Iran News in Brief – April 13, 2021

Iran, ruined stockholders gathering in front of the Tehran stock exchange



IRGC kills another fuel trader in Sistan and Baluchestan

Last night, IRGC border patrol forces shot and killed a young fuel trader called Mohsen Moradzehi in Khash, Iran’s impoverished southeast province Sistan and Baluchestan. According to local activists, the IRGC and Iranian regime police had killed 46 fuel and merchandise handlers in 2020 alone.

Iran MP implies China-Iran deal strengthens regime’s internet control

Even though the full details of the 25-year China-Iran agreement have yet to be revealed, an Iranian MP said on April 11 that it was “important” for Iran to “control cyberspace” with the accord. According to the state-run Mehr news website, Mahmoud Nabavian, Tehran’s member of Parliament, said Iran did not currently have control over the internet.

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Biden Must Put Human Rights Front and Center in Iran Policy

The ubiquitous human rights group Amnesty International recently released its report on “the state of the world’s human rights.” It calls attention to a wide range of issues spanning 149 countries, including many that remain unresolved.

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Iran Hangs 17 Inmates in a Week, EU Sanctions Eight Human Rights Abusers

In the past week, authorities in Iran hanged at least 17 inmates in different cities. Most of the executed persons were convicted to death on drug-related charges and their death penalties were carried out at Urmia Central Prison, in the northwestern Iranian province of West Azarbaijan. In some cases, authorities deprived death-row inmates of their basic rights like the last visit with their families.

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Congratulations to all Muslims on the advent of the Holy month of Ramadan

Maryam Rajavi: Congratulations to all Muslims on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. As the coronavirus is taking a heavier toll on people in Iran, where their lives are battered by depravations and high prices, let us overcome despair, turn Ramadan into a month of rebellion against the virus of religious fascism, a month of solidarity and empathy among the nations.

COVID-19 Takes the Lives of 250,000 in 535 Cities Across Iran

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Monday, April 12, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 535 cities across Iran had exceeded 250,000. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 57,221, Isfahan 16,325, Khorasan Razavi 16,080, Khuzestan 15,000, Mazandaran 10,640, Lorestan 10,548, East Azerbaijan 10,163, West Azerbaijan 9,383, Qom 8,840, Gilan 8,756, Fars 7,362, Golestan 6,430, Alborz 6,253, Hamedan 5,668, Kerman 5,559, Central Province 5,193, Kermanshah 4,984, Semnan 4,430, Qazvin 2,854, Hormozgan 2,830, and Bushehr 2,534.

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Maryam Rajavi Welcomed The EU’s Decision To Impose Restrictive Measures On Criminal Leaders Of The Regime

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) welcomed the European Union’s decision to impose restrictive measures on eight commanders of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the paramilitary Basij, the State Security Force (SSF), and those who ordered firing on protesters during the November 2019 uprising. She said the Iranian Resistance has consistently stressed that Iran’s ruling mullahs only understand the language of decisiveness.
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Maryam Rajavi’s Meetings At The Beginning Of The Persian New Year

Auvers-Sur-Oise, Paris
On the occasion of Nowruz and the beginning of the Persian year of 1400, Maryam Rajavi held meetings with French dignitaries, residents of Auvers-Sur-Oise, and residents of Val d’Oise Province. She expressed her appreciations for their unsparing support.
She apprised them of the latest Iranian developments, the standing of the Iranian Resistance, and the democratic alternative, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in its struggle against the ruling religious fascism.
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Iranians Continue Protests; at Least 37 Rallies and Strikes from April 8 to 11

From April 8 and 11, the people of Iran staged at least 37 rallies and protests in various cities, venting their anger over the government’s plundering and profiteering policies. On April 11, retirees and pensioners affiliated with the Social Security Organization staged a countrywide protest in 27 cities for the second time in the past week. They declared their disappointment about both government factions and vowed to boycott the upcoming Presidential election in June.

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Iran’s regime faces major crises as it nears the 2021 elections

As the Iranian regime nears its presidential elections, scheduled for June 18, is confronted with deep internal and international crises and needs to gain legitimacy to maintain power. According to the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, the upcoming elections is “very important both domestically and internationally.” (Khamenei’s remarks on March 21).

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Iranian students Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi in prison for more than a year

Amnesty International called for the immediate release of political prisoners Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi. On Saturday, March 10, Amnesty International called on release the two elite students. “For one year [Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi] have been held without trial in section 209 of Tehran’s Evin prison, under the control of the ministry of intelligence, and have been denied access to an independent lawyer of their own choosing,” Amnesty tweeted. According to Amnesty International, these political prisoners are forced to sleep on the ground and are kept with prisoners accused of violent offenses.

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Read moreIran News in Brief – April 12, 2021 

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