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Iran News in Brief – March 21, 2024



Iranian Threats to US Have ‘Metastasized’ as Proxies Employ Tactics Targeting Homeland: House Hearing


Iran and its terror proxies continue to threaten the U.S., including assassination attempts on U.S. leaders and residents, according to a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing Wednesday.

“The security threats from Iran and their proxies have metastasized even more. These threats include assassination plots on former Trump administration officials, targeting and attacking U.S. service members abroad, disrupting trade and commerce and endangering maritime security in the Red Sea, and attempting to coordinate external terror operations in Europe and South America,” Chairman Mark Green, a Republican from Tennessee, said during the hearing.

The committee held a hearing titled “Examining the Current Status of Iran’s Axis of Resistance and the Implications for Homeland Security and U.S. Interests,” Wednesday morning, where lawmakers spoke with four intelligence leaders to assess the “scope and pace of threats posed to the homeland by Iran’s proxy forces.”

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International Concerns Mount Over Human Rights Violations in Iran


Representatives from various countries at the United Nations Human Rights Council have expressed concerns over human rights violations in Iran, particularly regarding the treatment of women, girls, and men in detention.

The Maltese representative highlighted findings from the UN fact-finding mission that identified several instances of human rights abuses, focusing on the treatment of women, girls, and men in detention.

Additionally, the Lithuanian representative voiced concerns over reports of sexual and gender-based violence, torture of prisoners, harassment of families of victims, and the execution of protestors in Iran.

The US permanent representative to the Human Rights Council urged the Iranian regime to halt its suppression of women and girls, its use of extrajudicial repression against dissidents abroad, and its imprisonment, torture, and execution of political opponents, human rights defenders, journalists, and minorities, often following sham trials.

Similarly, the Dutch representative expressed deep concern over the grave human rights situation in Iran, especially regarding women and girls, as well as the increasing number of executions.

Denmark’s representative echoed these sentiments, stating, “We are deeply concerned about the dire human rights situation in Iran.”

UPDATE: 10:00 AM

“State Agencies” Planned Attack On Bochum Synagogue: Federal Foreign Office Summons Iran’s Ambassador

The Federal Foreign Office summoned the Iranian ambassador on Wednesday over a planned arson attack on a synagogue in Bochum in 2022. As the Foreign Office announced in the online network X, the reason is the now available justification of a judgment of the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf on the case.

It had stated in December that the planning of the attack could be traced back to “Iranian state agencies”. The Federal Foreign Office now wants to examine “further steps”.

In December, the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf sentenced a 36-year-old German-Iranian in the case to two years and nine months in prison. The court saw it as proof that the accused had arranged the attack on a synagogue in November 2022 with a “backer” in Iran.

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Canada Expels Iran’s Former Deputy Interior Minister


Canada’s immigration tribunal ordered the deportation Wednesday of Iran’s former deputy interior minister. Seyed Salman Samani is the second senior member of the Iranian regime to face removal from Canada under sanctions adopted in 2022.

The Immigration and Refugee Board decision followed a deportation order issued Feb. 2 against Majid Iranmanesh, a technology advisor to Iran’s vice president. A third alleged top Iranian official caught in Canada has also been sent for removal proceedings. In that case, however, the IRB has refused to identify him and has opted to hold his hearings behind closed doors, apparently because he is claiming to be a refugee.

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US State Secretary Condemns Tehran’s Support of Houthis


During an interview with Al Hadath, the United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken identified the Iranian regime as the primary supplier of arms, intelligence, and technology to Houthi militants.

During his Middle East tour focused on negotiating an end to the Gaza conflict in Saudi Arabia, Blinken highlighted the destructive impact of missile attacks carried out by Houthi militants, backed by the Iranian regime, on ships. He stated, ” I don’t think it’s in Iran’s interest to continue to support these Houthi attacks, attacks that are being condemned by countries around the world.  The extent to which Iran is seen as being responsible for that.”


Iran Begins New Persian Calendar Year With Alarming Human Rights Conditions

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As Iran marks the beginning of the Persian year 1403 (March 20, 2024 – March 20, 2025), it remains evident that human rights issues have been one the most serious challenges facing the mullahs’ regime. Looking back to the spring of 1402, regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards appeared to have temporarily quelled the nationwide uprising through bloody suppression. Prisons were overflowing with detainees, and the courts were overwhelmed with a plethora of cases. The ranks of the Revolutionary Guards and Basij forces were thinning, either deserting or on the verge of doing so. This period significantly damaged the reputation of the Supreme Leader, even among his own supporters.

In response to this crisis, the regime’s think tanks and security apparatus designed a comprehensive suppression strategy for the year 1402. The main pillars of this strategy included a sharp increase in executions, extensive detentions and re-prosecution of former political prisoners or activists, widespread suppression targeting students and universities, initiatives aimed at oppressing women, impoverishment of various social classes as a means of suppression, and the instigation of regional conflicts as an escape from domestic crises.

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A ‘New Day’ for Iran Will Realize the Promises of the 2022 Uprising


This week, the people of Iran and expatriates throughout the world will recognize the Persian New Year celebration of Nowruz (“New Day”). Nowruz conveys a promise of growth and transformation, which has become increasingly poignant in recent years for Iranian activists who champion democracy, women’s rights, and humanitarian values.

This Nowruz comes only three weeks after the regime’s sham parliamentary elections. The process resulted in the further consolidation of power and closing in ranks by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. But this outcome was never in doubt, particularly because Khamenei and his regime have been encircled by nationwide protests that have become increasingly threatening to the mullahs’ rule. Now even so-called “moderates” from within the establishment have been systematically marginalized, unable to offer any conceivable solutions, and disgruntled.

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Iran regime’s Supreme Leader Names Year for “Production Leap,” But Experts Remain Skeptical

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Iran regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, has named the new Persian year with an economic focus: “Production Leap with the Presence of the People.” However, this declaration is met with skepticism from experts due to the country’s struggling economy.

Critics accuse the Iranian regime of widespread corruption and resource mismanagement. They point to the regime’s involvement in regional conflicts and support for terrorism as factors draining the national coffers. This, coupled with Khamenei’s past policies of privatization that primarily benefited regime insiders and the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has led to a dire economic situation. According to the regime’s own figures, over 60% of the population lives below the poverty line.

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Paris, France—March 19, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—March 19, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—March 19, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition in front of the French National Assembly in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 20, 2024