Iran News in Brief – March 9, 2022

The novel coronavirus has taken the lives of over 342,100 people throughout Iran



Former Official Warns Against Russian Disruption of the JCPOA Talks

On Tuesday, March 8, the state-run website Khabar Online published an article titled “the Russians want the JCPOA dossier to return to the UNSC”, warning the Raisi administration about betting everything on Moscow.

“At the beginning of the Ukraine war, Heshmatullah Falahatpisheh, who warned that the shrapnels of this war would hit the JCPOA and that Iran would be the only loser in the war, is now warning that the Russians are trying to refer the JCPOA to the UN Security Council,” Khabar Online wrote. “This is dangerous and Iran must prevent a new anti-Iranian sanctions resolution as well as avoid Russia to becoming the main player in our country’s diplomacy again.”

The website added: “The former head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in the parliament also called the telephone conversation between the president (Ebrahim Raisi) and Putin, on the first day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a “gross mistake” of Iranian diplomacy.”

Iran Oil Is Fueling Russia’s War Machine — Us Must Not Lift Sanctions Against Tehran

For reasons that are still unclear, the Biden administration has long sought to revive the failed Obama-era 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. Reports suggest an agreement is imminent, with the lead Russian negotiator in the talks saying Russia and China teamed up and “Iran got much more than it could expect. Much more.” Whether that is an exaggeration or not, removing sanctions and allowing the sale of Iranian oil across the globe would be a massive victory for Tehran — and a massive loss for the U.S.

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Calls for Justice in Iran Continues to Echo in Stockholm

Today, while Hamid Noury, a former prison guard stood trial before the Swedish Justice system, Iranians and relatives of the massacred political prisoners in 1988 in Iran, held a demonstration in Stockholm and called for the trial of the regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, president Ebrahim Raisi and Chief Justice Mohseni Ejei for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.

Assembly of Experts Chair’s Remarks Caused Serious Reactions Inside the Regime

“While Jannati’s recent remarks can be simply ignored but one has to ask: “What is your role in this? Which part of the state is to blame for this situation? Don’t we have to hold a group of officials, with specific names and titles, accountable for this?” the state-run Hamedli newspaper wrote on March 9.

The daily added: “Jannati, as an influential cleric in the government and among the Iranian clergy, has had unparalleled power and influence for fourteen years in approving the qualifications of those at the highest levels of law-making and expanding the cultural and political discourse of the Islamic Republic. What role does he play? And how much of the burden does he take on himself? After all, where and which part of the pillars of the Islamic Republic’s system had fundamental flaws so that in such a rich country, we are failing to still people’s hunger?”

Discussing economic hardship at the beginning of the two-day session of the Assembly of Experts on March 8, Ahmad Jannati, Chairman of the Assembly of Experts had said: “We have done miracles if we can feed people’s hungry stomachs.”

His remarks have awakened lots of criticism on Persian-speaking media, even on state-run publications.

AFC Suspends Iranian Regime’s Club Licensing Officials

The Asian Football Confederation suspended the professional licensing committee of the regime’s football federation. The AFC announced that the ban would continue until all problems that it previously has reported to Tehran were resolved. Iranian teams are excluded from the AFC club competition this season for failing to meet club licensing criteria. Throughout the years, the Asian Football Confederation has repeatedly warned the regime’s Football Federation about the state officials’ interference and political decision-making in the sport.


Instagram Suspends Iranian Officials’ Pages

Mehdi Salem, head of the Ministry of Communications’ public relations center wrote on Twitter: “A few minutes ago, the Instagram page of the Minister of Communications, Mr. Zarehpour, has been made unavailable.”

According to Salem, since yesterday, access to the page of government spokesman Bahador Jahromi had been blocked by Instagram.

Internet Restrictions in Iran is Causing Problems for Sick People, Pharmacist Warns

Quoting a pharmacologist, Mohammad Sayyah, the state-run newspaper Mardomsalary wrote today how the internet slowdown in Iran has affected people’s daily lives.

Denouncing Raisi’s government claims about the internet, he said: “Unlike to what officials of the Ministry of Communications and particularly the minister himself are claiming about Iran’s high ranking in terms of internet speed in the world, these days, all internet users are having a hard time with the internet being slowed down or complete shutdown.”

“In treatment centers and pharmacies, sometimes the internet is slowed or shut down, and this causes delays for the patients as well as the doctors who want to register or request access to treatment or even to people’s insurance records,” Sayyah added.


US Statement at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting on Truth, Verification and Supervision in Iran

The US Deputy Chief of Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna issued a statement on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s verification and monitoring activities in Iran. The statement reads: “As the DG’s report makes clear, while negotiations continue toward a mutual return to full implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran also continues to expand its nuclear activities, including by installing additional enrichment capacity, deploying advanced centrifuges, and accumulating enriched uranium far beyond JCPOA limits. Mr. Chair, as our colleagues have just stressed, these ongoing activities, like the production of highly enriched uranium up to 60%, have no credible peaceful purpose.”

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IWD 2022 – International Solidarity With the Women of Iran, Ukraine

The second part of the report on the International Women’s Day event in Berlin, sponsored by the NCRI Women’s Committee, features remarks by some more of the prominent women who addressed the gathering. More than 170 political figures from 37 countries attended the conference in person or addressed it online. They expressed support for the struggle of Iranian women for freedom and equality, and solidarity with the women of Ukraine. Dozens of Iranian women, members of the Resistance Units inside Iran, also sent video messages to the International Women’s Day gathering in Berlin.

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Continuous Protests in Iran, Discontented Voices Louder Than Ever

It did not take too long after the anti-monarchy revolution of February 1979 and the establishment of another dictatorship decorated by religious and fake promises that the Iranian society witnessed the birth of yet another set of protests in Iran and demonstrations. One could recall the March 8, 1979 protest by women against the compulsory hijab and the restriction of women’s rights, mere weeks after Khomeini took power. “We didn’t have a revolution to go backward.” That was the rallying cry which brought tens of thousands of Iranian women together onto the streets of Tehran on March 8, 1979.

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Gender Discrimination by Iran Regime’s Wage Laws

Gender discrimination is rife across Iran in everyday life, and it is also evident in the Iranian regime’s wage laws. Women working in unofficial workshops, without access to any government support, are forced to accept extremely low wages or risk losing their jobs. They are forced to accept much lower wages than the men in similar conditions, and this discrimination violates the world-accepted general law of ‘equal work – equal pay’.

This situation becomes even worse for women who are from the deprived parts of society. They must tolerate double exploitation, by not having the opportunity to fight for their rights in any of the regime’s courts as the regime’s laws do not protect the women and implement their rights.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – March 8, 2022

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