Iran News in Brief – April 10, 2023

iran protests 09042023



Iran Uprising at a Glance

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Monday, April 10, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 207th day on Monday following more chemical gas attacks targeting at least six all-girls schools in Saqqez and another in Sanandaj, both located in Kurdistan Province. People in Saqqez responded with protests against the mullahs’ regime and locals in the city of Mahabad in northwest Iran took to the streets on Sunday night to voice their anger at the ruling dictatorship.

MEK Resistance Units portrayed a large image of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi and opposition coalition NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi in the capital Tehran’s Evin Expressway at 11 pm local time on Sunday night.

Initial reports on Monday morning indicate that storeowners and bazaar merchants in the city of Saqqez were on strike. Reports indicate that teachers and students boycotted their classes in this city in an act of protest following the regime’s systematic targeting of schools with chemical gas attacks and poisonings.

Authorities in Saqqez stationed anti-riot units outside the local governor’s office as concerns escalate about popular protests over the ongoing chemical gas attacks by regime operatives targeting schools.

Regime operatives have launched more chemical gas attacks targeting all-girls schools, including 11 elementary schools, in various cities across the country.
– An all-girls elementary school in Urmia, northwest Iran
– The all-girls Bent al-Hoda School in Tehran
– The all-girls Sadr School in Karaj, west of Tehran
– The all-girls Farzanegan School in Sanandaj, capital of Kurdistan Province, western Iran
– The all-girls Narges High School in Khoy, northwest Iran

Nurses and medical staff members from across Qazvin Province held a gathering on Monday outside the local governor’s office in Qazvin, northwest Iran, protesting the regime’s unjust policies that are delaying and decreasing their paychecks and pensions.

Locals in Tehran’s different districts, including Sardar-e Jangal, Tehranpars, and Chitgar districts began chanting anti-regime slogans on Sunday night, including:

“Down with Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!”
“Khamenei, you murderer! We will bury you!”
“On the blood of our compatriots, we swear to stand to the end!”
“Protests will continue!”
“Down with the dictator!”

The regime’s new wave of chemical gas attacks targeting schools continued on Sunday. The targets included at least six all-girls schools in Saqqez of Kurdistan Province, western Iran. The schools are Taleghani, Somayeh, Me’raj, Bent al-Hoda Sadr, Esteghlal, and Esmat.


Renewed Poisoning in Girls’ Schools Worries State-affiliated Media

Today, April 10, state-affiliated agents deliberately poisoned students in the cities of Sanandaj, Khoy, and Karaj. Farzangan Girls’ School in Pardis Sanandaj and Narges Girls’ High School in Khoi, as well as Sadr Karaj Girls’ School, were attacked with chemical gas.

In a report on Sunday, April 9, the state-run newspaper “Ettela’at” implicitly acknowledged the role of state-affiliated organizations in the poisoning of students. The daily wrote: Didn’t you say that you arrested the agents of the poisoning? So why is this still going on? There are powerful hands behind this conspiracy and harm, which will not allow the secrets to be unraveled and this scheme (poisoning of students) to be disassembled.”

“Why don’t these issues happen in boys’ schools, where there is more playfulness and mischief, and where they have more energy and mobility?” Ettela’at added. “Why were a large number of students in a girls’ student dormitory hospitalized on Thursday and had severe nausea and malaise?”

The paper warned: “Therefore, one should not fantasize or simplify this issue and neglect the cultural and psychological harm that will be caused to society and its results and effects will eventually go out of control.”


New Wave of Chemical Gas Attacks in Iran Signal Regime Concerns Over New Protests

Iran’s ruling regime has launched a new wave of chemical attacks through its operatives in different cities across the country with the goal of keeping a lid on possible protests against the mullahs’ dictatorship. Innocent children in schools are being targeted as the misogynist regime continues its relentless attacks against the Iranian people knowing any relief in its crackdown measures will allow a new uprising to be born. As Sunday marks the 206th day of Iran’s nationwide uprising, people throughout the country continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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Chemical Attacks on Iranian Schools Spark Protests and Outrage

On Sunday, April 9, multiple schools in Iran were targeted by chemical attacks, resulting in the hospitalization of dozens of students.

Six girls’ schools in Saqqez, including Meraj, Taleghani, and Somayyeh, were affected, with at least 47 students being taken to the hospital. Tragically, twenty of them are reported to be in severe condition.

The attacks have sparked outrage and protests in Saqqez, with students and their families taking to the streets to demand justice. They lit fires and chanted “Death to Khamenei” in a display of anger towards the Iranian regime’s handling of the situation. In response, State Security Force’s special units were deployed in the streets and opened fire on people in the Shahnaz district.

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Khamenei’s Hollow New Year Slogans Amid Uprisings and Economic Turmoil in 2023

At the beginning of every new Persian year, despite its meaninglessness, Ali Khamenei makes an announcement regarding the motto of the year. On the eve of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, the Supreme Leader often prepares the ground for his main speech the next day by summarizing the past year and declaring a slogan for the coming year.

This message usually focuses on Iran’s success and endurance in the face of external pressures. Khamenei referenced this inclination during his Nowruz Eve remarks on March 20, noting how previous speeches have highlighted his belief that production “is the key to solving the country’s economic problems” because it “boosts economic growth, creates employment, reduces inflation, increases per capita income, improves public welfare, and creates a sense of dignity in the nation.” Indeed, nine of his past ten Nowruz slogans have focused on Iran’s “resistance” economy in the face of international sanctions, and this year was no different: Economic growth and inflation control.”

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Bremen, Germany—April 6, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally to Support the Iran Revolution

Bremen, Germany—April 6, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian community in Bremen supported their rising compatriots and pledged to continue to call for freedom and democracy in Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 9, 2023

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