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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – March 19, 2022

Iran News in Brief – March 19, 2022




Iraqi Kurdish Oil Tycoon’s Home in Ruins After Iran Strike


IRBIL, Iraq — Once a lavish mansion, the sprawling home of an Iraqi Kurdish oil tycoon was laid to waste in a barrage of missiles that struck near a U.S. consulate complex in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil earlier this week.

Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said it launched the attack last Sunday, firing off 12 cruise missiles at what it described as a “strategic center” of the Israeli spy agency Mossad — in retaliation for an Israeli strike in Syria that killed two of the Iranian paramilitary force’s members the previous week.

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On Persian New Year’s Eve, Slogans of Regime Change in Mashhad

مشهد - خیابان دانشگاه مقابل برج آلتون با شعارهای مرگ بر خامنه‌ای درود بر رجوی-۲۷اسفند۱۴۰۰

On Friday, March 18, at 7:30 PM local time, loudspeakers on Daneshgah Street, in front of Alton Tower in Mashhad started to play excerpts from the speeches of the NCRI Chair Massoud Rajavi as well as NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi that called for regime change, followed by slogans of “Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi” and “We do not want a king, nor a mullah, damn with them both”.

US Congressman Peter Meijer Criticizes Delisting IRGC on FoxNews


“The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are responsible for killing hundreds of Americans and it has brought chaos and violence across the region,” US Congressman Peter Meijer told Fox News on March 18. “If you remember, the leader of this group was Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike in January of 2022. These are very bad people. The Iranian regime will sprint toward a nuclear bomb no matter what. This last-ditch effort is only going to serve to enable those who seek to bring violence against the US and against our allies in the Middle East.”

“Remember, there are no snap inspections and we’re not allowed on military bases. Most of their work is done on military bases. We would not have even known about the Iranian (nuclear) program if it wasn’t for another group, the MEK who told us about it,” Fox News anchor said.


General McKenzie Says He’ll Regret the Deaths of 13 Americans in Afghanistan ‘For the Rest of My Life’ and Warns of Iran’s Huge Investment in Accurate Ballistic Missiles, Cruise Missiles and Drones in Retirement Briefing


One of the nation’s top generals said goodbye on Friday as he retires from military life, following a turbulent final year as head of Central Command overseeing the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Gen. Frank McKenzie said he was proud of the way that American troops evacuated 124,000 people from Kabul but will be forever haunted by the suicide attack that killed 13 U.S. service personnel and more than 100 Afghans.

He used the occasion to deliver an assessment of the region under his command, and describe the threats to the U.S. ‘Continue to see Iran as the greatest threat to regional security and stability,’ he said.

‘They furnish weapons, support and direction to proxies across the region who engage in acts of terror and undermine local governments, all advancing Iranian interests.

‘Iran’s ballistic missile threat has continued to advance and expand with greater ranges and accuracy. CENTCOM has continued to watch Iran and its proxies as we act as a deterrent to Iranian attacks on US interests.

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UN Special Rapporteur Calls for Accountability on Human Rights Abuses in Iran


On March 17, the United Nations Human Rights Council held its annual review of the human rights situation in Iran as part of its 49th session. In the session, Javaid Rehman, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran, expressed grave concern over continued human rights abuses in Iran and stressed the need for accountability for crimes committed by regime authorities. Rehman warned that in 2021, the use of the death penalty has increased in Iran, with at least 280 executions, including 10 women and two minors. Many of the executed people belonged to the Baluch and Kurdish minorities, Rehman said.

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Iran: State-Backed Mafia Uses Non-Profit Schools for Plundering


For 43 years, a state-backed mafia has dominated Iran and the entire ministries, offices, institutions, and even private and non-profit sectors. In this context, officials do not see schools, particularly non-profit ones, as a means for improving public knowledge and training students.

Instead, they look at these institutions as an instrument to line their pockets with people’s money. Therefore, such schools are considered markets and trade zones rather than a place for ‘excellent education.’ These ‘non-profit’ centers with heavy tuitions have brought numerous dilemmas to the country’s education system.

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‌Two Political Prisoners Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison and Exile


The court of appeals upheld sentences of 10 years in prison and exile for political prisoners Pouya Ghobadi and Vahid Bani Amerian, previously issued by Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

The sentence was upheld while the prisoners’ lawyer, Babak Paknia, stated that the sentence did not match the documents in the case and vowed to protest.

The trial of these prisoners was held on December 14, 2021, in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran. The court acquitted the prisoners of moharebeh (waging war on God) and sentenced them to 10 years in prison and exile.

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Geneva, March 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Memory of the 1988 Massacre Martyrs

March 17—Geneva: Iranians, MEK Supporters Held an Exhibition in Memory of the 1988 Massacre Martyrs.

Geneva, Switzerland, March 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held an exhibition in memory of 30,000 political prisoners executed by the mullahs’ regime during the summer of 1988, in the Square of Nations.

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Stockholm, March 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, Mek Supporters Rally in Front of Sweden Parliament, Seeking Justice for the 1988 Massacre Martyrs

Stockholm, March 17, 2022: Iranians, MEK Supporters Rally in Front of Sweden Parliament.

At the same time as the rally, the 74th session of the trial of the executioner Hamid Noury, one of the executioners of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Gohardasht prison, was held in the Stockholm District Court.

Iranian resistance supporters and victims’ families, called for the trial of the leaders of the mullahs’ regime, especially Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi and the regimes’ Judiciary Chief Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei, for four decades of crimes against humanity and genocide.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – March 18, 2022