trillion rials (approx. $28 billion) for the economy; the stock market has been the government’s source of income last year.”

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Iranian Bahai Woman Detained and Interrogated in Northern City

A Bahai woman was detained by intelligence agents on April 19 in Babol northern Iran. According to the Human Rights News Agency, she was identified as 52-year-old Manijeh Azimian. Manijeh was released on bail the next day. Her home was raided and some of her personal belongings, including her mobile phone, hard disk, flash disks, and holy books were confiscated.

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Iran Nuclear Weapons Smokescreen

The Iranian regime announced that it will start work on enriching uranium to 60% fissile purity, which is further proof that the regime is continuing (and probably speeding up) its violations of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), even as Europe is doing all it can it re-establish the deal.

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Iran news in brief, April 21, 2021

Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 20, 2021 

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