Iran News in Brief – May 19, 2022




Tehran’s Nuclear Chief Brags About Producing 60% Nuclear Fuel

At a meeting today, the Iranian regime’s nuclear chief Mohammad Eslami said: “As the Supreme Leader of the Revolution has stressed, we moved towards the development of nuclear technology and the important point was that other countries did not cooperate. And again, we must do the same in achieving more nuclear power. The enemies committed sabotage against our nuclear technology and turned this field into a frontline (battleground). As the Supreme Leader emphasized and called on our scientists to “build ourselves”, the pioneers stood up and produced 20% fuel, which was needed for Tehran’s research reactor. And today, we produce not only 20% fuel but also 60% fuel.”

The head of the regime’s Atomic Energy Organization added: “The country’s development agenda must move without interruption, and the efforts of the country’s scientists and youth must be spent for the great goals of the country, and we must endure hardship to reach the goal.”


New Measurements for Crackdown in Isfahan

The clerical regime is constructing new Basij camps with 500 subbases in Isfahan to counter public anger and disgust and to prevent future uprisings.

According to the state TV, the initial phases of constructing the infrastructure for 9 Basij bases have begun and 500 neighborhood camps will be organized throughout the province with a focus on mosques.

On May 17, in an interview with the state local TV in Isfahan, the head of the Basij Baba Ahmadi said: “According to this plan, with mosques as our central command and the leadership of Friday Imams, Basij bases will pave the way for congregations with synergy in the neighborhoods. The elites of influential trustees should come together to form the neighborhood transformation council to solve these problems.”


IRGC Commander in Chief: If We Don’t Act in Time, the Enemy Will Defeat Us

In a meeting with his forces in Golestan province, the commander-in-chief of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Hossein Salami said: “Our experience in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan showed that if we do not act in time and do not show up in the trenches quickly, if we fail to make preparations for the battle, the enemy will overpower us and destroy our land and displace the people, and it will be an achievement for the enemy.”

How the Mullahs Are Further Destroying Iran’s Economy

Senior regime officials in Iran began the Persian calendar year on March 21 with promises to rein in the country’s economic crises. What we have seen to this day has been anything but that and Iran’s financial woes are mounting in an unprecedented fashion.

“Throwing money here and there will solve nothing,” regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on March 21. Regime President Ebrahim Raisi claimed to conduct “economic surgery” and bring rising inflation under control. “The government should not become addicted to throwing money all around,” he said on March 24, claiming to be addressing “the people’s expectations” to decrease inflation and improve the economy.

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Iranian Political Prisoner: The 1988 Massacre Was a Crime Against Humanity

The 68-year-old Hashem Khastar is a former teacher at the Agriculture Technical High School in Mashhad in northeastern Iran, an agricultural engineer, and the Head of the Mashhad Teachers Union.

He was arrested by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security in 2008 after he directly targeted the Leader of the Iranian regime in a letter saying that “Ali Khamenei is the root of the corruption and all the problems” and must be held accountable. He was rearrested in 2011 after refusing to cease his anti-regime activities.

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Demonstrations by Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters in Support of the Iran Protests in Germany, Denmark, and Australia

May 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), demonstrated in support of the Iran protests in Germany (Hamburg), Denmark (Aarhus), and Australia (Sydney).

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 18, 2022

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