Iran News in Brief – May 23, 2022

A street in Dehdasht, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Southwest Iran



Calls for Regime Change Across Two Continents on Monday

Today, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held rallies in the Norwegian capital Oslo, the German cities of Frankfurt and Stuttgart, and Syndey in Australia to express their solidarity with their fellow countrymen and women in support of the popular uprising inside the country and against the oppressive regime.


Video Shows Forewarning About the Abadan Complex Fiasco

Following the collapse of the Abadan Metropolitan Complex in the southern Khuzestan Province, the state-run Mostaqhel online published the video of a local journalist who was warning about the miserable state of the building.

“I released this video a year ago, but the scale of corruption was so great that no one could reject Abdolbaghi’s bribes (the complex owner), and all the officials signed the death sentence of the people in the complex,” the journalist said according to Mostaghel.

According to several sources, despite all technical problems and warnings, Abadan’s mayor Hossein Hamidpour had issued a permit for the complex, and Heydar Abbaszadeh, the Khuzestan Police Chief handed over an official appreciation letter to Hossein Abdolbaghi.


5.5 Magnitude Earthquake Shook Southeast Iran

Today, according to the official IRNA news agency, a 5.5 Magnitude earthquake stroke near Sarjangal in Sistan and Baluchistan province at 12:06 pm local time at a depth of 16 km.

According to the Institute of Geophysics at the Tehran University, the center of the quake was located 37 km from Sarjangal, 78 km from Hazrat Abolfazl Mosque, and 86 km from Nokabad in the southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan.

This earthquake occurred at a 106 km distance from Zahedan and 320 km from Kerman. According to the Director-General of Crisis Management Organization in the Sistan and Baluchestan Governorate, investigation and identification teams have been sent to the area to assess possible damages.

A Complex in Southern Iran Collapsed, Casualties Unknown

According to state media, a 10-story building on Amirkabir Street in the city of Abadan suddenly collapsed.

In an interview with the state-run ILNA news agency, the spokesman of the Emergency Organization Mojtaba Khaledi confirmed the incident and said: “The collapse of a 10-story building in Abadan has been reported.”

He added by stating that 5 ambulances and an ambulance bus are dispatched to the site. So far, official sources have reported one death and four injured but unofficial sources are talking about dozens of casualties. As the Iranian regime is infamous for reporting the truth, real figures are expected to be much higher.

The state-run Borna news agency reported on its Telegram channel that three people have been killed and the number of injured reached 21. According to the source, there is a possibility that 50 people are trapped inside the building.

According to local sources, the people of Abadan have gathered on the site, mourning and protesting the systemic negligence by state officials. Some people have started posting images on social media and state they have been warning about the hazardous state of the building before the incident happened today. One source reported that the mayor of Abadan who tried to show up and claim empathy was attacked by the people.

By Banning iPhone, Tehran Adds More Trouble to Its List of Crises

Claiming it is avoiding luxurious purchasements with national resources, the Iranian regime raised the price of Apple products by banning the import of iPhones. By listing smartphones made by Apple company under the “product group 27”, the import of iPhones was officially banned on May 22, and the product’s value, which had witnessed fluctuations during the last month, faced a new shock.

Product group 27 is referred to a group of goods that are imported using the currency that has been earned through exports.

Amir Ishaqi, secretary of the Mobile, Tablet, and Accessories Importers Association, said the ban would have consequences such as increased smuggling and theft of Apple phones, and that the 5,000 companies who are currently selling Apple products in Iran will face losses and unemployment.


Three More Executions Reported from Inside Iran

The Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed three prisoners in Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan, Karaj Central Prison, and Adelabad Prison in Shiraz.

According to local sources, on Thursday morning, May 19, a prisoner was executed in Dastgerd prison in Isfahan. The prisoner was identified as Ahmad Gashol, 21 years old and a citizen from Malekshahr, Isfahan.

Also on Wednesday morning, May 18, a prisoner named Ayatollah Ghasemi was executed in Karaj Central Prison. On Sunday, May 22, the regime’s henchmen executed a prisoner in Adelabad prison in Shiraz. The prisoner was identified as Abdolbari Rigi, 32 years old, son of Khodadad, married, father of four and resident of Zahedan city.

Iran: Retirees Hold Protest Rallies for Unmet Demands

Several cities across Iran were witness to protest rallies by retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization on Sunday, May 22, protesting low wages and pensions, insurance issues, and poor living conditions. The cities of Tehran, Kermanshah, Rasht, Qazvin, Tabriz, Kerman, Arak, Karaj, and Ahvaz were among those where such protests took place. The protest of the retirees, which occur regularly, are happening as Iran has seen widespread unrest due to declining economic conditions, growing inflation, and skyrocketing prices of basic goods.

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Iran: Retirees and Pensioners, Resume Protests in Several Cities

May 22, 2022: Iranian retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization held protest rallies in several Iranian cities on Sunday, May 22. Protesters are demanding better pensions and settlement of unpaid wages.

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Freedom-Loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Demonstrated in Sweden, Austria and Romania, in Support of Iran Protests – May 21, 2022

May 21, 22: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated in Gothenburg (Sweden), Vienna (Austria), and Bucharest (Romania), in Support of the Iran protests.

MEK supporters expressed their support for the spread of uprisings and protests of the Iranian people in various cities and condemned the brutal repressions against the Iranian people.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 22, 2022

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