Iran News in Brief – April 13, 2024


UPDATE: 11:00 PM

Palestinian Official Exposes Iranian Regime’s Interference in Palestine

Mohammed al-Horani, a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah Movement, outlined Iran’s interference in Palestine and its destructive role in the region in an interview with Al-Arabiya on Friday, April 12.

He stated, “The current policy of the Iranian regime is to undermine Hamas’ rule in Gaza, seeking a new approach that disregards the interests of Palestinians. Iran claims to support Palestinian resistance and provide them with weapons, but its true aim is to maintain Palestine as a card for influencing Arab countries. These interventions serve Iran’s opportunistic agenda, which we, as Arabs and Palestinians, are all too familiar with.”

Al-Horani added, “Iran not only sends weapons to Palestine but also attempted to send arms to Jordan through its proxies, destabilizing Arab countries just as it has done in Iraq. It also interferes in Syria, even altering its geographical landscape. Any alliance with the Iranian regime means compromising Palestinian ideals and isolating Palestine from its aspirations.”


Maryam Rajavi Meets And Holds Talks With Us Congressman Greg Steube

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, Maryam Rajavi and US Congressman Greg Steube held a virtual meeting and engaged in discussions.

During the meeting, Mrs. Rajavi addressed the crises within the clerical regime and highlighted the escalating pressure and repression faced by the Iranian people. She expressed her concern, stating, “All indications suggest that Iranian society is a powder keg, liable to explode at any moment.”

Mrs. Rajavi conveyed her appreciation for Congressman Steube and his colleagues’ support and efforts regarding the PMOI members in Ashraf. She emphasized, “The clerical regime is deeply apprehensive about the inspiring role of Ashraf and employs various tactics to target PMOI members wherever they may be, including demonization and the dissemination of misleading information through its infiltrators.” She further commented that in the seventh month of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, there remains no doubt that the Iranian regime perpetuates warmongering and terrorism.

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Iran’s Regime Is Resorting to Execution And Torture to Cover Up Its Weaknesses

The Iranian regime is escalating its brutal crackdown on political prisoners. According to recent statements by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the regime is seeking death sentences for several political prisoners held in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. Some of these prisoners include Mehdi Hassani, Behrouz Ehsani, and Hossein Derakhshani, three prisoners in the notorious Evin Prison who have been charged with “baghi” (rebellion) and “moharebeh” (enmity against God), vaguely defined crimes the regime uses to sentence political prisoners to death. All three were arrested in late 2022.

At the same time, the regime has been ramping up repressive measures against political prisoners. In a shocking incident on the eve of Eid al-Fitr, guards at Sheiban Prison in Ahvaz launched a brutal attack on Ward 5, which houses political prisoners.

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Standing Against the Iranian Regime’s Targeted Attacks on Women

As anticipated, following the conclusion of the elections in Iran, mandated by the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, a fresh wave of repression against women has commenced. During his Eid al-Fitr address on Wednesday, April 10, Khamenei sternly cautioned government agents against any leniency in upholding religious norms, issuing a clear directive: “The officials, the populace, and the leaders of the Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil headquarters must fulfill their duties in this regard.”

From these directives, it becomes evident that women are the primary targets in this new phase of repression. Just one day after Khamenei’s proclamation, Ahmadreza Radan, commander of the regime’s police force, issued a menacing statement threatening Iranian women. Radan stated, “Starting Saturday, April 13, individuals caught removing their hijabs will be identified using advanced technology.

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Rising Food Prices in Iran

Reza Kangari, head of the Bankers’ Union of Tehran province, states that since the end of the Nowruz holiday, the price of all kinds of food items in Iran has increased by an average of 30%, with the price of beans rising by 50% in particular.

Due to the increase in the dollar’s value over the last month and the possibility of continued currency price hikes due to political and military tensions, the cost of all consumer goods in Tehran’s market has become nearly 20% more expensive within just 72 hours.

According to Kangari, “Every year, as we move forward, a number of costs automatically increase and affect production. In the last two weeks, we’ve had a 30% increase in food item prices, which is due to rising labor costs, insurance, taxes, etc. A number of companies have applied this 30% increase.

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The Life of Political Prisoner Mahmoud Mehrabi Is in Danger

Mahmoud Mehrabi, a resident of Mobarakeh, Isfahan, who has been imprisoned in Dastgerd Central Prison in Isfahan since February 1, 2023, and whose physical condition is inappropriate, was assaulted and injured by inmates of the dangerous crimes ward on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. According to reports received by Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM), the situation of Mr. Mehrabi is extremely alarming due to his transfer to the violent crimes ward and the death threats he has received from the Intelligence Department and the judiciary in Isfahan province.

Before this, the second investigation branch of the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Mobarakeh in Isfahan province issued an indictment against Mr. Mahmoud Mehrabi with 187 charges, including, “corruption on earth through the widespread publication of lies on Instagram, propaganda against the state, inciting the military and law enforcement forces to refuse to carry out their duties, inciting people to war and killing, and insulting Khomeini.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 12, 2024

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