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Iran News in Brief – May 5, 2022




Amid Soaring Food Prices, Iranian Regime Is Preparing for an Uprising, Sharq al-Awsat Quotes Sources

Uprising In Ahvaz, Susangerd, Shush, and Other Cities of Khuzestan

The Al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper has claimed it is been told by Iranian sources that state officials have issued secret instructions to security and judicial units to prepare for public protests following the rise in food prices and worrying that the Vienna talks will fail.
“Security forces, riot police, the judiciary, and the prosecutor’s office are ready to deal with possible unrest within the next three months,” the London-based paper quoted these sources.
“People’s dissatisfaction has increased, especially after the increase in the price of essential food items. Military and security forces, especially riot police, police stations, and checkpoints, increased their day and night patrols at the entrances and exits of cities,” Sharq al-Awsat added.

Iranian Regime Wants to Execute Two Juvenile Offenders


According to an Iranian human rights organization, two juvenile offenders are at risk of being executed by the Iranian regime’s Judiciary. The two individuals are identified as Sasan M. in Ahvaz and Hamidreza Ajdari in Shiraz.

At the age of 17, Sasan M. was accused of stabbing in a group fight at a football match. Following his arrest, he was first sent to the Ahvaz Juvenile Prison for a year and then transferred to Sepidar Prison. For four years, Sasan has been kept on death row for his death sentence to be carried out.

The other juvenile offender, Hamidreza, has been accused of murder since he was 17. While there has been some confusion about his age and as his parents are trying to clear everything with the court, Hamidreza is going to be executed in three days.


Basij Warns Raisi Not to Increase Basic Food Prices


In an open letter to the Iranian regime’s president, Ebrahim Riasi, made public by the state-run Fars news agency, the Student Basij Organization warned about the social disorder and how skyrocketing prices can lead to unrest.

“The society is not prepared for this sudden increase in prices with this level of unplanned implementation,” the letter reads. “We sympathetically inform you that the turmoil in the markets in recent weeks, and especially the shocking decision of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad to increase the price of flour, can have consequences and lead to social unrest. Especially today, when the counter-revolutionary publications are lurking in order to incite chaos in the country and to put more pressure on the state. It is necessary for the honorable government to make decisions with coordination and power, and to avoid shocks that evolve by failing to convince public opinion.”

Tehran-backed Militants Continue To Pose A Threat, US Congressional Report States


In his latest report on Operation Inherent Resolve, which was originally established to counter ISIS, the United States congressional’s appointed inspector general said that threats and operations by militias backed or aligned with the Iranian regime continue to threaten the interests of Washington and its allies in the region.

The report reads: “Third parties, particularly Iran-aligned militias, continued to pose a threat to U.S. and Coalition personnel in Iraq and Syria and complicate counter-ISIS operations.11 Iran-aligned militias in Iraq launched attacks against U.S. military and diplomatic facilities during the quarter.12 The militias limited their attacks during the quarter likely to safeguard their political interests during the government formation process.13 In Syria, forces aligned with the Syrian regime, Russia, Iran, and Turkey continued to operate, often distracting the SDF from counter-ISIS operations and seeking to erode the SDF’s base of support.”

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Do Something Before It’s Too Late, State-affiliated Cleric Warns Raisi


Today, according to Eslahat News, Mohammad Taghi Fazel Meybodi, a state-affiliated cleric wrote an unprecedented letter to the Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi.

“Mr. Raisi! So far, no administration in this country had increased the price of bread for the people with such a steep slope in the first year of its rule. The most basic food of the people is bread, meat, and rice,” Maybodi wrote, warning: “Mr. President, if the country’s economy is not fixed and inflation is not controlled, there will be no revolution, God forbid, we should expect the hungry to rebel. A rebellion is more dangerous than a revolution. Let’s find a solution before it’s too late.”


Calls for Regime Change in Tehran, Iran’s Capital


On May 4, at 7 PM local time, bystanders and passersby in Honarmandan Park in the central part of Tehran were surprised to hear slogans of regime change aired from loudspeakers.

Some slogans were as follows:

“Death to Khamenei! Hail to Rajavi!”,

“Neither the Shah nor the mullahs! Damn all of them!”,

“Death to Khamenei-Raisi!”

Some excerpts from famous speeches by Iranian Resistance leaders were also aired.

US Senate Votes to Keep Terrorism-Related Sanctions on Tehran


The US Senate voted in favor of a motion aimed at maintaining “terrorism-related” sanctions against the Iranian regime. The motion, proposed by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday evening, will focus on China’s military-economic cooperation with Tehran, in addition to maintaining and strengthening sanctions on the regime over its terrorist activities.

86 senators voted in favor while 12 others voted against the bill. Although the passage of the motion is not binding at this stage, according to Reuters, it indicates the senators’ point of view in this regard.


Iran: MEK Resistance Units Mark Int’l Labor Day


Members of the Iranian Resistance Units, the internal network of the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), launched an expansive initiative of widespread anti-regime activities across the country on May 1 marking International Workers Day, voiced their opposition to the regime and the solutions they believe will bring an end to this nightmare.

Resistance Units members in numerous cities spread slogans targeting the mullahs’ institutionalized corruption that has ruined the lives of the Iranian people for four decades and counting. Workers throughout Iran are among the most deprived classes of the society, barely making ends meet with the minimum wages that they are often deprived of for months on.

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How Iran Wastes Money on the Regime’s Despised IRIB TV

US Senate Votes to Keep IRGC on the Black List


In a symbolic move, the US Senate voted to keep the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations.

U.S. senators on Wednesday night passed a non-binding resolution requiring the IRGC to remain on the FTO. The vote, based on a proposal by Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, passed with 62 votes in favor and 33 against.

Delisting the IRGC from the FTO is one of the preconditions set by the regime in the negotiations to revive the JCPOA, but senior US officials have clearly emphasized they consider the IRGC a terrorist organization.

Washington Slammed Tehran’s Decision to Execute Jalali and Warned Against Its Feet Dragging on Nuclear Talks

ned-price-us-spokesperson (1)

At the State Dept’s May 4 briefing, spokesperson Ned Price condemned the Iranian regime’s death sentence for a Swedish Iranian citizen as an “egregious case of arbitrary detention,” and made it clear Washington is prepared to respond to any scenario that comes out of the stalled nuclear talks.

“It is an egregious case of arbitrary detention of this Swedish Iranian doctor, Ahmad Reza Jalali,” Ned Price said. “He has been held by Iranian authorities. Both this department, the State Department, along with the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, have highlighted Jalali’s case and human reports on human rights conditions in Iran. It was a case that was featured in our Human Rights Report.”

He added: “This is something that Secretary Blinken has been quite focused on. Our Canadian counterparts have put forward a series of very constructive, very useful proposals that will help to establish this norm by which countries around the world will work together not only to condemn this egregious practice but to seek to put an end to it by holding accountable, collectively, those countries that are most responsible for this practice. And of course, Iran, unfortunately, is one of those countries.”

Concerning the Vienna Talks, Mr. Price said: ” I should add that because the JCPOA, a mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA, is very much an uncertain proposition, we are now preparing equally for either scenario – a scenario in which we have a mutual return to compliance, in which that breakout time is elongated and a point at which this – what has the potential to devolve further into a nuclear crisis is put back into a box. We are also preparing with our allies and partners for a scenario in which there is not a JCPOA and we will have to turn to other tactics and other approaches to fulfill what is for us a requirement, a commitment that President Biden has made that Iran, whether there is a JCPAO or whether there is not a JCPAO, must never, never, never be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon.”

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Hungry Prisoner Soada Khadirzadeh Goes Unconscious in Prison Hall


Hungry political prisoner Soada Khadirzadeh went unconscious in one of the halls of the Central Prison of Urmia on Monday, May 2, 2022, on the eighth day of her hunger strike.

On Sunday, May 1, 2022, security forces twice raided Soada Khadirzadeh’s place in the women’s ward of the Central Prison of Urmia. They inspected all the belongings of this pregnant political prisoner and her cellmates.

After a few hours, they transferred the pregnant political prisoner Soada Khadirzadeh to an unknown location but returned her at night.

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The Last Day of the Executioner Hamid Noury’s Trial, Large Demonstration of Iranian Resistance Supporters in Stockholm and Rally in Ashraf 3, Albania– May 4, 2022


Wednesday, May 4, 2022, was the last day of the executioner Hamid Noury‘s trial. The trial of Noury, one of the executioners of the 1988 massacre, began on Tuesday 10 Aug 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden. In November last year, the court was specially transferred to Albania to hear a number of plaintiffs and witnesses to the 1988 massacre from the MEK members based in Ashraf 3, and its hearings were held in the Durrës court.

After this stage, on April 28, 2022, the prosecutor demanded severe punishment (life imprisonment) for Noury due to solid documents and evidence.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 4, 2022