Iran News in Brief – March 5, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 171

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Sunday, March 5, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 171st day on Sunday, as poisonous gas attacks on girls’ schools continued in several cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Urmia, Ilam, and Shiraz.

In Eslamshahr, Tehran Province, defiant youth hurled Molotov cocktails at an IRGC base in response to the regime using chemical gas to poison schoolgirls across the country. In Ahvaz, southwest Iran, defiant youth targeted a regime-affiliated site in response to the vicious beating of mothers and fathers of poisoned schoolkids by the regime’s security forces.


Iran’s Uprising Has Terrified Khamenei’s Mouthpieces

At their Friday prayer sermons this week, Khamenei’s representatives in several cities across Iran became extremely alarmist about the dangers luring for their illegitimate reign.

During his sermon on March 3, Mohammad Saeedi, the Friday prayer leader of Qom warned: “The Hypocrites (regime’s pejorative term for slandering the MEK in Iran’s society) cannot be eradicated. In this world, there is always the danger of hypocrisy and deviation. The danger of ‘the Hypocrisy’ in the Islamic system is greater than the danger of infidels and polytheists. A hypocrite is a Muslim on the outside and an infidel on the inside. His appearance is soft and his inside is poisonous and dangerous. That is why God Almighty has repeatedly exposed them to the pious in the verses of the Qur’an and reveals their attributes and secrets.”

Former Intelligence Minister and Firday prayer leader of Arak Ghorbanali Dorri-Najafabadi said on March 3: “We appreciate the intelligence agencies. Please advance your attentiveness to 100%. Increase your IQ to 100%. Be vigilant of terrorist networks, sedition networks, infiltration networks, and networks to obtain intelligence from inside the country, whether non-explosive or explosive, assassination, whatever… Increase your IQ to 100%, this is mandatory.”

Attempting to link the actions of the rebellious youth to foreign powers, Nasir Hosseini, the Friday leader of Yasuj said in his sermon on March 3: “Every day, several terrorist and conspiratorial teams are dispatched from foreign countries. They cross our borders. They come to the country. They want to carry out terrorist attacks, to target our military centers and our security centers.”

“Dear people, if you see particular movements that hint at security problems, it is possible that some enemies, seditionists, mercenaries, or hypocrites, are planning a conspiracy. You should definitely report to the information and security centers and say that we have seen suspicious movements and report the location,” Hosseini begged.


Poisoning of Female Students in Tehran and Other Cities Continue Spreading

On Saturday, March 4, angry families of poisoned students protested in various areas of Tehran, including in front of the Ministry of Education and education departments in districts 1, 2, 5, and 8, as well as outside some schools, including Bahar-e Azadi school. Suppressive forces prevented the gathering of families in front of the Ministry of Education, but mothers gathered at a nearby intersection. The families chanted in front of the Department of Education in regions 5 and 8 slogans such as: “Death to the child-killer State”, ” We don’t want the child-killer State”, “Basiji, IRGC, are the same as ISIS”, “Our enemy is right here, they’re lying, it’s America”, “Hey, the sitters, the next one to be poisoned will be you”, “They killed our children, replaced them with mullahs”. The suppressive State Security Force in Tehran attacked the gathering of families and assaulted and arrested dozens of them.

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Maryam Rajavi: Women’s Leadership Guarantees Democracy and Equality

On the eve of International Women’s Day (IWD2023), the NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi addressed a women’s conference in Brussels, Belgium, titled “Women’s Leadership Guarantees Democracy and Equality,” on March 4, 2023.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we send our warmest greetings to the pioneering women commanding the uprising in Iran and to the brave women of the Resistance Units. We pay tribute to the 83 women who became martyrs during the uprising, from Mahsa Amini to Zarbibi Ismail Zehi in Zahedan.

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Poisoning Innocent Iranian Schoolgirls, an Appalling Act of Barbarism

Three months into the serial and pre-planned poisoning of female school students in Iran, not only the perpetrators of the poisonous attacks have not been identified and charged, but the attacks have spread to more cities.

The heinous and systematic crime of poisoning female students reached a new peak on Saturday, March 13. In addition to schools in several districts of Tehran, this new wave of poisonous attacks also covered schools in the cities of Isfahan, Rasht, Kermanshah, Tabriz, Zanjan, Hamedan, Urmia, Lahijan, Ardabil, Qom, Karaj, Shahryar, Islamshahr, Parand, Kovar and Pakdasht, and has sent hundreds of students to the hospital.

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Zurich, Switzerland—March 2, 2023: MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Support of the Iran Revolution

Zurich, Switzerland—March 2, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held an exhibition of the martyrs of the nationwide protests killed by the mullahs’ regime in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 4, 2023

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