Iran News in Brief – March 4, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 170

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, March 4, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 170th day on Saturday as parents and locals gathered outside the regime’s Education Department in various districts of Tehran and other cities, protesting poisonous gas attacks targeting their children and warning regime officials that their children are their red lines.

There are numerous reports of the latest string of gas attacks targeting schoolgirls in different cities across Iran:


Security Forces in Iran Killed Two Years Old Boy

The brutal security forces in Iran and members of the special unit killed a two-year-young child named Amir-Ali Musa Kazemi in Varzaneh, Isfahan province, on March 2.

According to local reports, on Thursday evening, a family who was traveling from Naeen city to Varzaneh city with their twin boys for holidays was confronted by special units who suddenly jumped in front of the car. As the driver instinctively and shocked stepped on the gas pedal, security forces fired without warning, striking the head of one of the twin boys and killing him right away.

A report by the head of the judicial organization of the regime’s armed forces in Isfahan province stated: “Regarding the reason for stopping the car by the law enforcement agents of Varzane city, the police were informed that the car was suspicious and the police took action accordingly.”

Upon investigation, no prohibited items were found in the vehicle.

Lithuanian FM: “Growing Consensus” for EU To Designate IRGC as Terrorist Group

There is a “growing consensus” among European Union member states to designate the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization over its military support for Russia in the war in Ukraine, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis told Axios.

Why it matters: Until recently, most of the EU focus was on Iran’s nuclear program and not on the IRGC military activity abroad. But the bloc has been seriously alarmed by Iran’s move to supply Russia with drones for its war in Ukraine, as Axios previously reported.

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An Italian Parliamentary Delegation Visits Ashraf-3

A delegation of members of the Italian Parliament headed by Senator Giulio Terzi, the head of the Senate European Union Affairs Committee and the country’s former foreign minister, met and held talks with the NCRI President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, on Thursday, March 2, 2023. Other members of the delegation were Ms. Stefania Ascari from the Judicial Committee and Mr. Emanuele Pozzolo from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed her appreciation for the efforts of Senator Terzi and members of both houses of the Parliament of Italy in supporting the Iranian people’s uprising and democratic revolution, as well as their efforts to protect the PMOI/MEK against ground and missile attacks in Ashraf and Liberty over the past years.

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Iran’s Baloch Launch New Protests, More School Poisonings Reported

Protests by Iran’s Balochis are continuing on Friday as new rallies are reported in Zahedan. The brave locals in the capital of Sistan & Baluchestan Province are taking to the streets despite the regime’s oppressive crackdown measures and arrests. Many are seen carrying placards reading “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader!” referring to the former and current dictator ruling Iran. Other slogans include “Death to Khamenei!” and “Death to the IRGC!”

Authorities have dispatched many of their security units to the streets of Zahedan and were severely disrupting internet connections throughout the city in attempts aimed at preventing anti-regime rallies.

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The 2022 Uprising in Iran for an Alternative to the Mullahs Regime

Protecting the demands and achievements of the 2022 uprising is a national call for vigilance against thieves. The current situation demonstrates that the uprising’s path, focusing on the rejection of any kind of dictatorship, is a correct and purposeful path, and the efforts by the reactionary-colonial front to divert the uprising from its path are indicative of their collective fear of sharpening and clarifying the two fronts of the people and the anti-people witnessed by Iranian and consequently world’s awakened consciences.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 3, 2023

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