Iran News in Brief – April 15, 2024



Toppling Iran’s Tyrants Would Sever Head Of The Snake Fuelling Many Middle East Conflicts

Hiding behind proxies to do their warmongering for decades, the Iranian regime has finally broken cover and launched an unprecedented and chilling missile and suicide drone attack on IsraelIran was joined in the assault by their ‘axis of resistance’ cronies in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq. It was a fatal mistake.

The attack served to mobilise the Americans and British as Israel’s key allies. President Joe Biden has reiterated that US support for Israel is “ironclad”. Israeli retaliation against the mullahs is now a racing certainty, ratcheting up tension in the Middle East and focusing international attention on the head of the snake – Tehran. The downfall of the Iranian regime would, at a stroke, sever the main artery supplying Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, the Shia militias in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

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“Woman Resistance Freedom” Signals The Destruction of The Mullahs’ Regime in Iran

During his Eid al-Fitr sermon, Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei made threats against women and ordered more repressive measures against Iran’s women. Following these comments, police departments in eastern and western Tehran announced that “the hijab and modesty plan will be more implemented in earnest on Saturday, April 13, in all public places and streets.” Simultaneously, State Security Forces began threatening women in various provinces, including Bushehr, Kermanshah, and Semnan, with statements outlining repressive measures against them.

While Khamenei warned officials and his followers against “negligence” towards “violating religious norms,” he explicitly ordered that “officials, the people, and those who enjoin good and forbid evil must fulfill their duty in this regard.”

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Iranian Workers Protest Low Wage Increase

A labor activist, quoted by Iran’s state-run news agency ILNA, criticized the dire conditions faced by the country’s workers. “The situation is grim,” they said. “Workers and their representatives are deeply dissatisfied with the Labor Minister’s performance and demand his impeachment.”

“Not only have worker problems not been addressed, but decisions made in the past two years have actually worsened their situation,” they continued. “Mr. Minister! Workers can no longer afford basic necessities, and the proposed 35% wage increase will only make things worse.”

Saeed Fatahi, head of the East Azarbaijan Workers’ Trade Unions, spoke to ILNA about his opposition to the 2024 wage resolution. “The Iranian Rial has collapsed, with the exchange rate exceeding 60 million tomans per US dollar. Despite promises to control inflation, employer and government representatives have only offered a meager 35% minimum wage increase,” he explained. “They completely disregarded even the official inflation rate announced by the central bank in February.”

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Iran’s Rial Drops to Record Low After Attack Against Israel

The exchange rate of the US dollar in the Iranian free market experienced a surge of over four percent compared to the previous day following the Iranian regime’s attack on Israeli soil, reaching as high as 700,000 rials for a short period on Sunday morning, April 14.

Since Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1 and the Iranian regime’s threats against the country, the dollar rate against the Iranian rial has surged by approximately 15 percent.

From Saturday morning until afternoon, amidst heightened warnings of Iran’s imminent attack on Israel, the dollar experienced a jump of around 14,000 rials, and after these threats materialized, it grew by an additional 37,500 rials.

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Heidelberg, Germany—April 13, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iran Revolution

Heidelberg, Germany—April 13, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition to express solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 14, 2024

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