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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – May 26, 2022

Iran News in Brief – May 26, 2022

The aftermath of another instance of systemic corruption followed by state failure in Abadan, Khuzestan Province, Southwest Iran



The Post That Wasn’t Supposed to Be Published on A State News Agency’s Website


Today, a very strange article was published on the state-run Mehr news agency’s website and rapidly taken down by the admins. The title read: “Some state leaders are regretting the subsidies’ policy change”.

Starting with the systemic failure to run an agenda that was supposed to gradually increase the price of bread in several provinces under the pretext of a “pilot program”, the author criticizes the mismanagement that has led to unrest in many Iranian cities.

“It is noteworthy that two weeks ago, when state officials in charge of the economy decided to once again surprise the people during the midnight hours and eliminated subsidies for basic goods, this step, according to estimates, should have led to a rise in prices by twenty to sixty percent,” Mehr wrote. “But in practice, prices have risen four to six times, and reports even indicate that some goods have risen tenfold in different regions.”

The piece concludes: “For many years, the country’s officials have forgotten that they once were among the people and that their duty is to serve the people. Therefore, there is no doubt that the state is getting closer to the verge of collapse every day, and its arrogance has the opposite effect inside and even abroad. Following reports of widespread corruption among those close to the leadership, there are now reports of livelihood and social discontent, even at some levels of the security and law enforcement forces, who sometimes confront a family member or neighborhood during protests. The time has come for those who have ruled this country for more than thirty years to hand over the system to others.”


The Uprising in Iran Continues Tonight

In solidarity with the people of Abadan, other cities in several southern provinces are rising up and calling for regime change. According to the latest reports from inside Iran, the people of Khorramshahr, Shahinshahr, Bandar Abbas, and Behbahan have taken to the streets and are chanting slogans against the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his president Ebrahim Raisi.

تظاهرات مردم شاهین شهر با شعار می‌کشم، می‌کشم آنکه برادرم کشت

Shahinshahr, Isfahan province- people chant: “I will kill the ones who killed my brother!”

تظاهرات و عزدادری مردم بهبهان در همبستگی با مردم آبادان - ۵خرداد

Behbahan, Khuzestan province- people are mourning the victims of the collapsed Metropol Complex in Abadan

عزاداری مردم بندرعباس در همبستگی با مردم آبادان - ۵خرداد

Bandar Abbas, Hormozgān province- people are mourning the victims of the collapsed Metropol Complex in Abadan

تظاهرات پرشور مردم خرمشهر با شعار «رئیسی رئیسی استعفا استعفا»

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Raisi, resign!”

تظاهرات مردم خرمشهر در همبستگی با مردم آبادان:‌ آبادان تا هستیم تنهات نمی‌گذاریم

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Abadan, as long as we live, we won’t let you alone!”

خرمشهر عزاداری مردم این شهر در همبستگی با مردم آبادان

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people are mourning in a traditional way for the victims of the collapsed Metropol Complex in Abadan.

تظاهرات مردم خرمشهر با شعار «شهر ما خرابه مسئول همیشه خوابه»

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Our city is broken and the officials are always asleep!”

تظاهرات مردم دلیر خرمشهر با شعار ما هم بیداریم از تبعیض بیزاریم

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “We are vigilant and we loath discrimination!”

تظاهرات مردم دلیر خرمشهر با شعار باقی جنایت می‌کنه، مسئول حمایت می‌کنه

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Baghi commits crimes and officials support him!” (Hossein Abdolbaghi is the owner of the collapsed Metropol Complex in Abadan)

رئیسی حیا کن مملکتو رها کن خرمشهری بپاخیر برادرت کشته شد و می‌کشم،

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant:

“God is great!”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, we’re all in this together!”

“Khorramshahr, rise up! Your brother was killed!”

“I will kill those who killed my brother!”

“I swear with my soul and blood, I will die for Abadan!” (Arabic chanting)

“Shame on IRIB!” (the state Television and Radio Organization)

“They lie, they lie! Abdolbaghi is not dead!”

“Khorramshahr and Abadan are mourning today!”

تظاهرات مردم خرمشهر با شعار کوبنده «توپ تانک فشفشه، آخوند باید گم بشه

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Artillery, tanks, firecrackers… the clerics must get lost!”

تظاهرات مردم خرمشهر با شعار مرگ بر دیکتاتور

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan province- people chant: “Death to the dictator!”

Ten More Executions Reported Inside Iran


At dawn on Wednesday, May 25, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed at least eight prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj.

Three of these individuals were identified as Abbas Bitarfan, Ali Nosrati, and Gholam Hossein Zeinali. The other two executed prisoners were Ali Montazeri and Vahid Mianabadi.

On Wednesday, the regime’s public prosecutor in Tehran also announced the execution of a prisoner with the abbreviation of R.A. who had previously been sentenced to death on charges of ‘Moharebeh’ (Arabic for war against God). Some sources have verified the identity of the prisoner as Ramin Arab.

A local source also reported the execution of another prisoner on May 21 at Zahedan Central Prison. The prisoner was identified as Abdullah Brahui from Zahedan.

According to the state-run Rokna news agency, a 29-year-old prisoner has been executed in Mashhad prison on Sunday, May 22.

Six Thousand Health Experts Have Left Iran, Official Says


According to Hossein Ali Shahriari, head of the Iranian regime parliament’s Health Committee, about 6,000 doctors and nurses have emigrated from Iran.

During a meeting, Shahriari told the Supreme Leader’s representative in the South Khorasan province, that in areas around Tehran, a person can reach the best medical centers in a quarter or half an hour, whereas in South Khorasan or Sistan and Baluchestan, one has sometimes to travel 300 kilometers to reach an equipped medical center.

“In the last two years, about 6,000 doctors and nurses have left the country for the United States and Europe, where they are doing professional or semi-professional work,” he said.

He argued that all the money spent on training and educating the country’s doctors and nurses has now been lost because Iran’s health specialists are being attracted to other countries.


Explosion Reported in Parchin Industrial Area


According to the state media, an explosion occurred in one of the factories in the Parchin area in southeastern Tehran. The incident reportedly took place on the evening of Wednesday, May 25, with one dead and another being taken to hospital with injuries.

Official sources refused to lay the blame on particular parties and mostly reported: “No further details were released on the incident or its cause.”

Tehran’s Parchin Industrial Zone is one of the most important centers of the Iranian regime’s nuclear and missile industries, with a precedent of severe explosions in 2020.

The state-run ISNA news agency also wrote: “Parchin is the name of a town in the southeast of Tehran. Part of Iran’s nuclear facilities is located in this region. Defense industry factories in Parchin have been operating since 1932. The concentration of Iran’s important defense industries in this complex, along with the maintenance of missile stocks and other conventional ammunition, has turned this site into one of the most significant defense facilities, and the Westerners also consider it a strategic military facility.”


Iran Has the World’s Highest Number of Executions: Amnesty

In January 2021, the Iranian regime carried out the execution of at least 27 prisoners in line with its 40 years of human rights violation.

The regime ruling Iran registered the world’s highest number of executions in 2021, according to an Amnesty International report published on Tuesday, May 24.

“Iran accounted for the biggest portion of this rise, executing at least 314 people (up from at least 246 in 2020), its highest execution total since 2017. This was due in part to a marked increase in drug-related executions—a flagrant violation of international law which prohibits the use of the death penalty for crimes other than those involving intentional killing,” according to the Amnesty International report. The actual number of executions are most likely higher.

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Ladan Molla Saeedi, the 3rd Iranian Woman Executed in May


The authorities of the notorious Qarchak Prison hanged Ladan Molla Saeedi in the early hours of Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Ladan Molla Saeedi had been transferred to solitary confinement the night before to be prepared for the execution.

Ladan Molla Saeedi was convicted of deliberate murder. She was also moved to solitary confinement last month to prepare for execution. However, she was returned to the women’s general ward after receiving a two-week respite from the victim’s parents.

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Iran’s Grim Economic Outlook


According to a recent World Bank report, “Iran’s economy will continue to grow gradually from mid-2020 under the influence of the oil and services sectors.” World Bank’s report seems to report good and promising news regarding Iran’s economy, but does it? A more detailed look at the report gives a very short life to this optimism. The report clarifies that the gross income in 21-2020 is the same as ten years ago. In other words, nothing has been added to Iranians’ income over ten years.

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Iran’s Regime Covers 90% of the World’s Drug Discoveries


Every day, one of the many officers of the Iranian regime’s oppressive police force takes the opportunity to warn the people, especially the youth, about the consequences of their protests. Currently, Iran is experiencing a new era of increasing protests which have been triggered by the regime’s decision to increase the price of the most basic goods. One of the police force’s excuses to further repress the youths is to fake the discovery of drugs in order to intimidate the youths and demonstrate control over them.

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Hunger Strikes Only Way for Iranian Prisoners To Achieve Their Rights


According to sources and human rights activists in Iran, several prisoners are currently on hunger strikes in various prisons across the country.

Despite the many health problems caused by hunger strikes for prisoners, many prisoners in Iran have no other choice but to go on hunger strikes as the last way to achieve their legitimate demands.

At least eight prisoners are currently on hunger strike in various prisons across the country to demand their rights.

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Iran: MEK Resistance Units Image the PMOI Emblem on the Walls of a Building in Isfahan

Iran: MEK Resistance Units Image the PMOI Emblem on the Walls of a Building in Isfahan-May 24, 2022

Isfahan, Barzan area: MEK Resistance Units image the emblem of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) on the night of May 25 (4 Khordad 1401 in the Persian calendar), the anniversary of the martyrdom of the MEK‘s founders by the traitor Shah.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 25, 2022