Iran News in Brief – April 19, 2024



Iran Has Enough Material for Nuclear Bomb, Grossi Tells German Media

Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, stated that Iran possesses more highly enriched uranium than necessary for the construction of one or possibly multiple nuclear bombs. Grossi, who is considered an authoritative source on the matter, has expressed persistent concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

Recent events, including Iran’s attacks on Israel, have heightened awareness of the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program. The alleged retaliatory strikes by Israel have further underscored this concern, although the specific targets and extent of damage remain unclear. Notably, despite the attacks, nuclear facilities were reportedly unharmed, according to Grossi’s organization.

Grossi is planning a visit to Iran in the coming weeks, the timing of which is contingent upon the escalation of tensions with Israel.

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Israel Launches Missile Strikes into Iran, U.S. Military Official Says

The Israeli military has conducted missile strikes against Iran, a senior U.S. military official told NPR on Thursday. There are also reports of explosions in Iraq and Syria. The strikes appear to be the response Israel vowed to carry out after an Iranian attack on Sunday when Tehran fired hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel. Most of Iran’s volleys were intercepted or caused little damage. The U.S. military official spoke on condition of anonymity Thursday.

The extent of Israel’s strikes and the weapons used weren’t clear.

Iran state news agency IRNA reported a military official in the central Iranian city of Isfahan, Brigadier General Mihan Dost, as saying loud sounds heard east of the city were the sound of air defenses intercepting what he called a “suspicious target” and that no damage was reported in the area.

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U.S. Enforces Limited Travel Restrictions on Iranian Delegation Amid Rising Tensions

During the United States Department of State Press Briefing on April 18, 2024, Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel addressed the issue of the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian’s presence in New York for UN meetings.

Patel stated, “The United States has imposed additional travel restrictions on the delegation of Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who is in New York for meetings at the UN.” He further specified the limitations, saying, “This restriction permits the delegation to move only within a two-block radius of the UN Headquarters district.”

In response to inquiries about message exchanges with the Iranian delegation regarding the regional conflict, Mr. Patel emphasized, “We have appropriate ways to send messages to the Iranian regime.” He reiterated the U.S.’s stance, saying, “We will continue to be clear to them about the need to further de-escalate and for them to cease their reckless and destabilizing behavior.”


Proven Truth: Iranian Regime Threatens Global Peace and Security

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s message: “Recent hostile acts by the clerical regime confirm that the head of the snake of warmongering is in Tehran. The regime is the driving force behind the war that has escalated since October 7 into new dimensions. The regime remains a key instigator of this conflict, despite opposition from the Iranian people. This conflict serves the regime’s purpose of suppressing potential uprisings within Iran.

Ending the regime’s warmongering and terrorism, as well as preventing its acquisition of a nuclear bomb, can only be accomplished through the efforts of the Iranian people and the Resistance, including their organized uprisings. It is imperative that the clerical regime be recognized as a threat to global peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.

These days, the EU leaders in Brussels are seeking a solution to the escalating conflict that is spreading across the Middle East and beyond. For 40 years, the Iranian Resistance has vehemently asserted that the Iranian regime is the head of the snake of warmongering and terrorism, and the epicenter of Islamic fundamentalism. Recent events have underscored the validity of this assertion.”

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Iran Sanctioned for Missile Attack, U.S. Backs Resistance

The Biden administration has announced new sanctions on the Islamic Republic aimed specifically at its missile and drone programs.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced the sanctions on Tuesday night as part of a coordinated effort with other allies to isolate Iran from missile and drone technology. According to a White House statement, other new sanctions target Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Defense Ministry.

Earlier Tuesday, a bipartisan coalition of 145 U.S. House members, led by Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), introduced a resolution condemning the Iranian government and endorsing a plan to replace the ruling theocracy as put forth by the Iranian dissident group called the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

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Resistance Units Honor PMOI Martyrs Executed by The Shah Regime

On April 19, 1972, the Shah regime in Iran executed a group of senior members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).  These martyrs, including Nasser Sadegh, Mohammad Bazargani, Ali Mihandoost, and Ali Bakeri, were arrested, severely tortured, and then killed in sham trials by the Shah’s notorious intelligence agency, SAVAK.  Around the same time, SAVAK also murdered Asghar Montazer Haghighi in street clashes.

Three years later, on April 19, 1975, the Shah’s regime executed seven members of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas and two senior PMOI members, Kazem Zulanvar and Mostafa Javan Khoshdel.  The Shah’s regime, fearing the growing influence of the PMOI and Fedaian among college students and the educated public, targeted these political prisoners in an attempt to quell the opposition. The SAVAK sought to whitewash these executions by claiming inmates trying to escape were shot and killed by prison guards.

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Aida Shakarami, Sister of Slain Protester, Arrested for Violating The Mandatory Hijab

According to social media reports, Aida Shakarami was arrested yesterday, April 17, 2024, by the moral security police in Tehran for flouting the mandatory Hijab code.

Aida Shakarami is the sister of 16-year-old Nika Shakarami, who was slain in September 2022 during the nationwide uprising against the clerical regime. Her viciously tortured body was found nine days later.

Aida Shakarami is still held in detention, but there is no information available on her whereabouts, or the charges leveled against her.


Nasrin Javadi, Elderly Political Prisoner, Denied Much-Needed Medical Treatment

Nasrin Javadi, an elderly political prisoner suffering from several diseases, who is serving her sentence in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison has been denied proper medical care.

A source close to the family of Nasrin Javadi said: “Mrs. Javadi, who is 67 years old suffers from several diseases, including severe osteoporosis. Due to a lack of calcium absorption, she needs specialized treatment and injection of osteoporosis drugs. Despite the serious need for specialized medical treatment, she is still deprived of being sent to the hospital.”

Despite her age and the fact that she suffers from various other ailments such as lumbar disc, low white blood cells and severe hearing loss, Mrs. Javadi’s request for medical leave has not been approved, which has led to concerns from her family.

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Bipartisan House Resolution Condemns Iranian Regime’s Brutality

More than 140 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have joined a resolution that condemns the Iranian regime’s violence and calls for the protection of Iranian dissidents.

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Despite Violence and Arrests, Iranian Women Rise Up Against The Regime

During a period marked by a heavy presence of Iran regime’s security and repressive forces on the streets, alongside an escalation in the suppression of women, members of the regime’s parliament are endeavoring to pass the so-called ‘hijab and chastity’ bill, aiming to ‘legitimize’ restrictions on women. Mojtaba Zonnour, the vice-chairman of the regime’s parliament, asserted on April 17 that under the hijab law, individuals wearing an incomplete hijab will not face punishment; rather, their behavior will be subject to ‘reprimand, guidance, and correction’.

Simultaneously, he specified: ‘The severity of consequences applies to those deliberately flouting societal norms, including certain celebrities and individuals purposefully challenging the people’s norms, principles, values, and beliefs.’

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Fabricated Statistics in Iran’s Economy

While Iranian regime President Ebrahim Raisi and the government’s economic team accuse critics of ignorance and fabricating statistics, Farshad Momeni, an economist who highlights the contradictions of the government, has labeled the statistics presented by the government as “fabricated” and states that the continuation of this trend will lead to further economic weakness and “erosion of legitimacy.”

Momeni told the regime’s semiofficial ILNA news agency, “The country’s vulnerability to poverty has increased, and in a three-year period at the end of the 2010s, the size of Iran’s poor population tripled.”

Momeni, criticizing the presentation of fabricated statistics, referred to claims of quality growth in the past three years by the government spokesperson and said, “Denying and ignoring problems does not solve them.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 18, 2024

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