Iran News in Brief – March 22, 2022




Lifting Sanctions on Terrorists Will Not Prevent Iran ‘From Going Nuclear’: Sen Ron Johnson

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson joined ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ Sunday to voice his concerns over a possible Iranian nuclear deal, warning that President Biden’s perceived ‘weakness’ could have implications.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: You know, we talked about…weakness earlier. I don’t think very many Americans realize this because the news media, of course, won’t report it, but as the Biden administration went crawling back to Iran to reengage in this horrible nuclear deal, the Iranians refused to meet with Americans; and so, guess who is negotiating the new Iran agreement on behalf of the United States with Iran? Russia and China. Do you think Russia and China view that as a weakness? I certainly do.

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Former Official Admits to High Cost of Evading Sanctions

Admitting how the Iranian regime has tried to sell cheap to circumvent sanctions, a former member of the parliament Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh said in an interview: “During this period, Iran has exported its oil with a ‘sanctioned discount’. Considering the last days of March, when the average price has been above $110 a barrel, the Iranians have lost almost one thousand billion tomans (equivalent to ca. $38M) a day just by selling oil to China.”


Khamenei Admits Economic Problems Will Not Go Away Soon

In his Nowruz address, Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei acknowledged that the Iranian people are facing extreme livelihood difficulties, soaring prices, and inflation and that these problems won’t go away anytime soon.

“It must be relieved. We hope that this year some of these problems will be solved because they won’t be solved all at once. They will have to be solved gradually,” Khamenei said, referring to the multitude of economic problems that have driven the lives of Iranians into poverty. “Rushing and saying that it will all be solved soon is not realistic.”

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A Woman Was Hanged Among 19 Executed in Shiraz Prison

A woman was hanged among 19 people executed between March 9 and 17, 2022, in the Central Prison of Shiraz, also known as Adelabad Prison.

An unidentified woman was hanged along with her husband on the morning of Monday, March 14, 2022, in Adelabad Prison on charges of deliberate murder. They had just got married at the time of the arrest. At least 19 prisoners were executed in the Central prison of Shiraz between March 9 and 17.

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Activities of the MEK Resistance Units on the Eve of Iranian New Year Across Iran

In continuing their activities to break the wall of repression, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK/PMOI) and the Resistance Units posted banners, placards, and wrote graffiti, calling for the overthrow of the mullahs’ dictatorship and the liberation of Iran from the clutches of the mullahs. These activities were carried out in Tehran and various cities including Rasht, Khomam (Gilan), Isfahan, Shiraz, Urmia, Qom, Ahvaz, Sabzevar, and Sarpol Zahab.

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Leading Dems Concerned About Biden’s Efforts to Revive Iran Deal

Leading Democratic senators are among those who are wary that the Biden administration’s attempts to revive the Iran nuclear deal will result in a weaker agreement, The Hill reported on Monday.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said that if Tehran is merely asked to delay the development of its nuclear weapons program, it likely won’t be good enough for him to support the deal.

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Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 524,900

The People’s Mojahedin Organization announced on Sunday, March 20, 2022, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities has exceeded 524,900. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 123,575, Khorasan Razavi 41,865, Isfahan 36,580, Khuzestan 31,560, Fars 20,225, West Azerbaijan 19,828, Mazandaran 18,680, East Azerbaijan 18,228, Gilan 17,955, Lorestan 17,040, Alborz 15,363, Kerman 14,392, Sistan and Baluchestan 14,350, Qom 13,935, Golestan 11,225, Hamedan 9,783, Central Province 9,493, Hormozgan 8,665, Yazd 8,623, Kurdistan 8,547, Ardabil 6,761, North Khorasan 6,753, Qazvin 6,298, Bushehr 5,854, Zanjan 5,030, Ilam 4,993, and South Khorasan 4,736.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – March 21, 2022

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