Iran News in Brief – May 15, 2022

Iranian elderly holding board that reads: “Islamic Iran, officials affluent, people suffering, what kind of an Islam is this?”



Iranian Regime’s Judiciary Gives Green Light for Complete Crackdown

Amid nationwide protests and terrified that a new wave of the uprising will endanger the entire regime, the Iranian regime’s Attorney General warned today that the security apparatus can crush dissent with the Judiciary’s backing.

Using the word “people” instead of the “state”, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said: “The people’s security is a red line for the Judiciary, law enforcement, and security forces. The Judiciary is obliged to deal decisively with the perpetrators of violent crimes in society. We expect the law enforcement forces and the officials in charge of establishing security in society to deal decisively with those who undermine the security of the people in any position and place, and certainly, the Judiciary will support the forces in this regard.”


Footage from Inside Iran Indicate More Protests on Sunday

Today, despite the intense blocking and restriction of the internet by the Iranian regime, more footage from inside the country shows that the people have taken to the streets to cry out their demands and denounce those who they want to hold accountable for the misery of their lives.

Shahre Kord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province- people are chanting: “Death to Khamenei”.

Shahre Kord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province- people are chanting: “Death to Raisi”.

Shahre Kord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province- people are chanting: “Death to the dictator”.

Shahre Kord, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province- security forces are lined up and want to avoid any gathering of people.

Raisi’s “Economic Surgery” Will Kill Iran’s Economy, MP Warns

In an interview with the state-run ILNA news agency, MP Einoddin Saeedi said: “Following the tensions, I personally went down to visit several stores and there was no chicken and no oil available. With these conditions, the “economic surgery” that the economic team of Mr. Raisi is executing will lead to the death of the patient.”

The MP emphasized: “We ask Mr. Raisi take back the subsidies that they want to give to the people and instead stop the unbridled inflation and prevent the inflation shock.”

Iranians Echo Their Fellow Countrymen And Women in Washington DC

Today, Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a rally in front of the White House in Washington DC to support the uprising of the Iranian people against inflation and soaring prices of food staples.


Convicted Mykonos Terrorist Says Tehran Must Get Noury Free

While a Swedish court is in the judicial process to rule over the fate of Hamid Noury, a former prisoner, and perpetrator of the 1988 massacre in Iran, the IRGC-run Fars news agency conducted an interview with a former Iranian terrorist who was arrested and charged with murder in 1997 by the German Judiciary for killing Iranian dissidents in the Mykonos murder case. In his interview, Kazem Darabi called on the regime’s leadership to get Hamid Noury out of Swedish jail.

“I should have been supported as an Iranian who was arrested abroad and imprisoned innocently for 15 years,” Darabi said in his interview. “Iran should have followed up on my case through the judiciary, through human rights institutions, and international organizations related to these matters. If Iran had decisively followed up on my case and acted in a timely and strong manner back then, a situation like Mr. Noury’s would not have been repeated.”

Stressing that Hamid Noury’s case is hurting the entire regime, Darabi added: “I believe that Iran should have followed my case at that time. Not because of me, but because of the state. I was imprisoned for 15 years and was finally returned to the country. It did not have an effect on me and something that should not have been done was done. But now, a man like Mr. Noury has been arrested without any evidence, logic or reason, and people from all over the place were gathered to come and testify against Mr. Noury.”

Beginning the interview, the Fars News agency stressed the following: “The Swedish prosecutor has issued a very long and damning indictment under the pretext of punishing Hamid Noury, but is in fact targeting the Islamic Republic.”


Calls for Regime Change in Hashtgerd, Alborz Province

On Saturday night, at 9:30 PM local time, slogans of regime change echoed through the downtown of  Hashtgerd, Alborz Province, 70 Km northwest of Tehran.

Amid Increasing Nationwide Protests over the Price of Bread, A Local Official Blames the People and the Bakeries

Hassan Mirzakhani, the governor’s economic deputy of the Markazi Province said: “Some biased people and dissident media are trying to make the situation in the country look scary, while the situation in our country today is not scary and the situation of goods in the country is appropriate. However, people are demanding too much and this has somewhat increased the pressure on the market.”

Blaming the soaring prices on bakeries, he added: “Our recommendation and emphasis to all regulatory authorities is a field visit, continuous inspection, and certainly any violations in the market will be dealt with. We take this issue with the bakeries very seriously, because bread is the main food for families, so there will be no appeasement with violators in the market.”

“A number of violating bakeries in the province were shut down by a court order, which was coordinated by the judiciary, aiming to establish food security and controlling the prices of basic goods, as the governor announced yesterday,” Mirzakhani added. “If a unit plays with people’s bread, we will deal with it. In return, selected bakers will be allowed to bake 24 hours a day.”

Mirzakhani stated: “The reason for some concerns in the flour and bread sector was the violations of a number of bakers who were arrested and their bakeries were sealed today after the necessary warnings.”

Protests Over Rising Prices of Food Staples Spread to More Areas of Iran

Protests over skyrocketing prices of food staples and against the ruling regime’s destructive policies continued for the third consecutive night on Friday in numerous cities of Iran, including Khorramabad, Ardabil, Borujerd, Dehdasht, Dorud, Shahin Shahr, Iranshahr, Junqan, Farsan, and Cholicheh. In many cities, demonstrators were seen chanting “Death to Khamenei!” in reference to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and “Death to Raisi!” in reference to regime President Ebrahim Raisi.

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Protests Spread in Iran as Anger Over Rising Prices Targets Senior Regime Officials

Protests sparked by skyrocketing prices of food staples across Iran expanded to several different cities and provinces on Thursday evening, as protesters elevated their movement into anti-regime slogans specifically targeting senior regime officials.

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Deprived of Medicine, Leila Chegini at Risk of Paralysis in Both Legs

Leila Chegini, a political prisoner in Nowshahr Prison, is in poor health. Ms. Chegini has severe problems with her legs and back. “Her legs are very swollen and bruised, and she can hardly walk,” said an informed source. “She has severe back pain but is denied a visit by a forensic doctor. Despite repeated requests to see a doctor, the authorities have taken no action.”

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Iran: Foreshocks of Protests and a Shuddering Regime

A quick look at Iran’s latest socio-economic data shows that the leaders in the Iranian regime, from the supreme leader Ali Khamenei to its president Ebrahim Raisi and its parliament speaker Mohamad Bagher Ghalibaf, are all trapped in a minefield of accelerating crises.

In such a volatile situation, they all know that their first mistake from this point onward will be their last one. Their recent speeches heavily expose their desperation and frustration. In November 2019, they witnessed a glimpse of the people’s fury and in a bid to keep control of the situation, they took the lives of 1,500 civilians.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – May 14, 2022

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